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#1 08-21-2018 12:53:40

From: California
Registered: 02-13-2003
Posts: 73


What are the names of the cookies that this software places in the customer's browser?

Stan Forrest
Digital Magic Show



#2 08-22-2018 09:41:05

From: York, PA
Registered: 04-20-2001
Posts: 19798

Re: Cookies

There are several with K9.  I'm just addressing 9.0.2 and up, as those are different from V6 through 9.0.1.  In 9.0.2 you have:

ktokenuser = Logged in user token
ktokensess = Guest user token
ktokendevauth = Device authorization token
kprodsort = Sort order choice for product offer listings
kprodfilter = Filter choices for product offer listings
kbreadcrumbs = Location/breadcrumbs trail
kspecoffer, kpointsmult, kcombopromo = Special pricing identifiers (special inbound links)
klastorder = Last order placed
kxmodarticlessearch, karticlesbreadcrumbs = XMOD Articles helper cookies
kcurrency = Currency conversion selection
kaffiliate = Inbound affiliate link id
kemaillistpop = Registers the email signup modal has been viewed

FYI, with 9.0.2 we moved towards using cookies for storage of common items to lessen database load and requirements and to speed up the user experience and increase security.  Not all of these cookies are set for every browser - most only get 2-4 cookies set.

Nick Hendler



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