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#1 02-25-2007 15:28:50

Registered: 02-12-2005
Posts: 264

wish list on detail display

1) what include do i edit to remove wish list references on the product detail display??

at the moment it looks like this:

2) im also trying to change the heading of the actual shopping cart page, and remove the "move to wishlist button" shown on this screenshot:

i've tried renaming the namespace to change the page header but that didnt work

can't find where to comment out the code for the "move to wishlist" button

Last edited by kidsandco (02-25-2007 15:52:08)

Kids & Co. Wholesale



#2 02-25-2007 16:04:53

Registered: 07-05-2003
Posts: 11233

Re: wish list on detail display

In admin go to Home > Kryptronic Hybrid X Core > Database: Connections, Backups and Raw Admin > Raw Database Admin and click on Guided Select next to khxc_formfields.  In the Select clause section check ID, name, description and defaultvalue.  In the WHERE clause box put


id like '%ccp0.prodaddtocart.quantity%'

then click on Submit.

You should get 1 item returned.  Click on Update.  In the Section field you'll see the reference to the Wish List that's in the header and in the Description field you'll see the other references to the Wish List.  Edit those 2 fields to your liking then click on Submit.

Note that this change is likely subject to change when an update is done so keep track of what you've changed and where.



#3 02-26-2007 11:25:49

Registered: 02-12-2005
Posts: 264

Re: wish list on detail display

yes this worked......

1) however theres still one small part which is the "required fields" description above the cart section (product detail display):

and on the heading of the shopping cart page:

2) also i just noticed the "move to wishlist button" on the shopping cart page, isit possible to remove that aswell
i tried looking for this in the "Shopping Cart/Wish List Display" include

i found the variable, but couldnt find where the button is actually printed

Last edited by kidsandco (02-26-2007 11:42:00)

Kids & Co. Wholesale



#4 02-26-2007 11:39:45

Registered: 02-12-2005
Posts: 264

Re: wish list on detail display

aah ok i found how to remove the "move to wishlist button", i edited the "Shopping Cart/Wishlist Display" include:



$app      = $this->globals('');
$eol      = $this->globals('khxc.eol');
$type     = $this->globals('ecom.cart_display');
$cart     = $this->globals('ecom.cart_contents');
$imgwidth = $this->globals('khxc_settings.' . $app . '.imgsizeprodcart');
$imgpath  = $this->globals('khxc.path_public') . '/media/' . $app . '/prodsm/';

$eutax_text = $this->globals('eutax_text');
$showprodnums = 0;
$total_amount_eutax = 0;
$total_amountrec_eutax  = 0;
if ($this->globals('khxc_settings.' . $app . '.dispprodnums')) {
     $showprodnums = 1;

if ($type != 'WISHLIST') {$type = 'CART';}
if ($type == 'WISHLIST') {return;}

// +--
// | Print the appropriate header.
// +--

if ($type == 'WISHLIST') {

     print '<div class="khxc_storehead">Wish List</div>' . $eol . $eol;

} else {

     print '<div class="khxc_storehead">Shopping Cart</div>' . $eol . $eol;

} // End of if statement.

// +--
// | Figure out if we have any items to display.
// +--

$found = 0;

if (!(empty($cart))) {

     foreach ($cart as $num => $cartdata) {

          if ($cartdata['savetype'] == $type) {$found++;}

     } // End of foreach statement.

} // End of if statement.

// +--
// | Handle where we have no items to display.
// +--

if ((empty($found)) && ($type == 'WISHLIST')) {

     print '<p class="khxc_ultablei">Your wish list is currently empty.  
            A wish list is used to store items that you are interested in, but 
            may not be quite ready to purchase.  You can add items to your wish 
            list anywhere you see an \'Add to Wish List\' button in our online 
            store.</p>' . $eol . $eol;

     print '<p class="khxc_ultablesp">&nbsp;</p>' . $eol . $eol;

} elseif (empty($found)) {

     print '<p class="khxc_ultablei">Your shopping cart is currently empty.  
            If you would like to make a purchase today, add items to your shopping 
            cart.</p>' . $eol . $eol;

     print '<p class="khxc_ultablesp">&nbsp;</p>' . $eol . $eol;

} // End of if statement.

// +--
// | Now handle the real display.
// +--

if (!(empty($found))) {

     // +--
     // | Print the form header.
     // +--

     $formid   = $app . '--' . $type . '--updatecart';
     $typeid   = $app . '--updatecart--type';

     $this->xhtml_quickform_header($formid,$app,'updatecart',array($typeid => $type));

     // +--
     // | Define our names and links.
     // +--

     $delete_name = 'Delete Item';

     if ($type == 'WISHLIST') {

          $update_name = 'Update Wish List';
          $move_name   = 'Move to Cart';
          $move_ns     = 'carttowl';

     } else {

          $update_name = 'Update Shopping Cart';
          $move_name   = 'Move to Wish List';
          $move_ns     = 'wltocart';

     } // End of if statement.

