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#1 10-27-2009 15:59:20

Registered: 03-30-2009
Posts: 25

Still having problems with UPS online tool

The last 2 weeks I've posted this issue on past posts dealing with the exact same issue, perhaps that is not the ideal way to post requests as I have received little to no assistance in finding a resolution to this problem. Please see my posts on:

Problem with UPS Need Help ASAP by xclusive87  [ 1 2 ]
UPS Online Tools ERROR when setting up by kindground

In essence, I am getting an invalid agreement message when I am attempting to enable the UPS online tool in CCP6. The license agreement that appears is not the most recent agreement from UPS Online Tools. I've tried to cut and paste the correct agreement, which did not work.
I've also tried all of these tips noted in past posts without any luck:

entered URL without www
entered UPS account without any spaces or dashes
left UPS account field empty
entered phone number without any spaces or dashes
checked for Suhosin  patch on the server- there isn't one

Can somebody help me on this? The only other thing I can think of is that my cURL settings are incorrect? If so, I need to know what they should be. OR is there a way to change settings or code in CCP manually as I have already created my online tool account with UPS directly on their site- I just have no idea what info I need to gather from UPS and where in CCP I need to enter the information in order to enable UPS online tool in CCP.

It is obvious from past posts that I have found in this forum that this is a recurring issue for CCP6 users, please advise me on how to resolve it. I am dead in the water with my site until this gets resolved, I could really use a solution.

Thank you in advance for your help



#2 10-27-2009 16:09:01

Registered: 07-05-2003
Posts: 11233

Re: Still having problems with UPS online tool

Enable  to capture exactly what may be happening.



#3 10-27-2009 16:38:31

Registered: 03-30-2009
Posts: 25

Re: Still having problems with UPS online tool

Thanks for your quick response Dave. I am just SO frustrated at this point.

Here are the errors I found debugging:

KHXC_Error::error: Non-fatal error encountered: opendir(/var/www/vhosts/ [<a href='function.opendir'>function.opendir</a>]: failed to open dir: No such file or directory File: /skins/KHXCMI5/skin.php Line: 46

CCP_Ship_upstools::handle_ups_xmlstatus: UPS status code error: Invalid License Agreement Text

Here is what is on line 46 of the skin.php file


$dir = @opendir($this->globals('khxc.path_public') . '/media/xmod');

if (!(empty($dir))) {while (false !== ($file = @readdir($dir))) {if (preg_match('/.css$/',$file)) {
     print '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="media/xmod/' . $file . '" />' . $eol;


I have to admit, this is getting a bit beyond me, hopefully you can direct me here.



#4 10-27-2009 16:44:32

Registered: 07-05-2003
Posts: 11233

Re: Still having problems with UPS online tool

The first one is expected and normal when XMODs that need things specifically for themselves aren't installed. The 2nd one is the one we're interested in and we already knew what the issue was so look back a little ways before that error and see exactly what's being sent to UPS. Something somewhere must be mucking with the license text.



#5 10-27-2009 17:03:31

Registered: 03-30-2009
Posts: 25

Re: Still having problems with UPS online tool

Does any of this info help?

KHXC::constructor: Accessed.

KHXC::constructor: Input array globalized.

KHXC::constructor: Private directory determined based on FILE conversion.

KHXC::constructor: Loading private configuration from local file.

KHXC::constructor: Loaded private configuration from local file.

KHXC::constructor: Global line ending set to \r\n.

KHXC::constructor: Suppress skin global set to false.

KHXC::constructor: Initial year and epoch date variables defined.

KHXC::constructor: Timer started.

KHXC::constructor: Operating system determined: Unix: Generic

KHXC::check_environment: PHP version checked: PHP 5.2.0-8+etch11

KHXC::check_environment: PHP safe_mode is off.

KHXC::check_environment: PHP magic_quotes_runtime is off.

KHXC::load_extension: Extension already loaded: curl

KHXC::check_environment: PHP cURL exentsion is available.

KHXC_Display::constructor: Accessed.

KHXC_Display::buffer: Output buffering started. (START)

KHXC::load_object: Cached object created: KHXC_Display Class: KHXC_Display

KHXC_Error::constructor: Accessed.

KHXC_Error::load_object: Cached object returned: KHXC_Display Class: KHXC_Display

KHXC::load_object: Cached object created: KHXC_Error Class: KHXC_Error

KHXC_Error::exec: Error setup completed. Reporting all but notices.

KHXC::run_tasks: Running all KHXC_startup class tasks.

KHXC_startup_regglob::constructor: Accessed.

KHXC::load_object: Cached object created: KHXC_startup_regglob Class: KHXC_startup_regglob

KHXC::destroy_object: Object destroyed: KHXC_startup_regglob

KHXC_startup_magicquot::constructor: Accessed.

KHXC::load_object: Cached object created: KHXC_startup_magicquot Class: KHXC_startup_magicquot

KHXC_startup_magicquot::exec: Magic quotes defeated.

