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I note the various new functions including pay on account and payment required order status.
However, I cannot find any in built method to list accounts with outstanding amounts, and to create statement for accounts.
I can built my own backend function to list/search any account with an outstanding balance, and a function to send a pdf statement at the end of the month, but wanted to check if I have missed anything or if something is due out soon.
Statement functionality, with finance charges, is on the radar. As you've seen, everything is in place to make statements an easy drop-in. Client zero is motivated to get this functionality. If anyone else wants this and can share in the development cost, it would get done ASAP. Contact the custom shop if interested, direct the ticket to me by referencing this forum post in your request.
As far as invoices with outstanding balances, look in the Order Center at the Payment Required listing. That holds all unpaid or partially paid orders.
I don't understand why that would be useful. Surely anybody who offers "on account" payment terms will have a proper accounting program to keep track?
Correct, but why not have an invoice/accounts system within the confines of K9??
K9 allows account customers to place 'Pay on Account' orders online, or you can create a 'Pay on Account' order via POS in the backend. K9 creates an invoice for the customer.
Why not have a built in app that allows you view all outstanding invoices, send pdf statement, etc
Last edited by zanart (06-01-2017 02:26:00)
Why not have a built in app that allows you view all outstanding invoices, send pdf statement, etc
Exactly. K9 has been built in this direction and statement functionality will be added eventually, as the foundation is in place for it. For the smaller stores just selling online this isn't a very hot item, but for the larger stores that are processing many different types of orders, possibly doing bigger wholesale deals, etc, it's important. In client zero's case, we can save staff around 20 hours a month by producing statements for K9 orders in K9 versus producing them using QuickBooks. Similar time savings could be had by anyone making use of such functionality.
Nearly finished, and it will certainly be a welcome addition to the POS as we will be able to combine two different invoices system as well as being able to keep check on outstanding balances.
So far I have got an Active Accounts list that shows all accounts, balances, total spend and overdue balances. Also added an account search box on active accounts page, similar to order look up but a bit more limited to company names.
Each account links to an account detail display that shows all orders, order status and payment status, etc associated with the account as well as total orders, total spend, total outstanding, etc.
Going to add 'create statement' link that will generate/send email with PDF statement attached.
Might even add a new tasks_monthly option to auto send statements for any outstanding balances on 1st of every month.
All done.
Account Overview shows all site account totals, and outstanding totals. Lists all Credit Accounts, plus their total spend and outstanding balance. Option to filter so only accounts with outstanding balances listed. Each account links to Account Detail View.
Account Detail View shows all the account details and total spend, etc.
All orders for the account are listed, with an option to only view unpaid orders.
Each order has a Mark as Paid action link to quickly complete the task.
There is a print statement link and an email statement link which will email the account holder with a pdf statement attached.
and a cron task will auto email statements to any accounts with an outstanding balance on 1st of month.
Last edited by zanart (06-02-2017 07:04:44)
Call me impressed. Not sure if you want to leverage the Customer Viewer XMOD in admin (by linking to it with customer id prepolulated) so as to be able to view full order history and profitability for the customer. We found it was good when looking at customers to know whether or not you actually make money on them.
What's the Customer Viewer XMOD ???
You should see my BackEnd Messenger system. You can add a new message for any admin user. An email and text messsage is sent to alert the admin user of new task.
The message can then be replied to or closed down in the backend. SImple, but should save all the 'I didn't get the email' from staff!
Also added text message confirmation with order complete emails.
Awesome. I wonder how you're finding modding K9? Easier, harder, no difference than V8?
Customer Viewer lets you search for and load a customer by name, email, etc. It searches guests and customer accounts. Presents order history, address, address book, profitability reports based on margins/costs. Links to all listed orders, to edit account info, etc. It's a really nice interface for looking up a customer when they contact you to see everything you'd want to know about them.
I wonder how you're finding modding K9? Easier, harder, no difference than V8?
Not sure if it is harder or easier than V8. What I do know is that my understanding has increased considerably by getting stuck in. Your code makes it relatively easy to follow, and I can use snippets of your code from other functions/classes to achieve what I want.
I am working on a reference list of all the functions in the various classes, as I forget about them if I haven't used them for a while.
Also trying to workout exactly how the namespace system works, in particular the type and interface options. I can always get them to work, but sometimes through trail and error!
Not sure if you have changed this already, but core_tabledefs >> ecom_acctsysterms, you've got the tdisplay column set as dispname, but dispname doesn't exist. I am pretty confident I have never changed this column.
core_tabledefs >> ecom_acctsysterms
I've checked 9.0.2 and it's listing 'id ASC', so I either already fixed that or you have it wrong somewhere. Not sure, but it is confirmed right in the to-be-released 9.0.2.
Also trying to workout exactly how the namespace system works, in particular the type and interface options.
Type = CGI or INTERNAL. If it's CGI, it could be called via URL parameters and will when called change the active namespace for the full request. INTERNAL can only be called from another function, never via CGI. Will not update the active namespace for the full request.
Interface = Blank, BackEnd or FrontEnd. If it's blank, it will work on either interface. If it's BackEnd, it will not work for FrontEnd requests. If it's FrontEnd, it will not work for BackEnd requests. Most namespaces are blank or BackEnd only.