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My Category Product Display
<CENTER> <A HREF="(CGIVAR)seo_item_url(/CGIVAR)">(CGIGET TYPE="SUB" VALUE="ste_prod_show_image" PARAMS="(CGIVAR)product_imgsm(/CGIVAR)")</A><BR> <A HREF="(CGIVAR)seo_item_url(/CGIVAR)">(CGIVAR)product_number_display(/CGIVAR)(CGIVAR)product_name(/CGIVAR)</A>(CGIGET TYPE="SUB" VALUE="ste_prod_show_price" PARAMS="(CGIVAR)product_pricestatus(/CGIVAR)|(CGIVAR)product_regprice(/CGIVAR)|(CGIVAR)product_saleprice(/CGIVAR)|(CGIVAR)product_volprice(/CGIVAR)|(CGIVAR)product_voltext(/CGIVAR)|(CGIVAR)product_usecatdisc(/CGIVAR)|(CGIVAR)product_useinv(/CGIVAR)|(CGIVAR)product_inv(/CGIVAR)|(CGIVAR)product_recurprice(/CGIVAR)|(CGIVAR)product_recurstatus(/CGIVAR)") </CENTER><BR>
Image Not Displayed
<FONT FACE="(CGIVAR)html_base_font_face(/CGIVAR)" SIZE="(CGIVAR)html_base_font_size(/CGIVAR)" COLOR="(CGIVAR)html_base_font_color(/CGIVAR)"><A HREF="(CGIVAR)set_item_url(/CGIVAR)"><B>(CGIVAR)product_number_display(/CGIVAR)(CGIVAR)product_name(/CGIVAR)</B></A></FONT><BR> (CGIGET TYPE="SUB" VALUE="ste_prod_show_desc" PARAMS="(CGIVAR)product_descshort(/CGIVAR)") (CGIGET TYPE="SUB" VALUE="ste_prod_show_price" PARAMS="(CGIVAR)product_pricestatus(/CGIVAR)|(CGIVAR)product_regprice(/CGIVAR)|(CGIVAR)product_saleprice(/CGIVAR)|(CGIVAR)product_volprice(/CGIVAR)|(CGIVAR)product_voltext(/CGIVAR)|(CGIVAR)product_usecatdisc(/CGIVAR)|(CGIVAR)product_useinv(/CGIVAR)|(CGIVAR)product_inv(/CGIVAR)|(CGIVAR)product_recurprice(/CGIVAR)|(CGIVAR)product_recurstatus(/CGIVAR)") <BR><BR>
I might have found it! I think it was a typo in the seo module! one sec
That's good to know actually. Like I said, this might be a simple coding issue from Mark.
I might have found it! I think it was a typo inthe seo module! one sec
Getting there.
I found my problem!!
In my last post, in the No Image Displayed, it shows:
<A HREF="(CGIVAR)set_item_url(/CGIVAR)">
when it SHOULD be
<A HREF="(CGIVAR)seo_item_url(/CGIVAR)">
a typo with a "t" instead of an "o"
Thank you for all your help in showing me where to look.
Much appreciated to you all!
Did you placed the set_ instead of seo_ yourself or this was originally done by Mark ?
It was done by Mark. A simple little one letter typo...almost made me slit my wrists!
I'd send an e-mail to Mark and advise him of this minor issue to avoid future threads on this subject.
I remain a man with a problem. Haven't yet found typos like the one Big Dave ran across.
I'll keep plugging away and perhaps my email to Mark will help resolve it.
Matt, is yours ONLY through your "search" or have you found it elsewhere?
I am still trying to see where YOUR problem can be coming from.
By the way Matt, throw an index.htm file in your /ccp51/cgi-bin/ pronto
Hi Dave,
--I hit the "search" button on the top left of any page; the search results in product listings that link to ccp51/cgi-bin directory (those product listings are laid out by the ste_prodsm_default Cat Prod Display (aka "Default Format")).
--From the home page, I click one of the hard-coded category links ("more earrings...", "more bracelets...", etc). That successfully takes me to the listing of products in that category, but the those listings link back to the home page (fyi, those listings are also driven by the ste_prodsm_default Cat Prod Display (aka "Default Format")).
--From the home page, I click on one of the hard-coded links to a product detail page (any of the product photos on the home page) -- that successfully takes me to the product detail page for that product, but then the "related products" listings below it link back to the home page (and they are also laid out by the ste_prodsm_default Cat Prod Display (aka "Default Format")).
