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How about a little help for a Novice?
I want the shipping to default to 0 if they select an (option radio button 23) saying the will pick up the order from the store, other wise it will calculate the rate. I know you edit the site_store_shipping_custom_pl. to achieve this, but since I am a novice Perl person, I'm not sure of the correct syntax.
If someone could point me in the right direction, It would be greatly appreciated. This is for 4.0 since I've noticed when they upgrade versions, no one answers posts in the older version.
$ship_calc_total = "$final_form_display_order_subtotal";
$ship_total_quantity = "$form_display_total_quantity";
if ($option_ref_23 >= "VALUE=Pick Up" && $ship_calc_total <= "0") {
$temp_shipping_total = ($foreign_surcharge_method_one + 0.00);}
elsif ($ship_calc_total > "0" && $ship_calc_total <= "5.0") {
$temp_shipping_total = ($foreign_surcharge_method_one + 2.00);
You're working in the right spot, but I'm not sure what you're trying to do. The code you have:
if ($option_ref_23 >= "VALUE=Pick Up" && $ship_calc_total <= "0") {
Says: If $option_ref_23 is greater than or equal to "VALUE=Pick Up" and $ship_calc_total is less than or equal to "0".
Options have nothing to do with shipping costs, and that table isn't even open where you're making you code hack. What you're looking to do could be accomplished in CCP5 with the remote HTML product API.
I really wanted to use 5, but the client insisted on having a database so I actually used your 3.6 version.
They allow people to come into their bakery to pick product up, so I'm trying to get it so that if they click an option (23) that more or less is a will call, it bypasses the rest of the shipping pricing and gives them 0.00 for a shipping charge.
I was figuring the place to put it would be the IF statement, that way if that value was not true, it would go to the Eslseif and charge shipping.
Does that make sense?
If there is only two shipping options:
1. UPS ground
2. Pick up ( no charge)
Could I not use the first two shipping options in the admin panel and rename the second one to Pick UP?
If so, what script do I edit to put in the rates for UPS ground?
I see where I can use the default shipping for what I am trying to accomplish. What I'm having problems with is the UPS shipping rates have tiered rates based on the dollar amount ordered.
So, they either select UPS and are billed for shipping based in the dollar amount, or they select Pick UP and get billed 0 for shipping.
I've seen other snippets of scripts posted and I'm sure this type is extremely easy for someone who knows Perl.
If somebody has that type of set up on their current store, could they post the script that they used for people like myself who are perl idiots.