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Please can you check if something works for me as I am going round in circles!
If I go to Dashboard / Store / Orders / Order Center / Active - Shipping / Order Manager: 201705194 / Edit Order and Billing Info and click submit, I get a php error with db.php around 4108
if (array_key_exists($table . '.' . $column['column'],$coldefs)) { $x_coldefs[$column['column']] = $coldefs[$table . '.' . $column['column']]; $x_coldefs[$column['column']]['column'] = $column['column']; } // End of if statement.
I think it is something to do with the payterms select field which are not populated.
If I go to Dashboard / Store / Orders / Order Center / COMPLETED / Order Manager: 201705193 / Edit Order and Billing Info and click submit, I don't get any errors and changes are saved.
so, basically I cannot update Order and Billing Info for an Active - Shipping order.
Could you check if your version works
ours works, and payterms is not populated
what file did u find that code in? i can check our version
Could someone post the order status' from the core_selectcustom table
I have:
Clone Update Delete ecom.orderstatus.C ecom ecom.orderstatus Completed C 70
Clone Update Delete ecom.orderstatus.NS ecom ecom.orderstatus Pending Shipment NS 50
Clone Update Delete ecom.orderstatus.PPR ecom ecom.orderstatus Pending Processing PPR 15
Clone Update Delete ecom.orderstatus.PS ecom ecom.orderstatus Partially Shipped PS 60
Clone Update Delete ecom.orderstatus.WCR ecom ecom.orderstatus Waiting on Customer WCR 102
Clone Update Delete ecom.orderstatus.WFS ecom ecom.orderstatus Waiting For Stock WFS 103
Clone Update Delete ecom.orderstatus.X ecom ecom.orderstatus Cancelled X 900
but think I may have deleted some.
I don't want to run the installer and update the fields at this stage.
Clone Update Delete ecom.orderstatus.C ecom ecom.orderstatus Completed C 70
Clone Update Delete ecom.orderstatus.NS ecom ecom.orderstatus Pending Shipment NS 50
Clone Update Delete ecom.orderstatus.P ecom ecom.orderstatus Pending Submission P 10
Clone Update Delete ecom.orderstatus.PCE ecom ecom.orderstatus Pending Customer Emailed PCE 20
Clone Update Delete ecom.orderstatus.PPR ecom ecom.orderstatus Pending Processing PPR 15
Clone Update Delete ecom.orderstatus.PS ecom ecom.orderstatus Partially Shipped PS 60
Clone Update Delete ecom.orderstatus.SV ecom ecom.orderstatus Servicing SV 30
Clone Update Delete ecom.orderstatus.X ecom ecom.orderstatus Cancelled X 900
@zanart: I'm pretty sure you've modified code and that makes it a bit harder to track down. If you're getting a db.php error, that's typically due to a database definition issue. The db_ktabledef() function, in which the error is occurring, is responsible for building table definitions for guided database operations like update billing info. Line 4108 is simply part of an iteration that builds the column definitions. The first place I would look to solve the issue is in the core_columndefs table, specifically any new fields you may have added to the ecom_orders table that do not have proper values for the cupddisplaytype, cupddisplaydata and cupddisplayinclude columns.
I am very confident it is self inflicted. I get an out of memory error.
If I change the namespace in ordermanmenu.php from manageorders to xmodbom, the form updates correctly but directs to my bom namespace.
Not a problem, and I am sure I will find the culprit eventually. Just can't work out why.
Side note...
core_columndefs table for SELECT-TABLE display type, instead of having SELECT {cols}, is there a way to have SELECT id......?? so instead of having all the defined cols displayed, I can just choose the one I want. I know I can use SELECT-CUSTOM, but then you have to create a core_selectcustom entry for each one.
Last edited by zanart (05-22-2017 08:10:02)
RE: db issue... Start looking are core_dbguided for anything tied to the ecom_orders table and/or manageorders* namespaces. Culprit may be a missing row there.
RE: SQL select-custom... Instead of 'SELECT {COLS} FROM table' you can do 'SELECT id,x,y FROM table'. The K9 software supports that syntax. Just make sure you pull the id in addition to whichever other columns you want.
RE: db issue... duplicate core_dbguided xns was the problem. Thanks for the pointer.
RE: SQL select-custom... I tried lots of variations, but never included the id column!
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