KHXC::destroy_object: Object destroyed: KHXC_startup_magicquot

KHXC_startup_db::constructor: Accessed.

KHXC::load_object: Cached object created: KHXC_startup_db Class: KHXC_startup_db

KHXC_DB::constructor: Accessed.

KHXC_DB::load_extension: Extension already loaded: mysql

KHXC_DB_mysql::constructor: Accessed.



#6 10-27-2009 17:09:15

Registered: 03-30-2009
Posts: 25

Re: Still having problems with UPS online tool

Dave- Maybe this is what you are after, this is above the error and below the UPS agreement text in the debug info:

KHXC_Remote::connect: Received response from URL <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <AccessLicenseResponse> <Response> <TransactionReference> <CustomerContext>License</CustomerContext> <XpciVersion>1.0001</XpciVersion> </TransactionReference> <ResponseStatusCode>0</ResponseStatusCode> <ResponseStatusDescription>Failure</ResponseStatusDescription> <Error> <ErrorSeverity>Hard</ErrorSeverity> <ErrorCode>250049</ErrorCode> <ErrorDescription>Invalid License Agreement Text</ErrorDescription> </Error> </Response> </AccessLicenseResponse>

KHXC_Remote::connect: Connection made. URL:

CCP_Ship_upstools::print_message: Printing message 'khxcremoteerr' for application 'ccp0'.

KHXC_DB_mysql::xsql_do: The MySQL extension executed statement: SELECT app, msgtype, stringdisp FROM khxc_messages WHERE (app='ccp0' OR app='khxc') AND (stringmsg='khxcremoteerr') ORDER BY id ASC

KHXC_Display::include_file: Started file: /core/KHXC/includes/systemmsg.php

KHXC_Display::include_file: Completed file: /core/KHXC/includes/systemmsg.php

CCP_Ship_upstools::print_message: Completed printing message 'khxcremoteerr' for application 'ccp0'.

KHXC_Display::include_file: Started file: /apps/ccp0/CCP/includes/printmsg.php

KHXC_Display::include_file: Completed file: /apps/ccp0/CCP/includes/printmsg.php



#7 10-27-2009 17:28:26

Registered: 07-05-2003
Posts: 11233

Re: Still having problems with UPS online tool

Before the response you should see the outgoing connection to UPS which will contain all of the details being sent. You're close to the right area but that is what is coming back. You need to see what's being sent.



#8 10-28-2009 12:23:37

Registered: 03-30-2009
Posts: 25

Re: Still having problems with UPS online tool

Dave- Here are all of the errors found in the debug, in the order in which they appear: (info sent to UPS is at the bottom of this message)

KHXC_Error::constructor: Accessed.

KHXC_Error::load_object: Cached object returned: KHXC_Display Class: KHXC_Display

KHXC::load_object: Cached object created: KHXC_Error Class: KHXC_Error

KHXC_Error::exec: Error setup completed. Reporting all but notices.

KHXC_DB_mysql::xsql_do: The MySQL extension executed statement: SELECT id, name, username, password, connectkey, rateurl, trackurl, ratetext, tracktext, tmimg, tmnotice, trackdisc, handledisc, errorweight, errordim, active, hasrates, hastrack FROM ccp0_shiprealtime ORDER BY id ASC

KHXC_Remote::connect: Received response from URL <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <AccessLicenseResponse> <Response> <TransactionReference> <CustomerContext>License</CustomerContext> <XpciVersion>1.0001</XpciVersion> </TransactionReference> <ResponseStatusCode>0</ResponseStatusCode> <ResponseStatusDescription>Failure</ResponseStatusDescription> <Error> <ErrorSeverity>Hard</ErrorSeverity> <ErrorCode>250049</ErrorCode> <ErrorDescription>Invalid License Agreement Text</ErrorDescription> </Error> </Response> </AccessLicenseResponse>

CCP_Ship_upstools::handle_ups_xmlstatus: UPS status code error: Invalid License Agreement Text

KHXC_Error::error: Non-fatal error encountered: opendir(/var/www/vhosts/ [<a href='function.opendir'>function.opendir</a>]: failed to open dir: No such file or directory File: /skins/KHXCMI5/skin.php Line: 46

Here is the info being submitted to UPS:

KHXC_Form::get_formdata: Identified value 'ACCEPT' for form field 'ccp0.connupstwo.licagree'.

KHXC_Form::get_formdata: Identified value 'Looking Glass Printing' for form field ''.

KHXC_Form::get_formdata: Identified value 'xxx' for form field 'ccp0.connupstwo.acctnum'.

KHXC_Form::get_formdata: Identified value 'xxx' for form field 'ccp0.connupstwo.addone'.

KHXC_Form::get_formdata: Identified value '' for form field 'ccp0.connupstwo.addtwo'.

KHXC_Form::get_formdata: Identified value 'xxx' for form field ''.

KHXC_Form::get_formdata: Identified value 'MT' for form field 'ccp0.connupstwo.stateprov'.

