Kryptronic Software Support Forum

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#1 01-31-2005 23:09:25

Registered: 10-15-2003
Posts: 6

Unable To Register!

Okay I realize I'm a little slow ...  but now that I figured it out and got the damn thing to load/install 2 years later after I paid for CCP5 and installation I can't register it now because I can't find the tracking number.

When we first purchased the script we were running Linux ... never got the script to display anything but the initial .pl scripts and that was it. Even paid to have the people we purchased it from install it ... I think it was 25$ (CCP5 was 99$ I think) We could never get linux to let them on so it was never installed and they never refunded the money. They have to be tracking the sales of this software somehow or are they selling so many script that they can't keep up with the tracking numbers. Granted I should have kept a copy ... I'm sure I did but I can't locate it. We only register software under one of three names ... LowcountryData, TideLineInvestments or LowcountryELINKS. (sometimes ProTel Data Services) But I couldn't even get them to look!!!

About six months ago we finally setup some IIS servers and decided to try again ... no luck ... asking the Kryptronic support for help and got the reply to buy another copy and  another installation. That was it ... period!

Currently ... we are still very new to Perl ... and still trying to understand how the cgi thing works on IIS but we do have a few script running. So out of hope in recovering some of our investment we decided to try yet again and lo and behold ... poof ... there it is. Go into the admin side and of course the damn thing wants a tracking number!!!

Somehow I don't believe you will see this post in the testimonials ... I'm most curious if they will step up and refund the cost of the script & the help I paid for / provide the tracking number / or try to bully me into purchasing another copy.

Why am I posting this???

I went to them for help ... even paid for help ... no joy!
I ended up purchasing a different script after telling the client how great ccp was! Felt like a total ass after talking up CCP ... Went back to them for help again and got brushed off!!!
Working on it on my own with the little time I do have took me two years to figure it out. I want people to know what to expect from Kryptonic, in the beginning when I called/emailed them they were very supportive ... why the sudden change??? It's not like I'm trying to steal the damn script ... we've already paid for it!!!! You would think that they would be happy that someone wants to use their script ... but obviously they just want you to keep paying ... lets see if they do the right thing this time ... either way I'll be back to give you ... the rest of the story.

My intentions are to recover the tracking number from them or make a hell of a lot of noise doing it!!!

Have a great day all... if anyone has any suggestions I would love to hear them.

Thanks in advance,
LowcountryDATA, LLC.



#2 02-01-2005 08:08:02

From: Sanford, Fl
Registered: 07-14-2003
Posts: 1322

Re: Unable To Register!

Sounds like there is some blame to be put on both sides of the fence here!  Why did it take you two years to follow up on something that now you seem so passionate about?   

I do know that Nick is a very fair person and business man. If approached in the proper way, I am sure he will make things right with you.  The forum is not the proper place to be airing this type of gripe. One way to get the message to Nick would be to use this form: 



#3 02-01-2005 14:06:52

Registered: 10-15-2003
Posts: 6

Re: Unable To Register!

Okay maybe you didn't read the whole thing ...

I have already contacted Nick about 4 or 5 months ago and was basically told to buy another copy and installation ... I didn't appreciate being treated like I walked in off the street and said gimmie a copy or else!

Correction to my first post ... the script was PAID for around 10/2003 and the install PAID for not long there after. So its only been a little over a year.

I have no idea why he came across the way he did (Bad day maybe)... but I don't feel I should be made to pay again.

Why it took so long??? I really liked Linux, stuck with it as long as I could and will put a few back online to play with eventually.  But trying to get help with linux was a never ending pain in the A$$.  It has taken just over 6 months to transfer the clients off the Linix servers ... I looked at CCP again for another client and remembered I already paid for one ... I'm really hoping Nick will just look up the transactions and issue another number.

I have called twice today with no luck ... to be continued!



#4 03-23-2005 09:14:32

From: York, PA
Registered: 04-20-2001
Posts: 19861

Re: Unable To Register!

All outstanding sales emails were answered yesterday.  If you sent one in, you should have a response.  If not, please send a request to  Thanks.

Nick Hendler



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