Kryptronic Software Support Forum

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#1 04-30-2024 10:10:00

Registered: 04-29-2024
Posts: 77

Minimum Order Requirement

NOTE: This post was created on 2023-08-21 on the Kryptronic eCommerce Community facebook page, which has been replaced with this forum.  All facebook support content was migrated into this forum in April 2024.


Add to cart QUANTITY - some of my products require a minimum order amount (eg customer must buy at least 4) - I have the inventory set to a minimum quantity amount, however when viewing the product in store the QUANTITY field says "1", so the customer has to change this to 4 (or more): Is there a way to have the QUANTITY field already filled in at the minimum quantity - in this case Quantity - 4


Check the Quantity Rules Enforcement Status setting under Store / Component / Settings / General Store Settings to be sure it is on.


thanks Nick, thought there ought to be a setting somewhere



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