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#1 07-28-2009 10:36:11

Registered: 07-03-2004
Posts: 78

Customer shipping method problem

This is very strange. When I do a search in "Store: Products" for a particular product in the admin screen, it shows the custom shipping method I added. However when I click into the product, the custom shipping method is blank and I have to select it from a pulldown menu.

When I export the data to an excel spreadsheet the custom shipping method is in there. It just doesnt show in the product detail screen. This means that I would have to go into each product individually and change it.  Is this a known bug?



#2 07-28-2009 16:13:46

From: York, PA
Registered: 04-20-2001
Posts: 19858

Re: Customer shipping method problem

Can you better explain this?:

When I do a search in "Store: Products" for a particular product in the admin screen, it shows the custom shipping method I added.

Nick Hendler



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