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  •  » There was a processing problem encountered while processing your reque

#1 03-11-2011 11:00:12

Registered: 08-16-2010
Posts: 41

There was a processing problem encountered while processing your reque


When clicking checkout I get the error displayed in the title. The debug information is below but I can't work out what's wrong with it.

Thanks in advance,


KHXC::constructor: Accessed.

KHXC::constructor: Input array globalized.

KHXC::constructor: Private directory determined based on FILE conversion.

KHXC::constructor: Loading private configuration from local file.

KHXC::constructor: Loaded private configuration from local file.

KHXC::constructor: Global line ending set to \r\n.

KHXC::constructor: Suppress skin global set to false.

KHXC::constructor: Initial year and epoch date variables defined.

KHXC::constructor: Timer started.

KHXC::constructor: Operating system determined: Unix: Generic

KHXC::check_environment: PHP version checked: PHP 5.2.14

KHXC::check_environment: PHP safe_mode is off.

KHXC::check_environment: PHP magic_quotes_runtime is off.

KHXC::load_extension: Extension already loaded: curl

KHXC::check_environment: PHP cURL exentsion is available.

KHXC_Display::constructor: Accessed.

KHXC_Display::buffer: Output buffering started. (START)

KHXC::load_object: Cached object created: KHXC_Display Class: KHXC_Display

KHXC_Error::constructor: Accessed.

KHXC_Error::load_object: Cached object returned: KHXC_Display Class: KHXC_Display

KHXC::load_object: Cached object created: KHXC_Error Class: KHXC_Error

KHXC_Error::exec: Error setup completed. Reporting all but notices.

KHXC::run_tasks: Running all KHXC_startup class tasks.

KHXC_startup_regglob::constructor: Accessed.

KHXC::load_object: Cached object created: KHXC_startup_regglob Class: KHXC_startup_regglob

KHXC::destroy_object: Object destroyed: KHXC_startup_regglob

KHXC_startup_magicquot::constructor: Accessed.

KHXC::load_object: Cached object created: KHXC_startup_magicquot Class: KHXC_startup_magicquot

KHXC::destroy_object: Object destroyed: KHXC_startup_magicquot

KHXC_startup_db::constructor: Accessed.

KHXC::load_object: Cached object created: KHXC_startup_db Class: KHXC_startup_db

KHXC_DB::constructor: Accessed.

KHXC_DB::load_extension: Extension already loaded: mysql

KHXC_DB_mysql::constructor: Accessed.

KHXC_DB::load_object: Non-cached object created: Class: KHXC_DB_mysql

KHXC_startup_db::load_object: Cached object created: KHXC_DB_1 Class: KHXC_DB

KHXC_DB_mysql::xconnect: The MySQL extension attempting to connect to a MySQL database.

KHXC_DB_mysql::xconnect: Connected to MySQL. Version info: 5.0.77.

KHXC_startup_db::exec: Database startup completed.

KHXC::destroy_object: Object destroyed: KHXC_startup_db

KHXC_startup_settings::constructor: Accessed.

KHXC::load_object: Cached object created: KHXC_startup_settings Class: KHXC_startup_settings

KHXC_startup_settings::load_object: Cached object returned: KHXC_DB_1 Class: KHXC_DB

KHXC_DB_mysql::xsql_do: The MySQL extension executed statement: SELECT id,value FROM khxc_settings WHERE app='khxc' ORDER BY id ASC

KHXC_startup_settings::exec: Settings defined.

KHXC::destroy_object: Object destroyed: KHXC_startup_settings

KHXC_startup_datetime::constructor: Accessed.

KHXC::load_object: Cached object created: KHXC_startup_datetime Class: KHXC_startup_datetime

KHXC_startup_datetime::exec: Date and Time defined.

KHXC::destroy_object: Object destroyed: KHXC_startup_datetime

KHXC_startup_cgi::constructor: Accessed.

KHXC::load_object: Cached object created: KHXC_startup_cgi Class: KHXC_startup_cgi

KHXC_startup_cgi::xhtml_translate: XHTML transalation tables built.

KHXC_startup_cgi::create_globals: CGI _POST request globalized.

KHXC_startup_cgi::create_globals: CGI _GET request globalized.

KHXC_startup_cgi::exec: All CGI requests globalized.

KHXC::destroy_object: Object destroyed: KHXC_startup_cgi

KHXC_startup_session::constructor: Accessed.

KHXC::load_object: Cached object created: KHXC_startup_session Class: KHXC_startup_session

KHXC_Session::constructor: Accessed.

KHXC_Session::load_object: Cached object returned: KHXC_DB_1 Class: KHXC_DB

KHXC_startup_session::load_object: Cached object created: KHXC_Session Class: KHXC_Session

KHXC_DB_mysql::xsql_do: The MySQL extension executed statement: SELECT id, userid, data, lastaccess FROM khxc_sessions WHERE id='6a08672547tq2ki1nmmykq35d8b9dq9h' ORDER BY id ASC

KHXC_Session::initsess: Retrieved session information from database.

KHXC_Session::initsess: Unserialized session data.

KHXC_DB_mysql::xsql_do: The MySQL extension executed statement: SHOW COLUMNS FROM khxc_users

KHXC_DB_mysql::xtable_info: The MySQL extension provided information on the khxc_users table.

KHXC_DB::table_column_string: Created column string. Table: khxc_users

KHXC_DB_mysql::xsql_do: The MySQL extension executed statement: SELECT id, password, usergroup, lastsid, fname, lname, lastaccess, company, phone, fax, addone, addtwo, city, stateprov, country, postalcode, rescom, addbook, subscriptions, affilid, affilcommpct, affilsalestodate, affilcommearned, affilcommowed, affilcommpaid, whlsalepct, show_currency, eutaxno, eutaxnovalid FROM khxc_users WHERE id='' ORDER BY id ASC

KHXC_Session::initsess: Retrieved user information for the user '' from the database.

KHXC_Session::initsess: Session initialization phase completed using sid '6a08672547tq2ki1nmmykq35d8b9dq9h'.

KHXC_startup_session::exec: Session startup completed.

KHXC::destroy_object: Object destroyed: KHXC_startup_session

KHXC::run_tasks: Ran all KHXC_startup class tasks.

KHXC::constructor: StartUp phase completed.

KHXC_App::constructor: Accessed.

KHXC_App::load_object: Cached object returned: KHXC_Display Class: KHXC_Display

KHXC_App::load_object: Cached object returned: KHXC_DB_1 Class: KHXC_DB

KHXC::load_object: Cached object created: KHXC_App Class: KHXC_App

KHXC_App::exec: Interface defaulted to 'FrontEnd'.

KHXC_DB_mysql::xsql_do: The MySQL extension executed statement: SELECT id, name, fedispname, class, defaultns, defaultskin, defaultapp, interface, description, vendorname, vendorurl, vendorcopy, apptype, disablestatus FROM khxc_apps WHERE (interface='FrontEnd' AND disablestatus='0') OR (id='khxc') ORDER BY id ASC

KHXC_App::load_app: Loaded application information for the FrontEnd interface from the database.

KHXC_App::load_app: Loading requested application 'gbu0'.

GBU::constructor: Accessed.

GBU::constructor: Determined application id as 'gbu0'

GBU::load_object: Cached object returned: KHXC_Display Class: KHXC_Display

GBU::load_object: Cached object returned: KHXC_Session Class: KHXC_Session

GBU::load_object: Cached object returned: KHXC_DB_1 Class: KHXC_DB

KHXC_App::load_object: Cached object created: GBU Class: GBU

KHXC_App::load_app: Loaded application base module GBU.

KHXC_App::load_app: Starting application startup tasks.

KHXC_App::run_tasks: Running all GBU_startup class tasks.

GBU_startup_settings::constructor: Accessed.

