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#1 09-12-2017 13:55:58

Registered: 01-25-2006
Posts: 301

FancyBox Options

I've tried editing the options for FancyBox in jslib, but the changes are not taking effect. A view source of the page shows the modified options with the new values, but FancyBox still shows what appears to be default options for FancyBox.

Is there anywhere else the information could be coming in from or need to be changed?

Main objective is to set titlePosition to inside. Interestingly enough, in jslib (unmodified) titlePosition is set to over, but FancyBox shows title in outside position (default).

Any suggestions where else to look at?



#2 09-13-2017 07:39:49

From: York, PA
Registered: 04-20-2001
Posts: 19861

Re: FancyBox Options

I'll look into this and report back.  It may be the options being passed by jslib to fancybox are using an outdated syntax or non-existent keys (ie: version differences).  If this is the case, it's an oversight on our end and it will be fixed in an update.  Either way, I'll post back here when I figure it out.

Nick Hendler



#3 09-18-2017 11:48:22

From: York, PA
Registered: 04-20-2001
Posts: 19861

Re: FancyBox Options

I've looked into this.  The options being passed to FancyBox via K9 in {private}/core/CORE/includes/jslib.php are using an old API. 

In release 9.0.2 all options for FancyBox have been removed, as current default options match the older API options that were being used.  For your info, the current FancyBox call in version 9.0.2 looks like this:



Passing custom options to FancyBox from K9 works, so you can do it.  Simply modify the FancyBox logic in K9 by editing {private}/core/CORE/includes/jslib.php and pass API options into FancyBox that it will recognize.  For those, check out {public}/media/jquery-plugins/fancybox/jquery.fancybox.js.  Ie, something like:


jQuery("a[rel~=lightbox]").fancybox({'modal': true});

FYI, we intentionally use 'lightbox' for the 'rel' as it's W3C-recognized.

Nick Hendler



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