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#1 08-08-2002 04:05:29


Checkout problem - No mails

I am getting this error message at the end of checkout:

'Unfortunately, we cannot process your order. The URL that referred
you to this page is not a valid referring URL.

You can attempt to process your order again, or contact us to discuss other payment options.'

I am using the 'Contact Customer' method so there's no merchant account. In the admin, in the referring URL spot in
program settings.... I not receive any mail : confirmation...

Login : webmaster
Password : marine01

Can you help me please ?


#2 08-09-2002 15:47:40

From: York, PA
Registered: 04-20-2001
Posts: 19858

Re: Checkout problem - No mails

Check the 'referring URL must contain' string in Online Processing Settings.  That string has to contain at least part of the URL of your site.

Nick Hendler



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