GBU_startup_settings::constructor: Determined application id as 'gbu0'

GBU_startup_settings::load_object: Cached object returned: KHXC_DB_1 Class: KHXC_DB

KHXC_App::load_object: Cached object created: GBU_startup_settings Class: GBU_startup_settings

KHXC_DB_mysql::xsql_do: The MySQL extension executed statement: SELECT id,value FROM khxc_settings WHERE app='gbu0' ORDER BY id ASC

GBU_startup_settings::exec: Settings defined.

GBU_startup_settings::exec: Date Format overridedn.

KHXC_App::destroy_object: Object destroyed: GBU_startup_settings

KHXC_App::run_tasks: Ran all GBU_startup class tasks.

KHXC_App::load_app: Completed application startup tasks.

KHXC_App::exec: Set application to 'gbu0'.

KHXC_App::exec: Set skin to application default skin 'skin.zipskin_khxc022'.

KHXC_DB_mysql::xsql_do: The MySQL extension executed statement: SELECT id, app, namespace, name, pointer, funcparams, interface, type, groupallow, groupdeny, defaultskin, hreftype, backendgroup, backendmenudisp, disprecback, becommon, demoallow, beicon FROM khxc_namespaces WHERE (active=1) AND (interface='FrontEnd' OR interface='') AND (app='khxc' OR app='gbu0') ORDER BY id ASC

KHXC_App::load_namespaces: Namespaces loaded from database.

KHXC_App::exec: Loaded namespaces into cache.

KHXC_App::exec: Set namespace to requested namespace 'checkout'.

KHXC_App::load_object: Cached object returned: GBU Class: GBU

KHXC_App::exec: Starting execution of application namespace 'checkout'.

KHXC_App::exec_namespace: Validated namespace 'checkout'. Located with id 'gbu0.checkout'.

KHXC_App::exec_namespace: Located user's group in allowed group.

GBU_Checkout::constructor: Accessed.

GBU_Checkout::constructor: Determined application id as 'gbu0'

GBU_Checkout::load_object: Cached object returned: KHXC_DB_1 Class: KHXC_DB

GBU_Checkout::load_object: Cached object returned: KHXC_Session Class: KHXC_Session

GBU_Checkout::load_object: Cached object returned: KHXC_Display Class: KHXC_Display

KHXC_Form::constructor: Accessed.

KHXC_Form::load_object: Cached object returned: KHXC_Display Class: KHXC_Display

KHXC_Form::load_object: Cached object returned: KHXC_DB_1 Class: KHXC_DB

KHXC_Form::load_object: Cached object returned: KHXC_App Class: KHXC_App

GBU_Checkout::load_object: Cached object created: KHXC_Form Class: KHXC_Form

GBU_Cart::constructor: Accessed.

GBU_Cart::constructor: Determined application id as 'gbu0'

GBU_Cart::load_object: Cached object returned: KHXC_DB_1 Class: KHXC_DB

GBU_Cart::load_object: Cached object returned: KHXC_Session Class: KHXC_Session

GBU_Cart::load_object: Cached object returned: KHXC_Display Class: KHXC_Display

KHXC_DB_mysql::xsql_do: The MySQL extension executed statement: SELECT id, cartdata FROM gbu0_cart WHERE cartid='c8b7zgp1t03635kaxt0h374b5qa8569k' ORDER BY id ASC

GBU_Checkout::load_object: Cached object created: GBU_Cart Class: GBU_Cart

GBU_Ship::constructor: Accessed.

GBU_Ship::constructor: Determined application id as 'gbu0'

GBU_Ship::load_object: Cached object returned: KHXC_DB_1 Class: KHXC_DB

GBU_Ship::load_object: Cached object returned: KHXC_Display Class: KHXC_Display

KHXC_DB_mysql::xsql_do: The MySQL extension executed statement: SHOW COLUMNS FROM gbu0_shiprealtime

KHXC_DB_mysql::xtable_info: The MySQL extension provided information on the gbu0_shiprealtime table.

KHXC_DB::table_column_string: Created column string. Table: gbu0_shiprealtime

KHXC_DB_mysql::xsql_do: The MySQL extension executed statement: SELECT id, name, username, password, connectkey, rateurl, trackurl, ratetext, tracktext, tmimg, tmnotice, trackdisc, handledisc, errorweight, errordim, active, hasrates, hastrack FROM gbu0_shiprealtime ORDER BY id ASC

KHXC_DB_mysql::xsql_do: The MySQL extension executed statement: SELECT id, name, shipper, mark, active FROM gbu0_shiprealtimep ORDER BY id ASC

GBU_Checkout::load_object: Cached object created: GBU_Ship Class: GBU_Ship

GBU_Checkout::constructor: Built cosess array.

GBU_Checkout::constructor: Checked shopping cart and built cartids array.

KHXC_App::load_object: Cached object created: GBU_Checkout Class: GBU_Checkout

KHXC_App::exec_namespace: Loaded namespace base module GBU_Checkout.

KHXC_App::exec_namespace: Executing namespace function 'docheckout' in the GBU_Checkout class without parameters.

GBU_Cart::check_cart: Completed looping through cart.

GBU_Cart::check_cart: Product id/quantity array formulated: Array ( [Bury_St_edmunds_30clays] => 1 )

GBU_Cart::check_cart: Product selection item id/quantity array formulated: Array ( [Bury_St_edmunds_30clays] => 1 )

GBU_Cart::check_cart: Product selection item inventory array formulated: Array ( )

KHXC_DB_mysql::xsql_do: The MySQL extension executed statement: SHOW COLUMNS FROM gbu0_prod

KHXC_DB_mysql::xtable_info: The MySQL extension provided information on the gbu0_prod table.

KHXC_DB::table_column_string: Created column string. Table: gbu0_prod

KHXC_DB_mysql::xsql_do: The MySQL extension executed statement: SELECT id, name, prodnum, pricestatus, regprice, saleprice, volprice, voltext, recurprice, whlprice, affilcomm, keywords, descshort, desclong, deschastags, skinoverride, lgdisp, reldisptype, reldispnum, prodmulti, imgsm, imglg, imgxl, splashdisp, newdisp, specialsdisp, bestselldisp, featuredisp, taxstateprov, taxcountry, useinv, invlevel, addemtext, delmethod, customship, dlfile, shiponename, shiponeprice, shiptwoname, shiptwoprice, shipthreename, shipthreeprice, shiplocal, shipint, shiplength, shipwidth, shipheight, shipweight, shipnumbox, shipstateprov, shipcountry, shipzip, shipemail, xcat, xprod, xprodoptions, sortorder, sortprice, prodidx, prodview, prodviewg, minquan, maxquan FROM gbu0_prod WHERE id='clay_pigeon_BSE' ORDER BY id ASC

GBU_Cart::check_cart: Gathered product information from database.

KHXC_DB_mysql::xsql_do: The MySQL extension executed statement: SHOW COLUMNS FROM gbu0_prodoptionsel

KHXC_DB_mysql::xtable_info: The MySQL extension provided information on the gbu0_prodoptionsel table.

KHXC_DB::table_column_string: Created column string. Table: gbu0_prodoptionsel

KHXC_DB_mysql::xsql_do: The MySQL extension executed statement: SELECT id, name, pricechngreg, pricechngrec, pricechngwhl, afflcommchng, weightchng, inventory, downloadfile, fieldorder, eutaxinherit, eutaxrate FROM gbu0_prodoptionsel WHERE id='Bury_St_edmunds_30clays' ORDER BY id ASC

GBU_Cart::check_cart: Gathered option selection item information from database.

GBU_Cart::check_cart: Increasing items to meet minimum quantity rules.

GBU_Cart::check_cart: Checking product max and inventory rules.

GBU_Cart::check_cart: Checking product option selection item inventory rules.