     // +--
     // | Figure out whether we need to display images or recurring  
     // | charges.
     // +--

     $show_recur = 0;
     $show_imgs  = 0;

     foreach ($cart as $num => $cartdata) {

          if ($cartdata['savetype'] == $type) {

               if ((!(empty($cartdata['imgsm']))) && ($cartdata['imgsm'] != 'none.png')) {

                    if (!(file_exists($imgpath . $cartdata['imgsm']))) {

                         $cart[$num]['imgsm'] = 'none.png';

                    } // End of if statement.

               } // End of if statement.

          } // End of if statement.

     } // End of foreach statement.

     foreach ($cart as $num => $cartdata) {

          if ($cartdata['savetype'] == $type) {

               if ($cartdata['subtotalrec'] > 0) {$show_recur = 1;}
               if ((!(empty($cartdata['imgsm']))) && ($cartdata['imgsm'] != 'none.png')) {$show_imgs = 1;}

          } // End of if statement.

     } // End of foreach statement.

     if (!($this->globals('khxc_settings.' . $app . '.cartdispimg'))) {$show_imgs = 0;}

     // +--
     // | Print the table opener and the th tags.
     // +--

     print '<table id="' . $type . '" class="khxc_sorttable">' . $eol;

     print '<tr class="khxc_sorttable">' . $eol;

     if ($show_imgs) {

          print '<th class="khxc_sorttable" style="width: 10%">Image</th>' . $eol;

     } // End of if statement.

     print '<th class="khxc_sorttable">Item</th>' . $eol;

     if ($show_recur) {

          print '<th class="khxc_sorttable" style="width: 10%">Price</th>' . $eol;
          print '<th class="khxc_sorttable" style="width: 10%">Recurring Charge</th>' . $eol;

     } else {

          print '<th class="khxc_sorttable" style="width: 10%">Price</th>' . $eol;

     } // End of if statement.

     print '<th class="khxc_sorttable" style="width: 10%">Quantity</th>' . $eol;
     print '<th class="khxc_sorttable" style="width: 10%">Actions</th>' . $eol;

     print '</tr>' . $eol;

     // +--
     // | Create total vars.
     // +--

     $total_amount    = 0;
     $total_amountrec = 0;

     // +--
     // | Loop through the cart contents and print items.
     // +--

     foreach ($cart as $num => $cartdata) {

          if ($cartdata['savetype'] == $type) {

               // +--
               // | Add the product number to the name if we're supposed to
               // | display it.
               // +--

               if ($showprodnums) {$cartdata['name'] = $cartdata['number'] . ' - ' . $cartdata['name'];}

               // +--
               // | Define prices.
               // +--

               $price = $this->include_namespace($app,'getprice',$cartdata['subtotal']) . $eutax_text['first'];
               $price = $this->xhtml_encode($price);
                  if ($eutax_text['displayboth']) {
                   $priceeutax = $this->include_namespace($app,'getprice',$cartdata['subtotaleutax']) . $eutax_text['second'];
                   $price .= '<br/> ' . $this->xhtml_encode($priceeutax);

               $total_amount = $total_amount + $cartdata['subtotal'];
               $total_amount_eutax = $total_amount_eutax + $cartdata['subtotaleutax'];

               if ($show_recur) {

                    $pricerec = $this->include_namespace($app,'getprice',$cartdata['subtotalrec']) . $eutax_text['first'];
                    $pricerec = $this->xhtml_encode($pricerec);
                        if ($eutax_text['displayboth']) {
                        $pricereceutax = $this->include_namespace($app,'getprice',$cartdata['subtotalreceutax']) . $eutax_text['second'];
                        $pricerec .= '<br/> ' . $this->xhtml_encode($pricereceutax);

                    $total_amountrec = $total_amountrec + $cartdata['subtotalrec'];
                    $total_amountrec_eutax = $total_amountrec_eutax + $cartdata['subtotalreceutax'];

               } // End of if statement.

               // +--
               // | Define the link URL.
               // +--

               $link = $cartdata['url'];

               if ($link == 'INTERNAL') {

                    $link = $this->link_namespace($app,'prodshow',array('ref' => $cartdata['id']));

               } elseif ($link == 'REMOTE') {

                    $link = '';

               } // End of if statement.

