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in Batch Shipping Manager, when I click on Print and Download it takes me to "Batch Shipping Manager / Create Batches" and tells me there are no batches available for print or download. Is this normal behaviour? I thought the batches were available for 14 days. It works as expected with new orders.
Batches are kept available for a variable time period, as set using the 'Shipping Batch Retention Time' setting under Store / Component / Settings / Extension Module: Batch Shipping Manager. The default is 14 days. You should be seeing all batches there that are 14 days old or newer, if your setting is set at 14 days.
the setting is for 14 days. The batches disappear once the orders have been marked as shipped, but I sometimes need to re-print the packing slips at a later date.
they are not being retained for any period of time at all. I get a new order, process it through Batch Shipping Manager, everything works fine. I go back into Batch Shipping Manager and there is nothing there, all the batches have gone. I have probably processed over a hundred batches in the last 14 days, shouldn't they still be available to view/print?
Yes, if you go to view/print batches, all batches should be listed there. If you go into Raw DB Admin and browse the ecom_batchshipmanout table, are there entries in the table? I ask because that's where they're pulled from.
no batches listed in view/print batches, no entries in the database table. Does this mean there is a problem with the database?
yes there are. I placed a test order, created a batch, everything worked fine. Went into the database table to look at the entry and I noticed that the datetimestamp* column is not being populated. Is this what is causing the problem?
Yes - that would be a problem. The database table is purged of rows periodically based on the value of that column. Why would that not be writing out? Did you make any custom mods to the XMOD_BSM module? Which version of the software are you running? Are you self-hosted? Is PHP working properly on your server? Are dates and times correct on the server and do they get posted to orders properly? Is this the only area you're seeing a date/time issue?
I made some changes to XMOD_BatchShipMan.php recently so I think that is where the problem lies. How can I get a copy of the original code? Here is the part of code that I think might be the problem, specifically the datetimestamp. What should these be?
$shipmentid = $shipment['shipmentid']; $saveshipments[$shipmentid] = array('id' => $shipmentid, 'shipmanager' => $shipment['shipserv']['shipmanager'], 'shipmanagerbatch' => $shipment['batchid'], 'shipmanagerservice' => $shipment['shipserv']['shipserv'], 'shipmanagerpackage' => $shipment['shipserv']['shippackage'], 'shipmentvalue' => $this->price_round($shipment['value']), 'shipmentweightlbs' => '1.000', 'shipmentweightkg' => '0.453', 'shipmentweightkg' => '0.00', 'shipmentlengthin' => '1.00', 'shipmentlengthcm' => '2.54', 'shipmentwidthin' => '1.0', 'shipmentwidthcm' => '2.54', 'shipmentheightin' => '1.0', 'shipmentheightcm' => '2.54', 'email' => $orders[$shipment['orderid']]['order']['email'], 'phone' => preg_replace('/[^\d]/','',$orders[$shipment['orderid']]['order']['phone']), 'fname' => $shipment['address']['fname'], 'lname' => $shipment['address']['lname'], 'fnamelname' => $shipment['address']['fname'] . ' ' . $shipment['address']['lname'], 'company' => $shipment['address']['company'], 'fullname' => $shipment['address']['fname'] . ' ' . $shipment['address']['lname'], 'addone' => $shipment['address']['addone'], 'addtwo' => $shipment['address']['addtwo'], 'city' => $shipment['address']['city'], 'stateprov' => $shipment['address']['stateprov'], 'stateprovabb' => $shipment['address']['stateprov'], 'country' => $shipment['address']['country'], 'countryabb' => $shipment['address']['country'], 'postalcode' => $shipment['address']['postalcode'], 'rescom' => $shipment['address']['rescom'], 'fedexresidentialindicator' => 'True', 'upsresidentialindicator' => 'Y', 'upsfreighttype' => 'PAL', 'upsfreightunit' => '1', 'uspsstampsdate' => @date('m/d/Y H:i:s',$now), 'datetimestamp' => $now, 'datetimestamp' => @date('m/d/Y H:i:s',$now), 'billacct' => $shipment['shipserv']['billacct']);
You can submit a support ticket and request a current copy of that file. The issue appears to be that you have two 'datetimestamp' keys in that array. Remove one and you should be good to go. Also, ensure you still have $now defined as $this->globals('core_datetime.epoch') above that code.
support ticket submitted, copy of file received, all now working. Thank you!!