GBU_Cart::check_cart: Completed looping through cart adjusting quantities.

GBU_Cart::get_priceinfo: taxcountry 'H'.

KHXC_DB_mysql::xsql_do: The MySQL extension executed statement: SELECT id,rate FROM gbu0_eutaxrates WHERE (id='H') ORDER BY id ASC

GBU_Cart::eutaxrate: Found County '17.5'.

GBU_Cart::get_priceinfo: Manage EU Tax: 'no' EU Tax Rate: '17.5'

GBU_Cart::get_priceinfo: Reg Price : '0' Reg Price EU Tax Rate: '0'

GBU_Cart::price_format: Calling Application: 'gbu0' EU Price Decimal: '.'

GBU_Cart::price_format: Calling Application: 'gbu0' EU Price Decimal: '.'

GBU_Cart::get_priceinfo: taxcountry 'H'.

KHXC_DB_mysql::xsql_do: The MySQL extension executed statement: SELECT id,rate FROM gbu0_eutaxrates WHERE (id='H') ORDER BY id ASC

GBU_Cart::eutaxrate: Found County '17.5'.

GBU_Cart::get_priceinfo: Manage EU Tax: 'no' EU Tax Rate: '17.5'

GBU_Cart::get_priceinfo: Reg Price : '44.00' Reg Price EU Tax Rate: '0'

GBU_Cart::price_format: Calling Application: 'gbu0' EU Price Decimal: '.'

GBU_Cart::price_format: Calling Application: 'gbu0' EU Price Decimal: '.'

GBU_Checkout::cocarttotal: Determined cart subtotal is 44 and recurring total is 0.

GBU_Checkout::costartup: Ran checkout startup tasks. Modified checkout session information.

GBU_Checkout::cogetaddress: Worked with billing address.

GBU_Checkout::coerraddress: Required checkout info not completed for this user. Directing to entry namespace.

GBU_Checkout::exec_namespace: Validated namespace 'accountmaint'. Located with id 'gbu0.accountmaint'.

GBU_Checkout::exec_namespace: Located user's group in allowed group.

GBU_Post::constructor: Accessed.

GBU_Post::constructor: Determined application id as 'gbu0'

GBU_Post::load_object: Cached object returned: KHXC_Display Class: KHXC_Display

GBU_Post::load_object: Cached object returned: KHXC_DB_1 Class: KHXC_DB

GBU_Checkout::load_object: Cached object created: GBU_Post Class: GBU_Post

GBU_Checkout::exec_namespace: Loaded namespace base module GBU_Post.

GBU_Post_accounts::constructor: Accessed.

GBU_Post_accounts::load_object: Cached object returned: KHXC_Display Class: KHXC_Display

GBU_Post_accounts::load_object: Cached object returned: KHXC_DB_1 Class: KHXC_DB

GBU_Post_accounts::load_object: Cached object returned: KHXC_Form Class: KHXC_Form

GBU_Post_accounts::load_object: Cached object returned: KHXC_Session Class: KHXC_Session

GBU_Checkout::load_object: Cached object created: GBU_Post_accounts Class: GBU_Post_accounts

GBU_Checkout::exec_namespace: Loaded namespace extension module GBU_Post_accounts.

GBU_Checkout::exec_namespace: Executing namespace function 'accountmaint_disp' in the GBU_Post_accounts class without parameters.

GBU_Post_accounts::accountmaint_disp: Printing account maint page gbu0.

KHXC_Display::include_file: Started file: /apps/gbu0/GBU/includes/coimgone.php

KHXC_Display::include_file: Completed file: /apps/gbu0/GBU/includes/coimgone.php

GBU_Post_accounts::postcoderequest_disp: APP: 'gbu0'Postcode Use: '0' Postcode ID: '' Postcode License: '' Postcode URL: ''

KHXC_DB_mysql::xsql_do: The MySQL extension executed statement: SELECT id, name, description, deschastags, nspost, dispcolumns FROM khxc_forms WHERE id='gbu0.accountmaint' ORDER BY id ASC

KHXC_DB_mysql::xsql_do: The MySQL extension executed statement: SELECT id, section, name, description, deschastags, required, type, typeparam, defaultvalue, cssclass, maxlength FROM khxc_formfields WHERE form='gbu0.accountmaint' ORDER BY fieldorder ASC

KHXC_Form::def_form: Created definition for the 'gbu0.accountmaint' form for the 'gbu0' application.

KHXC_Error::error: Non-fatal error encountered: Undefined variable: checkout_active File: /apps/gbu0/GBU_Post/ext/accounts.php Line: 723

KHXC_DB_mysql::xsql_do: The MySQL extension executed statement: SELECT tdisplay, tprimkey, torderby FROM khxc_tabledefs WHERE tid='gbu0_stateprov' ORDER BY tid ASC

KHXC_DB_mysql::xsql_do: The MySQL extension executed statement: SELECT tdisplay, tprimkey, torderby FROM khxc_tabledefs WHERE tid='gbu0_country' ORDER BY tid ASC

KHXC_DB_mysql::xsql_do: The MySQL extension executed statement: SELECT tdisplay, tprimkey, torderby FROM khxc_tabledefs WHERE tid='gbu0_rescom' ORDER BY tid ASC

KHXC_Form::def_form: Obtained values for all custom and regular selection items for the 'gbu0.accountmaint' form.

KHXC_Form::spec_form: Modified definition for the 'gbu0.accountmaint' form for the 'gbu0' application.

KHXC_Form::print_form: Parameter 'sid' added to form as '6a08672547tq2ki1nmmykq35d8b9dq9h'.

KHXC_Form::print_form: Determined destination URL.

KHXC_Form::print_form: Parameter 'app' added to form as 'gbu0'.

KHXC_Form::print_form: Parameter 'ns' added to form as 'accountmaint_proc'.

KHXC_Form::check_field_def: Validated the form field 'gbu0.accountmaint.fname'.

KHXC_Form::check_field_def: Validated the form field 'gbu0.accountmaint.lname'.

KHXC_Form::check_field_def: Validated the form field ''.

KHXC_Form::check_field_def: Validated the form field ''.

KHXC_Form::check_field_def: Validated the form field 'gbu0.accountmaint.fax'.

KHXC_Form::check_field_def: Validated the form field 'gbu0.accountmaint.eutaxno'.

KHXC_Form::check_field_def: Validated the form field 'gbu0.accountmaint.addone'.

KHXC_Form::check_field_def: Validated the form field 'gbu0.accountmaint.addtwo'.

KHXC_Form::check_field_def: Validated the form field ''.

KHXC_Form::check_field_def: An invalid request to validate a form field was received. The form field 'gbu0.accountmaint.stateprov', a 'SELECT-TABLE' type field requires an array of values. An array of values was not specified.

KHXC::load_object: Cached object returned: KHXC_Display Class: KHXC_Display

KHXC_Display::buffer: Output buffering completed. No output printed (CLEAN).

KHXC_Display::buffer: Output buffering started. (START)

KHXC_Display::include_file: Started file: /core/KHXC/includes/systemissue.php

KHXC_Display::include_file: Completed file: /core/KHXC/includes/systemissue.php

KHXC::exec: Application phase completed.

KHXC::shutdown: Beginning clean shutdown.

KHXC::load_object: Cached object returned: KHXC_Display Class: KHXC_Display

KHXC_Display::buffer: Output buffering completed. Output stored (FLUSH).

KHXC_Display::flush_output: Buffer flushed. Display content stored.

KHXC_Display::flush_output: Skin determined: skin.zipskin_khxc022

KHXC_Display::buffer: Output buffering started. (START)

KHXC_Display::include_skin: Started skin file: /skins/zipskin_khxc022/skin.php

KHXC_Display::include_skinfunc: Initiating function class for skin 'skin.zipskin_khxc022'.

