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#1 02-23-2016 07:51:05

From: York, PA
Registered: 04-20-2001
Posts: 19859

V9 Site Release: First Production View Final V9

Hello everyone.  We're in the throws of XMOD development for V9 pushing up on our release date, and we are starting to publish sites on the final V9 platform.  All of the betas posted to this point have been of the new V9 frontend on a modified V8 platform.  Basically hybrids meant to test all the new design features.  The final version is completely rebuilt from the ground up, truly all-new and all-different from anything we've done before, or anyone for that matter.

The following site launched on Friday Feb 19, and has since seen nothing but positives in terms of customer reception, sales, conversions, pageview increases, better positioning in Google, speed increases and productivity increases.  Missing some, but you get the drift.  Very positive change:

We have a multisite (3 sites, in this case, tied to each other on the same install) going up on the final V9 platform this week.  I hope to post a few more links to those sites later this week.

Nick Hendler



#2 02-26-2016 08:52:45

Registered: 11-22-2005
Posts: 29

Re: V9 Site Release: First Production View Final V9

So, overnight we successfully went live with v9 on 

We have been running the hybrid v9 frontend on a modified v8 backend for the last 8 months successfully and are now running entirely on v9. Lots of traffic, taking orders - all good.

The migration process was nerve wracking, but went without a hitch. Specifically we were able to migrate all shopping carts, wishlists and accounts over successfully which was a huge concern for us given complexities we had in a bespoke extension (in some cases a quantity of 1 meant 1 pack and in otehrs it meant 1 item - now the new ecom-inventory table is consistent). There was a lot of planning both for the upgrade and our systems that drive the cart but in the end there was a window of approx 10 minutes where customers would not have been able to place orders but were able to continue to browse.

The multisite sites are live and working, just not provisioned with products/categories correctly at the moment. My task not Nick's.

Thanks, Nick.




#3 02-29-2016 11:43:38

From: York, PA
Registered: 04-20-2001
Posts: 19859

Re: V9 Site Release: First Production View Final V9

Thanks for posting, Phill.  Yours was the multisite install I referenced in my first post.  It went very, very well.   Now it's just a matter of fine tuning, then making use of all the new features.

Nick Hendler



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