KHXC_Form::get_formdata: Identified value 'US' for form field ''.

KHXC_Form::get_formdata: Identified value 'xxx' for form field 'ccp0.connupstwo.postalcode'.

KHXC_Form::get_formdata: Identified value 'xxx' for form field 'ccp0.connupstwo.contactname'.

KHXC_Form::get_formdata: Identified value 'Owner' for form field 'ccp0.connupstwo.contacttitle'.

KHXC_Form::get_formdata: Identified value 'xxx' for form field 'ccp0.connupstwo.contactemail'.

KHXC_Form::get_formdata: Identified value 'xxxx' for form field 'ccp0.connupstwo.contactphone'.

KHXC_Form::get_formdata: Identified value '' for form field 'ccp0.connupstwo.weburl'.

KHXC_Form::get_formdata: Identified value 'no' for form field ''.

KHXC_Form::get_formdata: Identified value '9B86D2D541EE0928' for form field 'ccp0.connupstwo.upskey'.

KHXC_Form::get_formdata: Created a form data array for the 'ccp0.connupstwo' form for the 'ccp0' application.

KHXC_Remote::connect: Sending request to URL <?xml version='1.0'?><AccessLicenseRequest><Request><TransactionReference><CustomerContext>License</CustomerContext><XpciVersion>1.0001</XpciVersion></TransactionReference><RequestAction>AccessLicense</RequestAction><RequestOption>AllTools</RequestOption></Request><CompanyName>Looking Glass Printing</CompanyName><Address><AddressLine1>xxx</AddressLine1><City>xxx</City><StateProvinceCode>MT</StateProvinceCode><PostalCode>xxx</PostalCode><CountryCode>US</CountryCode></Address><PrimaryContact><Name>xxx</Name><Title>Owner</Title><EMailAddress>xxx</EMailAddress><PhoneNumber>xxx</PhoneNumber></PrimaryContact><CompanyURL></CompanyURL><ShipperNumber>xxx</ShipperNumber><DeveloperLicenseNumber>9B86D2D541EE0928</DeveloperLicenseNumber><AccessLicenseProfile><CountryCode>US</CountryCode><LanguageCode>EN</LanguageCode><AccessLicenseText>



#9 10-28-2009 15:03:52

Registered: 07-05-2003
Posts: 11233

Re: Still having problems with UPS online tool

Well your details worked just fine from here with both V6 and V7 so it almost has to be something in your server or PHP configuration. sad Create a one line file named phpinfo.php that contains


<?php phpinfo(); ?>

and FTP it to your server.  Then go to your url and add phpinfo.php ( and capture it's output. You don't really want to post that information here and you'll want to delete that file as soon as you've obtained the information.

I've also modified your post to remove some of your details.



#10 10-29-2009 13:27:24

Registered: 03-30-2009
Posts: 25

Re: Still having problems with UPS online tool

Okay, I've done that. What should I be looking at? What info can I provide you?

Thanks again for all of your help, I am sure you will be just as happy as me once this is figured out.



#11 10-29-2009 13:30:31

Registered: 07-05-2003
Posts: 11233

Re: Still having problems with UPS online tool

Please e-mail me a copy of the information from phpinfo.



#12 10-29-2009 14:29:54

Registered: 03-30-2009
Posts: 25

Re: Still having problems with UPS online tool

Just sent it, let me know if you'd prefer a pdf, I can send it that way if you'd like.



#13 10-29-2009 14:54:14

Registered: 07-05-2003
Posts: 11233

Re: Still having problems with UPS online tool

Now that you have my address if you everything in a PDF that would be fine.  This is turning into one heck of a mystery!



#14 11-12-2009 08:02:20

From: Missouri
Registered: 09-05-2009
Posts: 119

Re: Still having problems with UPS online tool

Was this ever resolved? I'm having the same issue with v7.1. I've not yet done any of the debug steps. I thought I see if there was a solution first.




#15 11-12-2009 08:08:39

Registered: 07-05-2003
Posts: 11233

Re: Still having problems with UPS online tool

We solved it with brute force Chuck. You'll want to go through everything that was covered here though and start a new thread in the V7 forum if you're still having problems.



#16 11-12-2009 08:31:30

From: Missouri
Registered: 09-05-2009
Posts: 119

Re: Still having problems with UPS online tool

My problem has been solved. It was the phone number. It can't have any punctuation.




#17 02-21-2010 15:09:22

Registered: 07-01-2008
Posts: 43

Re: Still having problems with UPS online tool

Just thought i'd look again to see if there was a solution smile and now i see you say you solved it with Brute Force? how can i do this?



#18 07-14-2010 14:00:50

Registered: 10-02-2009
Posts: 51

Re: Still having problems with UPS online tool

THANK YOU VERY MUCH chuck6478!!!!!!

I was going in circles and dreading going through PHP output. I only had spaces in the phone #, but took them out and it sailed through. CCP should note that in the description for phone # instead of making everyone suffer.

Last edited by smarsh (07-14-2010 14:38:38)



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