KHXC_Display::load_object: Cached object created: KHXC_SkinFunc Class: KHXC_SkinFunc

KHXC_Display::include_skinfunc: Loaded function class for skin 'skin.zipskin_khxc022'.

KHXC_SkinFunc::load_object: Cached object returned: KHXC_App Class: KHXC_App

KHXC_Display::load_object: Cached object returned: KHXC_App Class: KHXC_App

KHXC_SkinFunc::load_object: Cached object returned: KHXC_Form Class: KHXC_Form

KHXC_Form::quick_form: Created a quick form array for application 'gbu0' to post to namespace 'prodsearchp'.

KHXC_SkinFunc::include_file: Started file: /apps/gbu0/GBU/includes/form_quickh.php

KHXC_SkinFunc::include_file: Completed file: /apps/gbu0/GBU/includes/form_quickh.php

KHXC_SkinFunc::xhtml_quickform_header: Generated quick form header for form id 'gbu0--minisearch'.

KHXC_SkinFunc::include_namespace: Loading the 'femenus' namespace via a display request for the 'gbu0' application.

KHXC_App::exec_namespace: Validated namespace 'femenus'. Located with id 'gbu0.femenus'.

KHXC_App::exec_namespace: Located user's group in allowed group.

KHXC_App::load_object: Cached object returned: GBU Class: GBU

KHXC_App::exec_namespace: Loaded namespace base module GBU.

GBU_femenus::constructor: Accessed.

GBU_femenus::constructor: Determined application id as 'gbu0'

GBU_femenus::load_object: Cached object returned: KHXC_Display Class: KHXC_Display

GBU_femenus::load_object: Cached object returned: KHXC_DB_1 Class: KHXC_DB

KHXC_App::load_object: Cached object created: GBU_femenus Class: GBU_femenus

KHXC_App::exec_namespace: Loaded namespace extension module GBU_femenus.

KHXC_App::exec_namespace: Executing namespace function 'femenusdo' in the GBU_femenus class with parameters.

KHXC_DB_mysql::xsql_do: The MySQL extension executed statement: SELECT name, namespace, menugroup FROM gbu0_femenus WHERE menudisp=1 ORDER BY menuorder ASC

GBU_femenus::femenusdo: Loaded frontend menus into cache.

GBU_femenus::exec_namespace: Validated namespace 'menupages'. Located with id 'gbu0.menupages'.

GBU_femenus::exec_namespace: Located user's group in allowed group.

GBU_Content::constructor: Accessed.

GBU_Content::constructor: Determined application id as 'gbu0'

GBU_Content::load_object: Cached object returned: KHXC_Display Class: KHXC_Display

GBU_Content::load_object: Cached object returned: KHXC_DB_1 Class: KHXC_DB

GBU_femenus::load_object: Cached object created: GBU_Content Class: GBU_Content

GBU_femenus::exec_namespace: Loaded namespace base module GBU_Content.

GBU_femenus::exec_namespace: Executing namespace function 'menupages' in the GBU_Content class without parameters.

KHXC_DB_mysql::xsql_do: The MySQL extension executed statement: SELECT id, dispname FROM gbu0_html WHERE menudisp=1 ORDER BY menuorder ASC

KHXC_Display::include_file: Started file: /apps/gbu0/GBU/includes/femenuhead.php

KHXC_Display::include_file: Completed file: /apps/gbu0/GBU/includes/femenuhead.php

KHXC_Display::include_file: Started file: /apps/gbu0/GBU/includes/femenugeneric.php

KHXC_Display::include_file: Completed file: /apps/gbu0/GBU/includes/femenugeneric.php

KHXC_Display::include_file: Started file: /apps/gbu0/GBU/includes/femenufoot.php

KHXC_Display::include_file: Completed file: /apps/gbu0/GBU/includes/femenufoot.php

GBU_Content::menupages: Printed the pages menu. App: gbu0

GBU_femenus::exec_namespace: Executed namespace function 'menupages' in the GBU_Content class without parameters.

GBU_femenus::exec_namespace: Validated namespace 'menucustom'. Located with id 'gbu0.menucustom'.

GBU_femenus::exec_namespace: Located user's group in allowed group.

GBU_femenus::load_object: Cached object returned: GBU Class: GBU

GBU_femenus::exec_namespace: Loaded namespace base module GBU.

GBU_femenus::load_object: Cached object returned: GBU_femenus Class: GBU_femenus

GBU_femenus::exec_namespace: Loaded namespace extension module GBU_femenus.

GBU_femenus::exec_namespace: Executing namespace function 'menucustom' in the GBU_femenus class without parameters.

KHXC_DB_mysql::xsql_do: The MySQL extension executed statement: SELECT name, namespace, reference FROM gbu0_custommenu WHERE menudisp=1 ORDER BY menuorder ASC

KHXC_Display::include_file: Started file: /apps/gbu0/GBU/includes/femenuhead.php

KHXC_Display::include_file: Completed file: /apps/gbu0/GBU/includes/femenuhead.php

KHXC_Display::include_file: Started file: /apps/gbu0/GBU/includes/femenugeneric.php

KHXC_Display::include_file: Completed file: /apps/gbu0/GBU/includes/femenugeneric.php

KHXC_Display::include_file: Started file: /apps/gbu0/GBU/includes/femenufoot.php

KHXC_Display::include_file: Completed file: /apps/gbu0/GBU/includes/femenufoot.php

GBU_femenus::menupages: Printed the CCP store menu. App: gbu0

GBU_femenus::exec_namespace: Executed namespace function 'menucustom' in the GBU_femenus class without parameters.

GBU_femenus::exec_namespace: Validated namespace 'menucategories'. Located with id 'gbu0.menucategories'.

GBU_femenus::exec_namespace: Located user's group in allowed group.

GBU_femenus::load_object: Cached object returned: GBU Class: GBU

GBU_femenus::exec_namespace: Loaded namespace base module GBU.

GBU_femenus::load_object: Cached object returned: GBU_femenus Class: GBU_femenus

GBU_femenus::exec_namespace: Loaded namespace extension module GBU_femenus.

GBU_femenus::exec_namespace: Executing namespace function 'menucategories' in the GBU_femenus class without parameters.

KHXC_DB_mysql::xsql_do: The MySQL extension executed statement: SELECT id, name FROM gbu0_cat WHERE splashdisp=1 AND ((catview='A') OR (catview='L' AND (catviewg LIKE '%superuser,%' OR catviewg LIKE '%,superuser%' OR catviewg LIKE '%, superuser%' OR catviewg='superuser'))) ORDER BY sortorder ASC

KHXC_Display::include_file: Started file: /apps/gbu0/GBU/includes/femenuhead.php

KHXC_Display::include_file: Completed file: /apps/gbu0/GBU/includes/femenuhead.php

KHXC_Display::include_file: Started file: /apps/gbu0/GBU/includes/femenugeneric.php

KHXC_Display::include_file: Completed file: /apps/gbu0/GBU/includes/femenugeneric.php

KHXC_Display::include_file: Started file: /apps/gbu0/GBU/includes/femenufoot.php

KHXC_Display::include_file: Completed file: /apps/gbu0/GBU/includes/femenufoot.php

GBU_femenus::menupages: Printed the GBU categories menu. App: gbu0

GBU_femenus::exec_namespace: Executed namespace function 'menucategories' in the GBU_femenus class without parameters.

GBU_femenus::femenusdo: Completed running frontend menus for the KHXC with id 'LEFT'.

KHXC_App::exec_namespace: Executed namespace function 'femenusdo' in the GBU_femenus class with parameters.

KHXC_SkinFunc::include_namespace: Loaded the 'femenus' namespace via a display request for the 'gbu0' application.

KHXC_SkinFunc::include_namespace: Loading the 'minicart' namespace via a display request for the 'gbu0' application.

