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When people try to use our cart and pay (offline processing) with a credit card, they're getting this message:
"Unfortunately, we are unable to accept your transaction. There may be a problem with the payment information you entered, or our online processor may be experiencing technical difficulties at the present time. You can attempt to process your order again, or contact us to discuss other payment options."
If they try again, they get:
"An error was encountered while processing the information submitted. Please try again."
HELP! We're losing sales! Everyting was working perfectly 'til 2 days ago and we haven't touched anything since then.
Thanks for the quick response . . . I'm not much of a script guy . . . how do you activate the debugger?
Information on this can be found in the wiki .
It would be best to activate it just before submitting or processing the final order page so you don't have to wade thru allot of other pages.
Last edited by dh783 (10-14-2010 20:04:01)
First, thanks again for helping me out . . hope I don't "overstay" my welcome for asking for more advice.
Next, the debugger . . well, that's cool! So I ran it . . . but, of course, it doesn't mean much to me. I did notice, in all that followed, that the credit card "failed MOD10 check" but the card is valid AND I tried two different cards to make sure.
It's too big to paste it all here so I posted it, with personal information removed, as a text file. If you don't mind taking a look and seeing if you notice something, that would be wonderful. The link is:
Again, thank you so much for your help.
By the way, wanted to add this. I just did a search for MOD10 problems and read the few postings on this issue. I checked the card number twice, entered it with and without spaces, and tried two other cards as well. In addition, I was alerted to this problem with someone who was trying to process an order and got the error. I took her card number over the phone and processed it without any problems.
Thanks again for any advice.
I wish I knew more about this kind of stuff . . . my level of code awareness ends at having gotten this cart installed in the first place. Everything's been working smoothly for the past year or two, whenever v6 came out and we purchased it . . . I checked with the hosting company and they say nothing's changed.
"checking your card service configuration in the backend andd making sure that things like the gateway address have not been changed"
Could you point me to a particular file or spot in the script where I'd find this? I agree that it appears the MOD10 algorithm seems to be faulty and so is just rejecting any credit cards and, therefore, not processing things. There isn't really any "gateway," as I read it, 'cause it's offline credit card processing . .. there are no approvals of the actual card happening, just the validation and then it's sent on to us to enter manually.
Any direction anyone could give at this point would be greatly appreciated . . . we're losing sales at a time when we have two brand new products.
The off line card processing is a totally internal function, it does not connect to anything else, it basically just collects the card info and emails it back to you.
Last edited by dh783 (10-15-2010 10:35:17)
the first thing I would do is get a copy of the original form display code and try with that, also check that all the fields are filled in correctly ,identifier, response code etc.
If anyone can point me in the direction of which page of the program/cart to look at, that would be a help. Nigel writes: "get a copy of the original form display code" but I wouldn't know where to look for that . . .
The main issue, so far, seems to be that the MOD10 isn't working. I've searched docs and code and instructions but don't know where to find that part of the code.
Anyone know if the verification can just be turned off? I mean, we're entering the cards manually anyway . . if something doesn't go through, we can call the customer.
I've been talking with "Jeff" about all this but haven't heard anything in a few hours: technical support doesn't answer the phone and closes for the weekend in 18 minutes. We can't go through the weekend unable to process orders.
