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My site seems to be working fine, but when I tried to make changes in ecom_prod i got a message:
The CSV file you uploaded could not be read. It does not appear to be a properly formatted CSV file that can be used by this import function. Review the CSV File Information section for information on how this file should be formatted and make sure all of the table columns were represented on the first line of the file.
id, name, prodnum, manufacturer, sortorder, sortprice, xmultisite, multisitedesconelimit, multisitedescone, multisitedesctwolimit, multisitedesctwo, beonly, descshort, desclong, imgsm, imglg, offertype, xpricemap, xaddons, priceoverride, disallowdiscount, showpriceincartonly, grouplimitstatus, grouplimits, offergiftpromo, commok, pricingtype, specialofferreg, specialofferforcereg, specialofferwhl, specialofferforcewhl, descso, imgsmso, imglgso, invitemmultdisp, custpkgdisp, servpriceinput, discexclusions, xprodoptions, addemtext, dlfile, autogiftcert, servreq, customdata, acctsysincome, acctsyspri, acctsysalt, acctsysprimod, acctsysaltmod, prodsectiondisp, prodhighlights, videourl, prodpdf, catparent, xcatparent, xcat, catfeatgridname, catfeatgrid, catfeatgridshow, xprod, xupsell, prodview, prodviewg, xprodfilterone, xprodfiltertwo, xprodfilterthree, xprodfilterfour, xprodfilterfive, tabonename, tabonecontent, tabtwoname, tabtwocontent, tabthreename, tabthreecontent, tabfourname, tabfourcontent, seourl, seoexact, keywords, metatitle, metadesc, createdate, googlebase_suppress, googlebase_condition, googlebase_product_type, googlebase_color, googlebase_size, googlebase_gtin, googlebase_mpn, googlebase_prodcat, googlebase_priceoverride, googlebase_gender, googlebase_agegroup, googlebase_adwords_grouping, googlebase_adwords_labels
These are the columns I have:
id name prodnum manufacturer sortorder sortprice xmultisite multisitedesconelimit multisitedescone multisitedesctwolimit multisitedesctwo beonly descshort desclong imgsm imglg offertype xpricemap xaddons priceoverride disallowdiscount showpriceincartonly grouplimitstatus grouplimits offergiftpromo commok pricingtype specialofferreg specialofferforcereg specialofferwhl specialofferforcewhl descso imgsmso imglgso invitemmultdisp custpkgdisp servpriceinput discexclusions xprodoptions addemtext dlfile autogiftcert servreq customdata acctsysincome acctsyspri acctsysalt acctsysprimod acctsysaltmod prodsectiondisp prodhighlights videourl prodpdf catparent xcatparent xcat catfeatgridname catfeatgrid catfeatgridshow xprod xupsell prodview prodviewg xprodfilterone xprodfiltertwo xprodfilterthree xprodfilterfour xprodfilterfive tabonename tabonecontent tabtwoname tabtwocontent tabthreename tabthreecontent tabfourname tabfourcontent seourl seoexact keywords metatitle metadesc createdate
Clearly some of the ones listed above are missing, I presume this is because I've added the google base Xmod, but can I just add them to ecom_prod.csv in Excel or is there more to it than that?
Last edited by Graham (02-15-2021 21:23:01)
Are you selecting all the columns when you do the initial export and importing them all after you have made your changes?
I am so used to having all the columns selected in Raw Database Admin (and the list of column titles is much longer than the window they are displayed in) that I didn't even consider that the new ones may not have been selected!
I've just tried again with them all ticked and it worked fine.
Thanks for this.
PS @Nick : There really ought to be a "Select All/ None" check box at the top of long lists like this so if people want to just download part of the file, they don't have manually go through changing almost 100 boxes!