KHXC_App::exec_namespace: Validated namespace 'minicart'. Located with id 'gbu0.minicart'.

KHXC_App::exec_namespace: Located user's group in allowed group.

KHXC_App::load_object: Cached object returned: GBU_Cart Class: GBU_Cart

KHXC_App::exec_namespace: Loaded namespace base module GBU_Cart.

KHXC_App::exec_namespace: Executing namespace function 'minicart' in the GBU_Cart class without parameters.

GBU_Cart::get_priceinfo: taxcountry 'H'.

KHXC_DB_mysql::xsql_do: The MySQL extension executed statement: SELECT id,rate FROM gbu0_eutaxrates WHERE (id='H') ORDER BY id ASC

GBU_Cart::eutaxrate: Found County '17.5'.

GBU_Cart::get_priceinfo: Manage EU Tax: 'no' EU Tax Rate: '17.5'

GBU_Cart::get_priceinfo: Reg Price : '0.00' Reg Price EU Tax Rate: '0'

GBU_Cart::price_format: Calling Application: 'gbu0' EU Price Decimal: '.'

GBU_Cart::get_priceinfo: taxcountry 'H'.

KHXC_DB_mysql::xsql_do: The MySQL extension executed statement: SELECT id,rate FROM gbu0_eutaxrates WHERE (id='H') ORDER BY id ASC

GBU_Cart::eutaxrate: Found County '17.5'.

GBU_Cart::get_priceinfo: Manage EU Tax: 'no' EU Tax Rate: '17.5'

GBU_Cart::get_priceinfo: Reg Price : '0.00' Reg Price EU Tax Rate: '0'

GBU_Cart::price_format: Calling Application: 'gbu0' EU Price Decimal: '.'

GBU_Cart::get_priceinfo: taxcountry 'H'.

KHXC_DB_mysql::xsql_do: The MySQL extension executed statement: SELECT id,rate FROM gbu0_eutaxrates WHERE (id='H') ORDER BY id ASC

GBU_Cart::eutaxrate: Found County '17.5'.

GBU_Cart::get_priceinfo: Manage EU Tax: 'no' EU Tax Rate: '17.5'

GBU_Cart::get_priceinfo: Reg Price : '0.00' Reg Price EU Tax Rate: '0'

GBU_Cart::price_format: Calling Application: 'gbu0' EU Price Decimal: '.'

GBU_Cart::get_priceinfo: taxcountry 'H'.

KHXC_DB_mysql::xsql_do: The MySQL extension executed statement: SELECT id,rate FROM gbu0_eutaxrates WHERE (id='H') ORDER BY id ASC

GBU_Cart::eutaxrate: Found County '17.5'.

GBU_Cart::get_priceinfo: Manage EU Tax: 'no' EU Tax Rate: '17.5'

GBU_Cart::get_priceinfo: Reg Price : '0.00' Reg Price EU Tax Rate: '0'

GBU_Cart::price_format: Calling Application: 'gbu0' EU Price Decimal: '.'

KHXC_Display::include_file: Started file: /apps/gbu0/GBU/includes/minicart.php

KHXC_Display::include_file: Completed file: /apps/gbu0/GBU/includes/minicart.php

GBU_Cart::minicart: Mini cart displayed.

KHXC_App::exec_namespace: Executed namespace function 'minicart' in the GBU_Cart class without parameters.

KHXC_SkinFunc::include_namespace: Loaded the 'minicart' namespace via a display request for the 'gbu0' application.

KHXC_SkinFunc::include_namespace: Loading the 'femenus' namespace via a display request for the 'gbu0' application.

KHXC_App::exec_namespace: Validated namespace 'femenus'. Located with id 'gbu0.femenus'.

KHXC_App::exec_namespace: Located user's group in allowed group.

KHXC_App::load_object: Cached object returned: GBU Class: GBU

KHXC_App::exec_namespace: Loaded namespace base module GBU.

KHXC_App::load_object: Cached object returned: GBU_femenus Class: GBU_femenus

KHXC_App::exec_namespace: Loaded namespace extension module GBU_femenus.

KHXC_App::exec_namespace: Executing namespace function 'femenusdo' in the GBU_femenus class with parameters.

GBU_femenus::exec_namespace: Validated namespace 'femenuinactive'. Located with id 'gbu0.femenuinactive'.

GBU_femenus::exec_namespace: Located user's group in allowed group.

GBU_femenus::load_object: Cached object returned: GBU Class: GBU

GBU_femenus::exec_namespace: Loaded namespace base module GBU.

GBU_femenus::load_object: Cached object returned: GBU_femenus Class: GBU_femenus

GBU_femenus::exec_namespace: Loaded namespace extension module GBU_femenus.

GBU_femenus::exec_namespace: Executing namespace function 'femenuinactive' in the GBU_femenus class without parameters.

GBU_femenus::exec_namespace: Executed namespace function 'femenuinactive' in the GBU_femenus class without parameters.

GBU_femenus::exec_namespace: Validated namespace 'menustore'. Located with id 'gbu0.menustore'.

GBU_femenus::exec_namespace: Located user's group in allowed group.

GBU_femenus::load_object: Cached object returned: GBU Class: GBU

GBU_femenus::exec_namespace: Loaded namespace base module GBU.

GBU_femenus::load_object: Cached object returned: GBU_femenus Class: GBU_femenus

GBU_femenus::exec_namespace: Loaded namespace extension module GBU_femenus.

GBU_femenus::exec_namespace: Executing namespace function 'menustore' in the GBU_femenus class without parameters.

KHXC_DB_mysql::xsql_do: The MySQL extension executed statement: SELECT name, namespace FROM gbu0_storemenu WHERE menudisp=1 ORDER BY menuorder ASC

KHXC_Display::include_file: Started file: /apps/gbu0/GBU/includes/femenuhead.php

KHXC_Display::include_file: Completed file: /apps/gbu0/GBU/includes/femenuhead.php

KHXC_Display::include_file: Started file: /apps/gbu0/GBU/includes/femenugeneric.php

KHXC_Display::include_file: Completed file: /apps/gbu0/GBU/includes/femenugeneric.php

KHXC_Display::include_file: Started file: /apps/gbu0/GBU/includes/femenufoot.php

KHXC_Display::include_file: Completed file: /apps/gbu0/GBU/includes/femenufoot.php

GBU_femenus::menupages: Printed the GBU store menu. App: gbu0

GBU_femenus::exec_namespace: Executed namespace function 'menustore' in the GBU_femenus class without parameters.

GBU_femenus::exec_namespace: Validated namespace 'femenuaccount'. Located with id 'gbu0.femenuaccount'.

GBU_femenus::exec_namespace: Located user's group in allowed group.

GBU_femenus::load_object: Cached object returned: GBU Class: GBU

GBU_femenus::exec_namespace: Loaded namespace base module GBU.

GBU_femenus::load_object: Cached object returned: GBU_femenus Class: GBU_femenus

GBU_femenus::exec_namespace: Loaded namespace extension module GBU_femenus.

GBU_femenus::exec_namespace: Executing namespace function 'femenuaccount' in the GBU_femenus class without parameters.

KHXC_Display::include_file: Started file: /apps/gbu0/GBU/includes/femenuhead.php

KHXC_Display::include_file: Completed file: /apps/gbu0/GBU/includes/femenuhead.php

GBU_femenus::exec_namespace: Validated namespace 'accountmenu'. Located with id 'gbu0.accountmenu'.

GBU_femenus::exec_namespace: Located user's group in allowed group.

GBU_femenus::load_object: Cached object returned: GBU Class: GBU

GBU_femenus::exec_namespace: Loaded namespace base module GBU.

GBU_accounts::constructor: Accessed.