               // +--
               // | Define the images tag.
               // +--

               if ($show_imgs) {

                    $imgname  = $cartdata['imgsm'];
                    if (empty($imgname)) {$imgname = 'none.png';}

                    if ($imgname == 'none.png') {

                          $imgtag = '&nbsp;';

                    } else {

                          $imgurl   = 'media/' . $app . '/prodsm/' . $imgname;

                          $imgtag   = '<img src="' . $imgurl . '" ';
                          if ($imgwidth) {$imgtag .= 'width="' . $imgwidth . '" ';}
                          $imgtag  .= 'alt="' . $this->xhtml_encode($cartdata['name']) . '" />';

                    } // End of if statement.

               } // End of if statement.

               // +--
               // | Define the product display variable.
               // +--

               $proddisp = $this->xhtml_encode($cartdata['name']);

               if (!(empty($link))) {

                    $proddisp = '<a href="' . $link . '" title="' . $proddisp . '">' . $proddisp . '</a>';

                    if (!(empty($cartdata['optdisp']))) {

                         $xodisp = '';

                         foreach ($cartdata['optdisp'] as $oname => $ovalue) {

                              if (!(empty($ovalue))) {

                                    $xodisp .= $oname . ': ' . $ovalue . '; ';

                              } // End of if statement.

                         } // End of foreach statement.

                         if (preg_match('/\; $/',$xodisp)) {$xodisp = rtrim($xodisp,'; ');}

                         if (!(empty($xodisp))) {

                              $proddisp .= '<p>';
                              $proddisp .= $this->xhtml_encode($xodisp);
                              $proddisp .= '</p>';

                         } // End of if statement.

                    } // End of if statement.

               } // End of if statement.

               // +--
               // | Print the table cell.
               // +--

               print '<tr class="khxc_sorttable">' . $eol;

               if ($show_imgs) {

                    print '<td class="khxc_sorttable">' . $imgtag . '</td>' . $eol;

               } // End of if statement.

               print '<td class="khxc_sorttable">' . $proddisp . '</td>' . $eol;

               if ($show_recur) {

                    print '<td class="khxc_sorttable">' . $price . '</td>' . $eol;
                    print '<td class="khxc_sorttable">' . $pricerec . '</td>' . $eol;

               } else {

                    print '<td class="khxc_sorttable">' . $price . '</td>' . $eol;

               } // End of if statement.

               print '<td class="khxc_sorttable">';
               print '<p class="hidden"><label for="' . $app . '--updatecart--quantity--';
               print $cartdata['randid'] . '">Quantity</label></p>' . $eol;
               print '<input class="khxc_quickfield" type="text" name="';
               print $app . '--updatecart--quantity--' . $cartdata['randid'];
               print '" id="' . $app . '--updatecart--quantity--' . $cartdata['randid'];
               print '" value="' . $cartdata['quantity'] . '" size="5" maxlength="5" />' . $eol;
               print '</td>' . $eol;

               $delete_link = $this->link_namespace($app,'deletecart',array('ref' => $cartdata['randid']));
               $move_link   = $this->link_namespace($app,'movecart',array('ref' => $cartdata['randid']));

               print '<td class="khxc_sorttable">';

               print '<a class="khxc_cartbutton" href="' . $delete_link . '" title="';
               print 'Delete Item">' . $delete_name . '</a>' . $eol;

               print '<a class="khxc_cartbutton" href="' . $move_link . '" title="';
                  print 'Delete Item">' . $move_name . '</a>' . $eol;
               print '</td>' . $eol;

               print '</tr>' . $eol;

          } // End of if statement.

     } // End of foreach statement.

     // +--
     // | Print totals.
     // +--

     print '<tr class="khxc_sorttable">' . $eol;

     if ($show_imgs) {

          print '<td class="khxc_sorttable" colspan="2"><strong>Total' . ' ' . $eutax_text['first'] . '</strong></td>' . $eol;

     } else {

          print '<td class="khxc_sorttable"><strong>Total' . ' ' . $eutax_text['first'] . '</strong></td>' . $eol;

     } // End of if statement.

     if ($show_recur) {

          $total_amount    = $this->include_namespace($app,'getprice',$total_amount);
          $total_amountrec = $this->include_namespace($app,'getprice',$total_amountrec);

          print '<td class="khxc_sorttable"><strong>' . $this->xhtml_encode($total_amount) . '</strong></td>' . $eol;
          print '<td class="khxc_sorttable"><strong>' . $this->xhtml_encode($total_amountrec) . '</strong></td>' . $eol;

     } else {

          $total_amount    = $this->include_namespace($app,'getprice',$total_amount);

          print '<td class="khxc_sorttable"><strong>' . $this->xhtml_encode($total_amount) . '</strong></td>' . $eol;

     } // End of if statement.

     print '<td class="khxc_sorttable" colspan="2">&nbsp;</td>' . $eol;

     print '</tr>' . $eol;

