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#1 09-07-2012 06:12:33

From: UK
Registered: 01-30-2005
Posts: 174

Two questions about the multi-level menus

I really like the multi level menus in ccp8 but I have two questions -

Question 1

Is it possible to have a small delay before the menus close after you move the pointer off them? I find it slightly irritating that if you accidentely move off the menu you then have to go right back to the beginning and start again. I have something similar on this site  where if you move off the top menu you get a second to move back onto it so you do not lose where you are. No idea how it works though!!!

Question 2

Would it be a major mod to be able to choose the wording for the links in these menus? At the moment the link has to be whatever the 'category display name' is. I do not want to change the display names for SEO reasons but the length of some of the category names is making the menus look overly large and confusing.


Last edited by moto (09-07-2012 07:03:36)



#2 09-07-2012 16:37:56

From: York, PA
Registered: 04-20-2001
Posts: 19861

Re: Two questions about the multi-level menus

(1) To introduce a delay, you need to move away from using CSS-based menus and use JavaScript to control them.  This shouldn't be too hard to do in your skin.

(2) To change the names of the links is a bit tricky.  You'd have to use raw db admin to add a new field to the table in question (let's say the ecom_cat table) for the link name, then you'd need to modify the appropriate skinwidget code to pull that name for the link (look in private/apps/ecom/ECOM/ext/skinwidgets.php for the category skin widget).

Nick Hendler



#3 11-09-2017 11:11:05

Registered: 11-09-2017
Posts: 1

Re: Two questions about the multi-level menus

A little over five years later, and I'm looking for info on this very thing.  Anything further, other than what's above?  It's not really much help, lol.



#4 11-10-2017 08:42:42

From: York, PA
Registered: 04-20-2001
Posts: 19861

Re: Two questions about the multi-level menus

#1: You would want to add javascript to the head of your skin.php file that attaches to the menu and changes how the hover behavior works.  The stock skin uses just CSS hover effects to produce the menu flyouts.  You're basically putting javascript in there that modifies that behavior.  We've done this in K9 by adding clicktohover controls when desired.

#2: Pretty well outlined in post 2.

Nick Hendler



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