GBU_accounts::constructor: Determined application id as 'gbu0'

GBU_accounts::load_object: Cached object returned: KHXC_Display Class: KHXC_Display

GBU_accounts::load_object: Cached object returned: KHXC_DB_1 Class: KHXC_DB

GBU_accounts::load_object: Cached object returned: KHXC_Form Class: KHXC_Form

GBU_accounts::load_object: Cached object returned: KHXC_Session Class: KHXC_Session

GBU_femenus::load_object: Cached object created: GBU_accounts Class: GBU_accounts

GBU_femenus::exec_namespace: Loaded namespace extension module GBU_accounts.

GBU_femenus::exec_namespace: Executing namespace function 'account_menu' in the GBU_accounts class without parameters.

GBU_accounts::account_menu: Printing account menu for logged in user.

KHXC_Display::include_file: Started file: /apps/gbu0/GBU/includes/accountmenuli.php

KHXC_Display::include_file: Completed file: /apps/gbu0/GBU/includes/accountmenuli.php

GBU_femenus::exec_namespace: Executed namespace function 'account_menu' in the GBU_accounts class without parameters.

KHXC_Display::include_file: Started file: /apps/gbu0/GBU/includes/femenufoot.php

KHXC_Display::include_file: Completed file: /apps/gbu0/GBU/includes/femenufoot.php

GBU_femenus::menupages: Printed the application account menu.

GBU_femenus::exec_namespace: Executed namespace function 'femenuaccount' in the GBU_femenus class without parameters.

GBU_femenus::femenusdo: Completed running frontend menus for the KHXC with id 'RIGHT'.

KHXC_App::exec_namespace: Executed namespace function 'femenusdo' in the GBU_femenus class with parameters.

KHXC_SkinFunc::include_namespace: Loaded the 'femenus' namespace via a display request for the 'gbu0' application.

KHXC_SkinFunc::include_namespace: Loading the 'getaddress' namespace via a display request for the 'gbu0' application.

KHXC_App::exec_namespace: Validated namespace 'getaddress'. Located with id 'gbu0.getaddress'.

KHXC_App::exec_namespace: Located user's group in allowed group.

KHXC_App::load_object: Cached object returned: GBU Class: GBU

KHXC_App::exec_namespace: Loaded namespace base module GBU.

KHXC_App::exec_namespace: Executing namespace function 'get_addressdisp' in the GBU class with parameters.

GBU::make_address: Generated address as requested.

KHXC_App::exec_namespace: Executed namespace function 'get_addressdisp' in the GBU class with parameters.

KHXC_SkinFunc::include_namespace: Loaded the 'getaddress' namespace via a display request for the 'gbu0' application.

KHXC_SkinFunc::include_file: Started file: /core/KHXC/includes/closure.php

KHXC_SkinFunc::include_file: Completed file: /core/KHXC/includes/closure.php

KHXC_Display::include_skin: Completed skin file: /skins/zipskin_khxc022/skin.php

KHXC_Display::flush_output: Buffer started. Skin included.

KHXC_Display::buffer: Output buffering completed. Output stored (FLUSH).

KHXC_Display::flush_output: Buffer flushed. Display skin stored.

KHXC_Display::flush_output: Display content and skin merged.

KHXC::run_tasks: Running all KHXC_shutdown class tasks.

KHXC_shutdown_apps::constructor: Accessed.

KHXC::load_object: Cached object created: KHXC_shutdown_apps Class: KHXC_shutdown_apps

KHXC_shutdown_apps::load_object: Cached object returned: KHXC_App Class: KHXC_App

KHXC_shutdown_apps::exec: Starting application shutdown tasks for the 'gbu0' application.

KHXC_shutdown_apps::run_tasks: Running all GBU_shutdown class tasks.

GBU_shutdown_savecart::constructor: Accessed.

GBU_shutdown_savecart::constructor: Determined application id as 'gbu0'

GBU_shutdown_savecart::load_object: Cached object returned: KHXC_DB_1 Class: KHXC_DB

GBU_shutdown_savecart::load_object: Cached object returned: KHXC_Session Class: KHXC_Session

KHXC_shutdown_apps::load_object: Cached object created: GBU_shutdown_savecart Class: GBU_shutdown_savecart

GBU_shutdown_savecart::exec: User cart is unchanged. Returning.

KHXC_shutdown_apps::destroy_object: Object destroyed: GBU_shutdown_savecart

GBU_shutdown_cron::constructor: Accessed.

GBU_shutdown_cron::constructor: Determined application id as 'gbu0'

KHXC_Cron::constructor: Accessed.

KHXC_Cron::load_object: Cached object returned: KHXC_DB_1 Class: KHXC_DB

GBU_shutdown_cron::load_object: Cached object created: KHXC_Cron Class: KHXC_Cron

KHXC_shutdown_apps::load_object: Cached object created: GBU_shutdown_cron Class: GBU_shutdown_cron

GBU_shutdown_cron::exec: Cron tasks completed.

KHXC_shutdown_apps::destroy_object: Object destroyed: GBU_shutdown_cron

KHXC_shutdown_apps::run_tasks: Ran all GBU_shutdown class tasks.

KHXC_shutdown_apps::exec: Completed application shutdown tasks for the 'gbu0' application.

KHXC_shutdown_apps::exec: Application shutdown completed.

KHXC::destroy_object: Object destroyed: KHXC_shutdown_apps

KHXC_shutdown_stats::constructor: Accessed.

KHXC::load_object: Cached object created: KHXC_shutdown_stats Class: KHXC_shutdown_stats

KHXC_shutdown_stats::load_object: Cached object returned: KHXC_DB_1 Class: KHXC_DB

KHXC_DB_mysql::xsql_do: The MySQL extension executed statement: SHOW COLUMNS FROM khxc_stats

KHXC_DB_mysql::xtable_info: The MySQL extension provided information on the khxc_stats table.

KHXC_DB::clause_insert: The following INSERT clause was created: INSERT INTO khxc_stats VALUES ('6a08672547tq2ki1nmmykq35d8b9dq9h-302x31oh4165k46hx6puo40rvxrhi5e3', '1299858936', '03', '11', '2011', 'gbu0', 'checkout', '', 'FrontEnd', 'Checkout', '6a08672547tq2ki1nmmykq35d8b9dq9h', 'Not Applicable', '', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-GB; rv: Gecko/20110303 Firefox/3.6.15', '0')

KHXC_DB_mysql::xsql_do: The MySQL extension executed statement: INSERT INTO khxc_stats VALUES ('6a08672547tq2ki1nmmykq35d8b9dq9h-302x31oh4165k46hx6puo40rvxrhi5e3', '1299858936', '03', '11', '2011', 'gbu0', 'checkout', '', 'FrontEnd', 'Checkout', '6a08672547tq2ki1nmmykq35d8b9dq9h', 'Not Applicable', '', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-GB; rv: Gecko/20110303 Firefox/3.6.15', '0')

KHXC_shutdown_stats::exec: Updated the 'khxc_stats' table by adding a new row with id '302x31oh4165k46hx6puo40rvxrhi5e3'.

KHXC_DB_mysql::xsql_do: The MySQL extension executed statement: SHOW COLUMNS FROM khxc_statsfe

KHXC_DB_mysql::xtable_info: The MySQL extension provided information on the khxc_statsfe table.