c/o Stu's account
Home > ClickCartPro (GBU) > Commerce: Orders and Checkout > Manage Processing Gateways>
then update "offline (credit card)"
In the form display code box you should have:
<?php // +-- // | This processor integration references an internal URL // | for processing. All internal processing gateways // | work in the same manner. An order information array // | is made available globally under the the global name // | 'ecom.order_summary'. // | // | This must set a global variable named 'ecom.olpform' // | which contains the form information to be posted to // | an internal URL for processing. // | // | Anything printed within this code will be printed // | above the form instructions on the payment information // | page. // +-- // +-- // | Edit the credit cards accepted using this method below. // | If you do not wish to accept a particular card type, // | remove it from the array. // +-- $accepted_cards = array('VISA' => 'Visa', 'MASTERCARD' => 'Mastercard', 'AMEX' => 'American Express', 'DISCOVER' => 'Discover'); // +-- // | THERE IS NO NEED TO EDIT THE CODE BELOW THIS POINT TO // | ACTIVATE THIS INTEGRATION. ONLY EDIT THIS CODE TO MODIFY // | HOW THIS INTEGRATION WORKS. BE SURE YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'RE // | DOING! // +-- // +-- // | Get a few global variables. // +-- $app = $this->globals(''); $eol = $this->globals('khxc.eol'); $order = $this->globals('ecom.order_summary'); // +-- // | Set up the olpform array. // +-- $olpform = array('namespace' => 'gwprocinternal', 'button' => 'Process Order', 'gateway' => $order['gateway']['id'], 'orderid' => $order['order']['id'], 'gwurl' => '', 'fields' => array()); // +-- // | Create the DISPLAY fields for the form. // +-- $olpform['fields']['DISPLAY'][] = array('type' => 'SELECTCUSTOM', 'params' => array('name' => 'cctype', 'required' => 1, 'display' => 'Card Type', 'desc' => 'Select the type of credit card you wish to use.', 'options' => $accepted_cards)); $olpform['fields']['DISPLAY'][] = array('type' => 'TEXTCUSTOM', 'params' => array('name' => 'ccnum', 'required' => 1, 'display' => 'Card Number', 'desc' => 'Enter your credit card number.')); $olpform['fields']['DISPLAY'][] = array('type' => 'TEXTCUSTOM', 'params' => array('name' => 'cvv2', 'required' => 0, 'display' => 'Card Verification Number', 'desc' => 'Enter your card verification number. Some cards do not contain verification numbers. Use the image presented below to locate your verification number.')); $olpform['fields']['DISPLAY'][] = array('type' => 'EXPCOMBO', 'params' => array('name' => 'ccexpire', 'required' => 1, 'display' => 'Card Expiration Date', 'desc' => 'Select your card expiration date from the list.', 'mformat' => 'MM', 'yformat' => 'YYYY', 'sepchar' => '/')); // +-- // | Set a global variable to display the card verification // | number image. // +-- $this->globals('ecom.olp_showimg_cvv2',1); // +-- // | Globalize the $olpform array and return. // +-- $this->globals('ecom.olpform',$olpform); ?>
After making a back up of your existing code, copy and paste the above code into the Form Display Code box. If this doesn't work you might want to check all the other boxes contain the correct information. There used to be a link on the Kryptonic website to a Demo version of admin where you could see all the original code and entries but I don't know if it is still there.
NIGEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NIGEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NIGEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you so much for this . . . copied . . . pasted . . . working!
It still doesn't like it if you enter a credit card with spaces, i.e., xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx, but that's easily solved by changing
'desc' => 'Enter your credit card number.'));
'desc' => 'Enter your credit card number with no spaces.'));
Of course, my boss installed CCP7 and copied everything over in the past few hours . . . we'll be migrating to the new site as soon as we can figure out how to automatically redirect every link from the "khxx" folder (CCP6 install) to the "store" folder (CCP7 install). Any ideas on that one?
OK . . so now I'm curious . . . I copied and pasted your version but, with the exception of the Amex and Discover cards, which we don't take, it appears to be identical to the one that was already there . . .am I missing something? I'm thrilled it's working but now I'm not so sure WHY it's working.
This was the version that was there:
// +--
// | This processor integration references an internal URL
// | for processing. All internal processing gateways
// | work in the same manner. An order information array
// | is made available globally under the the global name
// | 'ecom.order_summary'.
// |
// | This must set a global variable named 'ecom.olpform'
// | which contains the form information to be posted to
// | an internal URL for processing.
// |
// | Anything printed within this code will be printed
// | above the form instructions on the payment information
// | page.
// +--
// +--
// | Edit the credit cards accepted using this method below.
// | If you do not wish to accept a particular card type,
// | remove it from the array.
// +--
$accepted_cards = array('VISA' => 'Visa',
'MASTERCARD' => 'Mastercard');
// +--
// | DOING!
// +--
// +--
// | Get a few global variables.
// +--
$app = $this->globals('');
$eol = $this->globals('khxc.eol');
$order = $this->globals('ecom.order_summary');
// +--
// | Set up the olpform array.
// +--
$olpform = array('namespace' => 'gwprocinternal',
'button' => 'Process Order',
'gateway' => $order['gateway']['id'],
'orderid' => $order['order']['id'],
'gwurl' => '',
'fields' => array());
// +--
// | Create the DISPLAY fields for the form.
