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I tried but didn't succeed... The list is styled with:
div.postright ul.bbcode li { list-style: disc inside;}
Theoretically you should be able to change this to:
div.postright ul.bbcode li { list-style-type: disc;}
div.postright ul.bbcode li { list-style: disc outside;}
And have the text show outside but that doesn't work. There's probably something overriding it elsewhere in the CSS. Anything but:
div.postright ul.bbcode li { list-style: disc inside;}
Results in no bullets showing at all. Sorry.
Oh well, it was worth a shot. Thanks for trying!
webmaster wrote:
Hello everyone. I added the mark topics as read and BBcode list mods this morning. They appeared to test out fine. Any other requests?
Just a couple.
(1) More Robust BBCode
I wish I would have found this one earlier as I don't know if you would have to undo the list mod you just incorporated. However there is a more robust BBCode Mod that adds list functionality along with a bunch of other stuff.
It can be found at
A screenshot of the added functionality can be found at … bbcode.png
The browser may resize the image... so it may look a bit distorted.
(2) RSS Buttons
Adds an RSS button to the feed for each forum.
Screenshot at … screen.png
(3) Online/Offline Color Change
This is a cool little mod. Change the color of the online/offline text from red/green.
Screenshot at … colors.PNG
Not really necessary but nonetheless very cool!
(4) Forbidden Word Spam Blocker
(5) Big Dave wanted the ability to move posts as a moderator
man lemme tell you what... not a big fan of this new board at least in the way it translated "code". maybe i'm just losing my mind but i pulled a good chuck of hair out before realizing that translating the old "code" in posts from the previous board to the new board seems to have added quite a few random 's which makes Ctrl-C/Alt-Tab/Alt-F/Ctrl-V changes obviously impossible.
I understand the reason(s) behind switching but so far this new forum software is for the birds.
I'll do some looking around in the database to see if I can correct this issue. I think the IPB stored those nbsp's in the database and they weren't converted using the Pun importer.
I've updated the older forum posts that contain code to replace ' ' with ' '. If you have any other conversion-related items, please post them here. Thank you.
thanks nick.
Did something on the server change recently that affected the character encoding of the forum? Auto-detect is selecting ISO-8859-1, but there seem to be a bunch of characters that aren't displaying correctly any more. If I force the encoding to UTF-8 in my browser, all looks normal. Any idea what's up?
Last edited by rachaelseven (12-10-2006 11:36:50)
I've changed the Apache setting on the server from UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1. The new CCP6 software uses characters like the Euro, Yen and Pound currency symbols which are not available in the UTF-8 character set - therefore I made the change.
For users who would like to use UTF-8 on their servers, they can with the new software. They'll just have to change their currency symbols to use EUR, JPY and GBP.
I have noticed a few side-effects in the forum from this change - mostly issues for users that includes characters that are not part of the ISO-8859-1 charset and belong only in UTF-8 in their posts.
That explains things - thank you. I noticed a few odd characters here and there in posts, but that's really no big deal. The one thing I saw that you might want to fix is in the title of the UK section of the forum... "Version 5.1 (Customized UK & EU) – Support" The dash in there is showing up as incorrect characters (–) since the change.