KHXC_DB_mysql::xsql_do: The MySQL extension executed statement: SELECT hitcount FROM khxc_statsfe WHERE id='gbu0.DAYLEVEL.2011-03-11' ORDER BY id ASC

KHXC_DB_mysql::xsql_do: The MySQL extension executed statement: SELECT COUNT(*) AS khxccount FROM khxc_statsfe WHERE id='gbu0.DAYLEVEL.2011-03-11'

KHXC_DB::sql_count: Calculated a count of 1 of rows in the khxc_statsfe table matching: WHERE id='gbu0.DAYLEVEL.2011-03-11'

KHXC_DB::clause_update: The following UPDATE clause was created: UPDATE khxc_statsfe SET id='gbu0.DAYLEVEL.2011-03-11', app='gbu0', type='DAYLEVEL', name='2011-03-11', hitcount=73

KHXC_DB_mysql::xsql_do: The MySQL extension executed statement: UPDATE khxc_statsfe SET id='gbu0.DAYLEVEL.2011-03-11', app='gbu0', type='DAYLEVEL', name='2011-03-11', hitcount=73 WHERE id='gbu0.DAYLEVEL.2011-03-11'

KHXC_DB::sql_save: Data was UPDATEed in the table khxc_statsfe.

KHXC_shutdown_stats::exec: Updated the 'khxc_statsfe' table by adding a hit for reference id 'gbu0.DAYLEVEL.2011-03-11'. New hit count is '73'.

KHXC_DB_mysql::xsql_do: The MySQL extension executed statement: SELECT hitcount FROM khxc_statsfe WHERE id='gbu0.MONTHLEVEL.2011-03' ORDER BY id ASC

KHXC_DB_mysql::xsql_do: The MySQL extension executed statement: SELECT COUNT(*) AS khxccount FROM khxc_statsfe WHERE id='gbu0.MONTHLEVEL.2011-03'

KHXC_DB::sql_count: Calculated a count of 1 of rows in the khxc_statsfe table matching: WHERE id='gbu0.MONTHLEVEL.2011-03'

KHXC_DB::clause_update: The following UPDATE clause was created: UPDATE khxc_statsfe SET id='gbu0.MONTHLEVEL.2011-03', app='gbu0', type='MONTHLEVEL', name='2011-03', hitcount=155

KHXC_DB_mysql::xsql_do: The MySQL extension executed statement: UPDATE khxc_statsfe SET id='gbu0.MONTHLEVEL.2011-03', app='gbu0', type='MONTHLEVEL', name='2011-03', hitcount=155 WHERE id='gbu0.MONTHLEVEL.2011-03'

KHXC_DB::sql_save: Data was UPDATEed in the table khxc_statsfe.

KHXC_shutdown_stats::exec: Updated the 'khxc_statsfe' table by adding a hit for reference id 'gbu0.MONTHLEVEL.2011-03'. New hit count is '155'.

KHXC_DB_mysql::xsql_do: The MySQL extension executed statement: SELECT hitcount FROM khxc_statsfe WHERE id='gbu0.YEARLEVEL.2011' ORDER BY id ASC

KHXC_DB_mysql::xsql_do: The MySQL extension executed statement: SELECT COUNT(*) AS khxccount FROM khxc_statsfe WHERE id='gbu0.YEARLEVEL.2011'

KHXC_DB::sql_count: Calculated a count of 1 of rows in the khxc_statsfe table matching: WHERE id='gbu0.YEARLEVEL.2011'

KHXC_DB::clause_update: The following UPDATE clause was created: UPDATE khxc_statsfe SET id='gbu0.YEARLEVEL.2011', app='gbu0', type='YEARLEVEL', name='2011', hitcount=155

KHXC_DB_mysql::xsql_do: The MySQL extension executed statement: UPDATE khxc_statsfe SET id='gbu0.YEARLEVEL.2011', app='gbu0', type='YEARLEVEL', name='2011', hitcount=155 WHERE id='gbu0.YEARLEVEL.2011'

KHXC_DB::sql_save: Data was UPDATEed in the table khxc_statsfe.

KHXC_shutdown_stats::exec: Updated the 'khxc_statsfe' table by adding a hit for reference id 'gbu0.YEARLEVEL.2011'. New hit count is '155'.

KHXC_DB_mysql::xsql_do: The MySQL extension executed statement: SELECT hitcount FROM khxc_statsfe WHERE id='gbu0.PAGEVIEW.Checkout' ORDER BY id ASC

KHXC_DB_mysql::xsql_do: The MySQL extension executed statement: SELECT COUNT(*) AS khxccount FROM khxc_statsfe WHERE id='gbu0.PAGEVIEW.Checkout'

KHXC_DB::sql_count: Calculated a count of 1 of rows in the khxc_statsfe table matching: WHERE id='gbu0.PAGEVIEW.Checkout'

KHXC_DB::clause_update: The following UPDATE clause was created: UPDATE khxc_statsfe SET id='gbu0.PAGEVIEW.Checkout', app='gbu0', type='PAGEVIEW', name='Checkout', hitcount=31

KHXC_DB_mysql::xsql_do: The MySQL extension executed statement: UPDATE khxc_statsfe SET id='gbu0.PAGEVIEW.Checkout', app='gbu0', type='PAGEVIEW', name='Checkout', hitcount=31 WHERE id='gbu0.PAGEVIEW.Checkout'

KHXC_DB::sql_save: Data was UPDATEed in the table khxc_statsfe.

KHXC_shutdown_stats::exec: Updated the 'khxc_statsfe' table by adding a hit for reference id 'gbu0.PAGEVIEW.Checkout'. New hit count is '31'.

KHXC_DB_mysql::xsql_do: The MySQL extension executed statement: SELECT hitcount FROM khxc_statsfe WHERE id='khxc.DAYLEVEL.2011-03-11' ORDER BY id ASC

KHXC_DB_mysql::xsql_do: The MySQL extension executed statement: SELECT COUNT(*) AS khxccount FROM khxc_statsfe WHERE id='khxc.DAYLEVEL.2011-03-11'

KHXC_DB::sql_count: Calculated a count of 1 of rows in the khxc_statsfe table matching: WHERE id='khxc.DAYLEVEL.2011-03-11'

KHXC_DB::clause_update: The following UPDATE clause was created: UPDATE khxc_statsfe SET id='khxc.DAYLEVEL.2011-03-11', app='khxc', type='DAYLEVEL', name='2011-03-11', hitcount=73

KHXC_DB_mysql::xsql_do: The MySQL extension executed statement: UPDATE khxc_statsfe SET id='khxc.DAYLEVEL.2011-03-11', app='khxc', type='DAYLEVEL', name='2011-03-11', hitcount=73 WHERE id='khxc.DAYLEVEL.2011-03-11'

KHXC_DB::sql_save: Data was UPDATEed in the table khxc_statsfe.

KHXC_shutdown_stats::exec: Updated the 'khxc_statsfe' table by adding a hit for reference id 'khxc.DAYLEVEL.2011-03-11'. New hit count is '73'.

KHXC_DB_mysql::xsql_do: The MySQL extension executed statement: SELECT hitcount FROM khxc_statsfe WHERE id='khxc.MONTHLEVEL.2011-03' ORDER BY id ASC

KHXC_DB_mysql::xsql_do: The MySQL extension executed statement: SELECT COUNT(*) AS khxccount FROM khxc_statsfe WHERE id='khxc.MONTHLEVEL.2011-03'

KHXC_DB::sql_count: Calculated a count of 1 of rows in the khxc_statsfe table matching: WHERE id='khxc.MONTHLEVEL.2011-03'

KHXC_DB::clause_update: The following UPDATE clause was created: UPDATE khxc_statsfe SET id='khxc.MONTHLEVEL.2011-03', app='khxc', type='MONTHLEVEL', name='2011-03', hitcount=155

KHXC_DB_mysql::xsql_do: The MySQL extension executed statement: UPDATE khxc_statsfe SET id='khxc.MONTHLEVEL.2011-03', app='khxc', type='MONTHLEVEL', name='2011-03', hitcount=155 WHERE id='khxc.MONTHLEVEL.2011-03'

KHXC_DB::sql_save: Data was UPDATEed in the table khxc_statsfe.

KHXC_shutdown_stats::exec: Updated the 'khxc_statsfe' table by adding a hit for reference id 'khxc.MONTHLEVEL.2011-03'. New hit count is '155'.

