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#26 12-27-2017 11:02:21

From: York, PA
Registered: 04-20-2001
Posts: 19858

Re: Google Chrome / FireFox Non-SSL Cookie Updates

Murphys001 wrote:

I have a similar problem; would this be normal?
Using Chrome under windows 7 64 bit, if I log in to the store backend (as admin) and then open up a separate window / tab for the store, then I am automatically logged in to the store using my admin user details. If I log out from the store I am automatically logged out of the backend.
In summary, I cannot be logged into the backend and the store at the same time.
Would this be normal?

This is normal.  If you login to admin, you will be logged into the store and visa-versa.  If you logout of one, it will log you out of both.  Assuming everything is working properly.  FYI, K9 uses completely different logic for all of this at this point and is seriously worth looking at.

Nick Hendler



#27 12-29-2017 06:49:28

Registered: 09-06-2014
Posts: 23

Re: Google Chrome / FireFox Non-SSL Cookie Updates


Thanks for the confirmation of this being normal behaviour.
I'm using an aborted V8 installation to see if version 9.02 will solve specific problems that I encountered with V8.
When you get a chance could you arrange for support ticket No. SS00008849 to be updated?
There are three unanswered questions (No.'s 1, 2 & 8) which I believe are waiting on an engineer's response.


Last edited by Murphys001 (12-30-2017 07:45:31)



#28 12-29-2017 08:07:08

From: York, PA
Registered: 04-20-2001
Posts: 19858

Re: Google Chrome / FireFox Non-SSL Cookie Updates

Murphys001 wrote:

When you get a chance could you arrange for support ticket No. SS00008849 to be updated?
There are three unanswered questions (No.'s 1, 2 & 4) which I believe are waiting on an engineer's response.

Will do.

Nick Hendler



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