// +--
$olpform['fields']['DISPLAY'][] = array('type' => 'SELECTCUSTOM',
'params' => array('name' => 'cctype',
'required' => 1,
'display' => 'Card Type',
'desc' => 'Select the type of credit card you wish to use.',
'options' => $accepted_cards));
$olpform['fields']['DISPLAY'][] = array('type' => 'TEXTCUSTOM',
'params' => array('name' => 'ccnum',
'required' => 1,
'display' => 'Card Number',
'desc' => 'Enter your credit card number.'));
$olpform['fields']['DISPLAY'][] = array('type' => 'TEXTCUSTOM',
'params' => array('name' => 'cvv2',
'required' => 0,
'display' => 'Card Verification Number',
'desc' => 'Enter your card verification number. Some cards do not contain verification numbers. Use the image presented below to locate your verification number.'));
$olpform['fields']['DISPLAY'][] = array('type' => 'EXPCOMBO',
'params' => array('name' => 'ccexpire',
'required' => 1,
'display' => 'Card Expiration Date',
'desc' => 'Select your card expiration date from the list.',
'mformat' => 'MM',
'yformat' => 'YYYY',
'sepchar' => '/'));
// +--
// | Set a global variable to display the card verification
// | number image.
// +--
// +--
// | Globalize the $olpform array and return.
// +--
Actually, with the exception of the Amex and Discover card lines, which I removed because our company does not accept those cards, the scripts are identical. I pasted both into BBEdit and went numbered line by line . . . no difference as far as I could see. So, the script, which I installed, had not been modified at all.
Still, when I pasted this back in, it seems to have started working again as long as no one puts any spaces in the credit card field. (At least it works with my credit card . . . we'll see if any orders come in over the weekend.)
The biggest issue I had with the cart not working is that we've changed nothing on the site in over a month, nothing's changed at the server level, at least according to our host, and I haven't adjusted anything. The cart was working perfectly 'til three days ago when it stopped taking credit cards.
I don't know why the "paste" fixed it . . . not sure that it did. We'll see.
Thanks again for all the advice,
I am experiencing similar warning messages like those in the OP. I can go days without issue, then like this morning, over half my orders are failing because of "An error was encountered while processing the information submitted. Please try again." I had a customer try themselves. Then I went in and put an order through while I had them on the phone. Thier Visa would not work. Their MC would not work. Both produced same error as above. So then I went into my PP virtual terminal and the MC went through just fine.
What I'd like to know is if someone can tell me where I can edit that error message "An error was encountered while processing the information submitted. Please try again." so that I can change it a bit to provide reassurance and a phone number they can call. Yes, my phone number is at the bottom of the page but most people don't know how to read that far down (insert sarcasm here).
Thanks in advance.
You need to know that if the offline card gateway can't connect to the mail server, or an error in building the mail message will also cause this message and the card to seem as if it failed.
What was strange about our failure was that it started working again, though no spaces allowed in cc numbers, when we pasted the original php, which was identical to what was there, back into the offline setting. (We did "reinstall" up to the mail settings and make sure we had smtp selected . . . I thought it was that was all along, though.) When something breaks, I prefer to find out specifically what's wrong and not have it just start working again.
Thanks for all the help,
What you replaced in the gateway does not validate a card or create the email, that is done in a script that resides in the ECOM_OLP/ext directory, what you replaced only creates the display and to send the information to the script, and you said that there was really no difference between what was there and what you pasted in. More than likely there was a problem with the mail server which caused the problem in the first place, that why it started working again. If it's happening on a regular basses, say the same time every month, chances are it's someone try to use your email to spam people and the mail server suspends the account for a time. I know that the account I use for my sites' email get hit like this quite often, causing the server to deactivate the account for a time.
For what its worth, we have our own dedicated server. We do not have issues of spam attacks with the mailer. This issue does not always occur, its random. Whether a customer uses gateway PayPal (Pro Direct Method) - Secure Server or PayPal (Standard Method) - Payment Form the error occurs at random.
I have my own server also, I have it set that on 6 bad tries to email something it will shut the mail account down, which when I first turned the function on is when I noticed at least once a month the someone (not me or the site) is trying to use the mail account to send mail, they fail log in so the mail account shuts down, the mail account is only used by the site and for nothing else. If you have an email account you can bet that a spammer has the address and is trying to use it even if they are not successful they can still put a load on the server.
Re: another thread like this I just created. I inserted the code above and it's still not working. Help?
I agree,good post here!Thanks.