KHXC_DB_mysql::xsql_do: The MySQL extension executed statement: SELECT hitcount FROM khxc_statsfe WHERE id='khxc.YEARLEVEL.2011' ORDER BY id ASC

KHXC_DB_mysql::xsql_do: The MySQL extension executed statement: SELECT COUNT(*) AS khxccount FROM khxc_statsfe WHERE id='khxc.YEARLEVEL.2011'

KHXC_DB::sql_count: Calculated a count of 1 of rows in the khxc_statsfe table matching: WHERE id='khxc.YEARLEVEL.2011'

KHXC_DB::clause_update: The following UPDATE clause was created: UPDATE khxc_statsfe SET id='khxc.YEARLEVEL.2011', app='khxc', type='YEARLEVEL', name='2011', hitcount=155

KHXC_DB_mysql::xsql_do: The MySQL extension executed statement: UPDATE khxc_statsfe SET id='khxc.YEARLEVEL.2011', app='khxc', type='YEARLEVEL', name='2011', hitcount=155 WHERE id='khxc.YEARLEVEL.2011'

KHXC_DB::sql_save: Data was UPDATEed in the table khxc_statsfe.

KHXC_shutdown_stats::exec: Updated the 'khxc_statsfe' table by adding a hit for reference id 'khxc.YEARLEVEL.2011'. New hit count is '155'.

KHXC_DB_mysql::xsql_do: The MySQL extension executed statement: SELECT hitcount FROM khxc_statsfe WHERE id='khxc.PAGEVIEW.Online Gift Vouchers: Checkout' ORDER BY id ASC

KHXC_DB_mysql::xsql_do: The MySQL extension executed statement: SELECT COUNT(*) AS khxccount FROM khxc_statsfe WHERE id='khxc.PAGEVIEW.Online Gift Vouchers: Checkout'

KHXC_DB::sql_count: Calculated a count of 1 of rows in the khxc_statsfe table matching: WHERE id='khxc.PAGEVIEW.Online Gift Vouchers: Checkout'

KHXC_DB::clause_update: The following UPDATE clause was created: UPDATE khxc_statsfe SET id='khxc.PAGEVIEW.Online Gift Vouchers: Checkout', app='khxc', type='PAGEVIEW', name='Online Gift Vouchers: Checkout', hitcount=31

KHXC_DB_mysql::xsql_do: The MySQL extension executed statement: UPDATE khxc_statsfe SET id='khxc.PAGEVIEW.Online Gift Vouchers: Checkout', app='khxc', type='PAGEVIEW', name='Online Gift Vouchers: Checkout', hitcount=31 WHERE id='khxc.PAGEVIEW.Online Gift Vouchers: Checkout'

KHXC_DB::sql_save: Data was UPDATEed in the table khxc_statsfe.

KHXC_shutdown_stats::exec: Updated the 'khxc_statsfe' table by adding a hit for reference id 'khxc.PAGEVIEW.Online Gift Vouchers: Checkout'. New hit count is '31'.

KHXC_shutdown_stats::exec: Statistics logged.

KHXC::destroy_object: Object destroyed: KHXC_shutdown_stats

KHXC_shutdown_session::constructor: Accessed.

KHXC::load_object: Cached object created: KHXC_shutdown_session Class: KHXC_shutdown_session

KHXC_shutdown_session::load_object: Cached object returned: KHXC_Session Class: KHXC_Session

KHXC_DB::clause_update: The following UPDATE clause was created: UPDATE khxc_users SET lastsid='', fname='Simon', lname='Smith', lastaccess='1299858936', company='', phone='', fax='', addone='', addtwo='', city='', stateprov='', country='', postalcode='', rescom='', addbook='a:0:{}', subscriptions='', show_currency='', eutaxno='', eutaxnovalid=''

KHXC_DB_mysql::xsql_do: The MySQL extension executed statement: UPDATE khxc_users SET lastsid='', fname='Simon', lname='Smith', lastaccess='1299858936', company='', phone='', fax='', addone='', addtwo='', city='', stateprov='', country='', postalcode='', rescom='', addbook='a:0:{}', subscriptions='', show_currency='', eutaxno='', eutaxnovalid='' WHERE id=''

KHXC_Session::savesess: Saved user information to database for user ''.

KHXC_DB_mysql::xsql_do: The MySQL extension executed statement: SHOW COLUMNS FROM khxc_sessions

KHXC_DB_mysql::xtable_info: The MySQL extension provided information on the khxc_sessions table.

KHXC_DB::clause_update: The following UPDATE clause was created: UPDATE khxc_sessions SET id='6a08672547tq2ki1nmmykq35d8b9dq9h', lastaccess='1299858936', userid='', data='a:5:{s:7:\"referer\";s:35:\"\";s:7:\"created\";i:1299856955;s:16:\"gbu0.breadcrumbs\";i:0;s:11:\"gbu0.cartid\";s:32:\"c8b7zgp1t03635kaxt0h374b5qa8569k\";s:5:\"email\";s:32:\"\";}'

KHXC_DB_mysql::xsql_do: The MySQL extension executed statement: UPDATE khxc_sessions SET id='6a08672547tq2ki1nmmykq35d8b9dq9h', lastaccess='1299858936', userid='', data='a:5:{s:7:\"referer\";s:35:\"\";s:7:\"created\";i:1299856955;s:16:\"gbu0.breadcrumbs\";i:0;s:11:\"gbu0.cartid\";s:32:\"c8b7zgp1t03635kaxt0h374b5qa8569k\";s:5:\"email\";s:32:\"\";}' WHERE id='6a08672547tq2ki1nmmykq35d8b9dq9h'

KHXC_Session::savesess: Saved session information to database for sid '6a08672547tq2ki1nmmykq35d8b9dq9h'. Session length is 229 bytes.

KHXC_Session::savesess: Session save phase completed using sid '6a08672547tq2ki1nmmykq35d8b9dq9h'.

KHXC_shutdown_session::exec: Session shutdown completed.

KHXC::destroy_object: Object destroyed: KHXC_shutdown_session

KHXC_shutdown_cron::constructor: Accessed.

KHXC::load_object: Cached object created: KHXC_shutdown_cron Class: KHXC_shutdown_cron

KHXC_shutdown_cron::load_object: Cached object returned: KHXC_Cron Class: KHXC_Cron

KHXC_shutdown_cron::destroy_object: Object destroyed: KHXC_Cron

KHXC_shutdown_cron::exec: Cron tasks completed.

KHXC::destroy_object: Object destroyed: KHXC_shutdown_cron

KHXC_shutdown_db::constructor: Accessed.

KHXC::load_object: Cached object created: KHXC_shutdown_db Class: KHXC_shutdown_db

KHXC_shutdown_db::load_object: Cached object returned: KHXC_DB_1 Class: KHXC_DB

KHXC_DB_mysql::xdisconnect: The MySQL extension disconnected from a MySQL database.

KHXC_shutdown_db::destroy_object: Object destroyed: KHXC_DB_1

KHXC_shutdown_db::exec: Database shutdown completed.

KHXC::destroy_object: Object destroyed: KHXC_shutdown_db

KHXC::run_tasks: Ran all KHXC_shutdown class tasks.

KHXC::shutdown: ShutDown phase completed.

KHXC_Display::print_output: Merging debug information into output.

KHXC_Display::debugger_write: Writing debug information.



#2 03-11-2011 11:07:55

Registered: 07-05-2003
Posts: 11233

Re: There was a processing problem encountered while processing your reque

GBU_Checkout::cogetaddress: Worked with billing address.

GBU_Checkout::coerraddress: Required checkout info not completed for this user. Directing to entry namespace.

That's the reason for the message you are getting. The billing address information is missing something that is required.


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