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I have a couple of products that are causing me a real headache:
If you add these 2 items to the basket you will see that 20016 is £10.95 and 30029 is £4.99 which is what they should be. However, I keep getting orders for these items which shows:
Number: 20016 Reg Each: £12.95 Savings: 30% Price Each: £9.06 Qty: 1 Total: £9.06
Number: 30029 Reg Each: £6.99 Savings: 30% Price Each: £4.89 Qty: 1 Total: £4.89
These products have been priced differently at some point and offered with a discount but so have many other products, for some reason it is only these two that I am having this issue with.
Am I missing something obvious?
I just got my wife to place an order for these 2 items and the prices were exactly as they are supposed to be, £12.95 and £4.99.
Any help would be much appreciated.
First thought was users added these items to their cart priced one way, you changed the price, then they checked out using the old pricing - but that's not possible because pricing is updated in the cart each time it's loaded to avoid such things. So the only thing I'm left with is possibly you've got multiple product offers out there for the same inventory items at different prices. Is that the case?
Hi Nick,
as far as I am aware every product offer has it's own inventory item, but I will double check just to make sure. The really confusing thing is that I can't replicate the issue when I place a test order, yet customers seem to manage it. I will keep digging.
Could this package be what they are ordering:
I have only just had chance to look into this again and I think it might be something to do with product ID 20016T being set up as a package deal using products 20016 and 30029 and a discount of 30%. This discount was somehow showing against items 20016 and 30029 when they were purchased separately. I'm not sure what I did wrong when setting up the package deal but I have now changed it to normal inventory item. Hopefully the next order for item numbers 20016 and 30029 will come through showing the correct price.
Thank you sppars for taking the time to help out with this, I really appreciate it.
Thanks for following up. It would not be possible to split a package deal of items in the cart and buy just one item at a discounted price - the packages are grouped in the cart and cannot be split. Perhaps you're selling those items as addons elsewhere in the store at a discounted price and that's where they're coming through.