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#1 11-04-2024 17:24:19

Registered: 11-15-2004
Posts: 311

Clear out Deleted items from Walmart Offers

I'm having a colliding message in the Walmart module for Deleted Items.  Several items have been deleted from Walmart Markatplace that are hanging up in Walmart Offers as Pending Delete - Resolve Errors with an error result message of "Sorry. Your item failed to be retired from the Walmart catalog. (CONTENT_NOT_FOUND.GMP_RECEIVER_API)".  My guess is this message is coming up because the items are already deleted in the Walmart catalog.

I have this SQL Statement that I've use to update items to active status but asking if this can be modified to clear out Walmart items that have already been deleted from Walmart Marketplace and simply need to be cleaned up in K9.. This is what I came up with but want to make sure it's an appropriate statement to execute what I want to do.. Please advise....


UPDATE ecom_walmartprod SET channelitemstatus='Pending Delete', status='Deleted', channelupdpending=0, channelupdqueue='', channelupderrors='' WHERE channelupdpending=1

Thank you

Using Kryptronic K9! smile
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#2 11-06-2024 10:28:46

From: York, PA
Registered: 04-20-2001
Posts: 19859

Re: Clear out Deleted items from Walmart Offers

You could use:


DELETE FROM ecom_walmartprod WHERE channelitemstatus='Pending Delete'

Make note of the ids for the items you're deleting, though, as you'll need to remove the corresponding pricemap entries for those offers in the ecom_pricemap table as well.

Nick Hendler



#3 11-07-2024 12:02:01

Registered: 11-15-2004
Posts: 311

Re: Clear out Deleted items from Walmart Offers

Thank you! That worked great.

I have a similar situation in eBay except that the listing shows as "Active" "All OK" yet the item needs to be deleted but won't let me change the status to "Pending Delete" with this error...

Please correct the following error, which was encountered processing: This item cannot be accessed because the listing has been deleted or you are not the seller. (17)

The item doesn't show up in eBay anymore however trying to do some housekeeping in K9. smile

Should I just delete this directly in


and in


??? Is the DELETE function affecting any other tables?

Using Kryptronic K9! smile
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ClickCartPro 5.1



#4 11-11-2024 09:26:00

From: York, PA
Registered: 04-20-2001
Posts: 19859

Re: Clear out Deleted items from Walmart Offers

You can run a delete statement against ecom_ebayprod to remove the listing, and against ecom_pricemap to remove the pricing for the listing.  That will handle it.  Nothing else to worry about.

Nick Hendler



#5 11-11-2024 19:52:11

Registered: 11-15-2004
Posts: 311

Re: Clear out Deleted items from Walmart Offers

Thank you.. That worked perfectly

Using Kryptronic K9! smile
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ClickCartPro 8
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ClickCartPro 6
ClickCartPro 5.1



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