<!--This starts the ste_prodsm_default Cat Prod Display (aka "Default Format")-->
<A HREF="(CGIVAR)seo_item_url(/CGIVAR)">(CGIGET TYPE="SUB" VALUE="ste_prod_show_image" PARAMS="(CGIVAR)product_imgsm(/CGIVAR)")</A><BR>
<A HREF="(CGIVAR)seo_item_url(/CGIVAR)">
<!--Item (CGIVAR)product_number(/CGIVAR)-->
(CGIGET TYPE="SUB" VALUE="ste_prod_show_price" PARAMS="(CGIVAR)product_pricestatus(/CGIVAR)|(CGIVAR)product_regprice(/CGIVAR)|(CGIVAR)product_saleprice(/CGIVAR)|(CGIVAR)product_volprice(/CGIVAR)|(CGIVAR)product_voltext(/CGIVAR)|(CGIVAR)product_usecatdisc(/CGIVAR)|(CGIVAR)product_useinv(/CGIVAR)|(CGIVAR)product_inv(/CGIVAR)|(CGIVAR)product_recurprice(/CGIVAR)|(CGIVAR)product_recurstatus(/CGIVAR)")
<!--This ends the ste_prodsm_default Cat Prod Display-->
I'll go take a look in the file. Maybe something there will jump out at me.
Thanks for any advice you've got!
...and thanks, Big Dave, for the heads-up on no index.htm in the ccp51/cgi-bin. That passed right under my own nose.
but then the "related products" listings below it link back to the home page
This has to be an SQL statement issue in file in the product related paragraph.
Make sure you have this paragraph :
######### ######### Take the $product_xprod and pull items from ######### the product table that match up. ######### $product_xprod =~ s/\, /\,/gs; my @related = split (/\,/, $product_xprod); my $related = ""; $prodxprod_count = "0"; $prodxprod_count_sql = "0"; $prodxprod_sql = ""; foreach $related(@related) { $prodxprod_count++; if ($related ne "" && $prodxprod_count >= "$first_row" && $prodxprod_count <= "$last_row") { $prodxprod_count_sql++; $dbins_product_id = database_quote('product',$related); $prodxprod_sql .= "product_id=$dbins_product_id OR "; } ######### End of if statement. } ######### End of foreach statement. if ($prodxprod_sql ne "") { chop($prodxprod_sql); chop($prodxprod_sql); chop($prodxprod_sql); chop($prodxprod_sql); } ######### End of if statement.
Then, make sure the calls are specificly set like this :
######### ######### If we're trying to get related products. ######### } elsif ($fd_pg eq "ste_prod") { $sql_statement = " $sql_select_string WHERE $prodxprod_sql ";
Also, since you have the SEO module installed, check around these fields to see if there's an SEO routine.
Hi Guys,
I'm sorry I didn't catch this thread sooner, thanks Matt for letting me know about it.
Big Dave, I apologize for the typo in your install. I would have gladly corrected it for you if I had known you were having trouble - don't want anyone slitting their wrists! Congrats on tracking it down though. We edit each of the HTML elements by hand to preserve your layout and HTML changes, so the typo will not affect other users.
The trouble with Matt's site was unrelated, and was caused by being overwritten (apparently by the latest CCP update). I have re-installed the SEO code and his site appears to be fully functional as of now.
Anyone experiencing trouble with ATS modules or ATS-modified sites please feel free to contact me - I will be happy to help.
The trouble with Matt's site was unrelated, and was caused by being overwritten (apparently by the latest CCP update). I have re-installed the SEO code and his site appears to be fully functional as of now.
Glad I could find the source Mark.
I haven't installed the new update yet, but perhaps my evil twin was mindlessly playing with old files and FTP as I napped innocently!
Thanks for the quick fix, Mark. As always, your help is much appreciated.
Big Dave, I apologize for the typo in your install. I would have gladly corrected it for you if I had known you were having trouble - don't want anyone slitting their wrists! Congrats on tracking it down though. We edit each of the HTML elements by hand to preserve your layout and HTML changes, so the typo will not affect other users.
I know you would have Mark, but I try not to bother the big guns like you and Nick unless the troops here can't help, which usually they can.
Anyone experiencing trouble with ATS modules or ATS-modified sites please feel free to contact me - I will be happy to help.
Absolutely! Mark is ALWAYS on top of things when you need help with his products. First class service all the way!