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#1 07-13-2002 11:15:19

From: York, PA
Registered: 04-20-2001
Posts: 19861

Yet Another CCP5 Release Date Revision (YACRDR) - 07/25

Hello everyone.  I know that we said CCP5 would be out originally on 06/20 and we've been pushing the date back every five or so days since then...

CCP5 WILL be out on 07/25 or we will be dropping the $39.99 upgrade price by $10.00 a license.  The main reason we're pushing it back this time is that we want to include the upgrade scripting (which is in it's preliminary stages right now) into the administrator utility itself, so you won't have to install and configure a second set of scripts just to get data over to the new version.

Everyone reading this forum (or *mostly* everyone) already has CCP4 and releasing CCP5 tomorrow without an upgrade script wouldn't do you much good anyway.  For those of you that don't have CCP4 and are patiently waiting - believe me when I say that it will be well worth the wait.

The database features in the program alone are worth the upgrade/install, but there's tons more.  If you haven't checked out the preliminary PDF manual yet, please visit the documents section of the clickcartpro site.  There's a 43 page manual there that sums up the functionality but *does not do the actual program any justice at all*.

My most favorite part of the new program is the fact that 100% of the displays are driven from database tables and text file elements.  That means that if you want to change the look of something, you can do it through admin.  There is no printed text at all in the Perl code.

Better yet, the elements are all run through a display parser built into the code before they are outputted, which means we can do all kinds of cool things with HTML-like tags.  We've created two new tags that can be placed in elements, one to call any available variable that looks like this:


and another that lets you call up another element:

<CGIGET TYPE="ELEMENT" VALUE="element_name">

or execute a subroutine with paramters:

<CGIGET TYPE="SUB" VALUE="sub_name" PARAMS="param 1|param 2|etc..">

or without parameters:

<CGIGET TYPE="SUB" VALUE="sub_name">

There are so many other cool things too.  The manual is well worth the read while you're waiting.  The database and element code is so novel that nobody has ever done it (or probably even thought about it) on the net before.  We went through every email and post on this forum that we received requesting new features and were able to slam in about 90% of them.  CCP5 is what you've been waiting for, please bear with us while we have you wait a bit longer.

Thanks and have a great day.

Nick Hendler



#2 07-14-2002 10:04:44

Registered: 07-08-2002
Posts: 6

Re: Yet Another CCP5 Release Date Revision (YACRDR) - 07/25

I would rather have the upgrade script in there too.  I know I have tested the admin interface extensivly and I am pleased with it.  Everyone it is truely worth the wait to make sure everything works perfectly.  I have clicked away at it hunting down bugs and such and pointing out things to the developers that might need to be clarified to make it simpler for everyone to use.  This USPS integration long side the multiple payment options will be totally killer.  Plus coding day after day can make you go crazy at times! smile  Trust me I have been there before. 

Plus I told Nick that CCP5 is like having your cake and eating it too... its cake what else are ya gonna do with it?  tongue




#3 07-14-2002 12:30:32


Re: Yet Another CCP5 Release Date Revision (YACRDR) - 07/25

I'm looking to do a new install. Do you have the scripts ready for us who aren't doing the upgrade? I've been putting my client off for nearly a month now. The old site can wait until the finished product, but we would like to get this new site up and running. I'm sure there'll be other issues to solve afterwards, no matter what. That's just the nature of the beast. You just can't beta test on every machine with every OS or it would be another year or two.



#4 07-14-2002 16:46:57

From: York, PA
Registered: 04-20-2001
Posts: 19861

Re: Yet Another CCP5 Release Date Revision (YACRDR) - 07/25

Everyone will be getting CCP5 on the same date - and everyone will get an email when it's ready.  We cannot make exceptions and release code that has not been fully tested or is incomplete.  We do not intend on supporting any more than one codebase at the time of release.  Please don't take that the wrong way - it's just in everyone's best interest to be using the same code.

To address your concerns about bugs in the code after release, in the past we have had very very few if any - 99.9% of the spec sheet for CCP5 called for new features, not bug fixes.  As for the OSes, the program will be fully tested on the following at release:

Operating Systems:

RedHat Linux (And a few other Linux flavors)
BSD / Mac OS X (The same thing)
Cobalt RAQ
Sun Solaris
Microsoft Windows NT
Microsoft Windows 2000

Web Servers:

Apache (Of course)
Microsoft IIS
iPlanet (Netscape)

This listing accounts for over 95% of the current webserver market out there.  There are always a few suprises that come in with registration (gee whiz - it runs on that too!) but for the most part, this is what we see, so this is what we test.

I guess, to sum it up, the program will be very stable the day it is released.  Also - we pushed it all the way back to 07/25 in the hopes that it may be released before that.  We do not intend to push the date past that as we do realize that many people have projects that have stalled waiting for the new software.   

Nick Hendler



#5 07-15-2002 06:54:03


Re: Yet Another CCP5 Release Date Revision (YACRDR) - 07/25

I appreciate your position and am not trying to put you on the spot, or to release it before necessary testing. I just thought maybe the only thing left was the upgrade scripts and we could get them later. We had looked around at other software just to satisfy/justify our waiting. After much consideration we believe that CCP5 will be worth the wait even if it gets kicked back again. Your scripts and the support after purchase is un-paralleled by any in the script writers market.

Waiting, but content!!


#6 07-16-2002 08:14:27

From: York, PA
Registered: 04-20-2001
Posts: 19861

Re: Yet Another CCP5 Release Date Revision (YACRDR) - 07/25

Thanks for your patience.  On a good note, it's entirely possible the release will be done ahead of schedule.

Nick Hendler



#7 07-23-2002 20:22:37


Re: Yet Another CCP5 Release Date Revision (YACRDR) - 07/25

re: RedHat Linux (And a few other Linux flavors)

I am running an SGI Origin 200 with Irix 6.5

I hope we are included under the Linux flavours... Actually we are probably closer to BSD

Anyway just offering an SGI box to test on if you have done any yet.

We are currently running CCP4 with no problems and Id love to try out v5

Mark Rendell

p.s. still the greatest cart


#8 07-25-2002 11:10:05

From: York, PA
Registered: 04-20-2001
Posts: 19861

Re: Yet Another CCP5 Release Date Revision (YACRDR) - 07/25

Hi Mark.  Send your info over to  We would really appreciate you banging around on SGI - today if at all possible.

Nick Hendler



#9 07-25-2002 18:53:07

From: York, PA
Registered: 04-20-2001
Posts: 19861

Re: Yet Another CCP5 Release Date Revision (YACRDR) - 07/25

Check out: <A HREF=""></A>

We're delaying once again until Saturday, 07/27, but do have a partial demo to look at now.

Nick Hendler



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