     // +--
     // | Print total for second vat display.
     // +--

     if ($eutax_text['displayboth']) {
     print '<tr class="khxc_sorttable">' . $eol;

     if ($show_imgs) {

          print '<td class="khxc_sorttable" colspan="2"><strong>Total' . ' ' . $eutax_text['second'] . '</strong></td>' . $eol;

     } else {

          print '<td class="khxc_sorttable"><strong>Total' . ' ' . $eutax_text['second'] . '</strong></td>' . $eol;

     } // End of if statement.

     if ($show_recur) {

          $total_amount_eutax    = $this->include_namespace($app,'getprice',$total_amount_eutax);
          $total_amountrec_eutax = $this->include_namespace($app,'getprice',$total_amountrec_eutax);

          print '<td class="khxc_sorttable"><strong>' . $this->xhtml_encode($total_amount_eutax) . '</strong></td>' . $eol;
          print '<td class="khxc_sorttable"><strong>' . $this->xhtml_encode($total_amountrec_eutax) . '</strong></td>' . $eol;

     } else {

          $total_amount_eutax    = $this->include_namespace($app,'getprice',$total_amount_eutax);

          print '<td class="khxc_sorttable"><strong>' . $this->xhtml_encode($total_amount_eutax) . '</strong></td>' . $eol;

     } // End of if statement.

     print '<td class="khxc_sorttable" colspan="2">&nbsp;</td>' . $eol;

     print '</tr>' . $eol;

     // +--
     // | Print the table closure.
     // +--

     print '</table>' . $eol;

     // +--
     // | Print the form closure.
     // +--
    if ($type == 'WISHLIST') { $this->xhtml_quickform_footer($formid,$update_name,1); }

     // +--
     // | Print continue shopping and checkout links if this is
     // | a cart display.
     // +--

     if ($type == 'CART') {

print '<table> <tr>';
          $link_shop = $this->link_namespace($app,'splash',array());
          $link_checkout = $this->link_namespace($app,'checkout',array());

print '<td valign="top">';

   print '<input class="khxc_quickbutton" ';
   print 'type="submit" name="SUBMIT" id="' . $formid . '--SUBMIT" value="Update Shopping Cart"';
   print '" onclick="return DisableSubmit(\'' . $formid . '\');" /></form>';

print '</td><td valign="top">';

print '<form action="' . $link_shop . '" method="post"><input class="khxc_quickbutton" type="SUBMIT" name="SUBMIT" value="Continue Shopping" /></form>';

print '</td> <td valign="top">';

print '<form action="' . $link_checkout . '" method="post"><input class="khxc_quickbutton" type="SUBMIT" name="SUBMIT" value="Checkout" /></form>';

print '</td></tr></table>';

          print '</div>' . $eol . $eol;

     } // End of if statement.

} // End of if statement.


i've just commented out this section:


               print '<a class="khxc_cartbutton" href="' . $move_link . '" title="';
               print 'Delete Item">' . $move_name . '</a>' . $eol;

though i still need to change the "required fields" and heading sections (detailed in my last post), anyone??

Last edited by kidsandco (02-26-2007 11:40:39)

Kids & Co. Wholesale



#5 02-26-2007 14:59:43

Registered: 02-12-2005
Posts: 264

Re: wish list on detail display

anyone got an idea? this is one of the factors holding up the launch of this site neutral

Last edited by kidsandco (02-26-2007 14:59:57)

Kids & Co. Wholesale



#6 02-26-2007 15:59:29

From: York, PA
Registered: 04-20-2001
Posts: 19798

Re: wish list on detail display

Required fields notices are generated in the following include:

Form: Header


Kryptronic Hybrid X Core > Displays: Skins, Menus, XHTML Includes and Messages > Manage XHTML Includes

Nick Hendler



#7 02-27-2007 10:59:39

Registered: 02-12-2005
Posts: 264

Re: wish list on detail display

yes that worked, thanks nick

just the last part which needs removing is this:

Last edited by kidsandco (02-27-2007 11:00:21)

Kids & Co. Wholesale



#8 04-15-2007 22:20:31

From: Florida
Registered: 10-07-2002
Posts: 147

Re: wish list on detail display

Sorry, but I'm just not getting it. For the product detail display, right above the quantity field it reads:

Add to your Shopping Cart or Wish List

I want to remove that line of text all together.




#9 04-15-2007 22:26:00

From: Florida
Registered: 10-07-2002
Posts: 147

Re: wish list on detail display

I followed the instructions, in post #2 and was able to remove that line.



#10 04-15-2007 22:45:53

From: Florida
Registered: 10-07-2002
Posts: 147

Re: wish list on detail display

Well, removing the text in there had some unexpected results. The quantity is now below the options, which is what I wanted, but now the header of quanity is named "other information". I don't want anything, I don't want a header above the quantity box, I just want the quantity box.




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