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Yesterday i have install xmod sitemap.
But now it put my server down i had to chmod the core directory to 000 so the server does not die.
When i let this running server down - reboot.
I have now put everything to O for sitmap settings via serverpanel DB administration.
Try to reinstall with installer still no access to admin.php via step 13.
Urgent info site down
Last edited by Frank2003 (07-25-2009 04:59:23)
I really don't understand what you've done or how the SiteMap XMOD might be related. A directory can't have permissions set to zero and be expected to work. The public directory where CCP is installed will have to be writeable by the web server process for SiteMap so it may produce and write the sitemap.xml file.
I have set it to 000 to save my server.
If i set it back to 777 than will put clickcart my server down.
This after i install sitmap.
I have try al lot to conect the admin.php to set back core to 777 but no result.
Last edited by Frank2003 (07-25-2009 06:00:17)
Nothing will work with permissions set to zero. And this can't really have anything to do with the SiteMap XMOD. It simply added one class file and one daily cron job process to CCP.
You don't explain what you mean by "server down" but if it happens to mean that you get a 500 error change the permissions to 755 instead of 777.
I have set core back to 755 and have try to access admin.php or index.php nothing is happening.
Server overload all other sites on server no access posible need to reboot server.
What is the URL to the site in question?
Everyting has worked fine till today after upload sitemap and cronjob sitmap.
Last edited by Frank2003 (07-25-2009 06:19:35)
Where is CCP installed? How many categories and products do you have?
Cat +/- 850
Products +/- 140.000
It's quite likely that the generation of the site map is taking longer than the maximum execution time configured for PHP with that many categories and products. Your store, with that many categories and products, is an exception in the realm of CCP stores. It will likely take 2-5 minutes to generate the site map for your store.
But what can i best do reinstall all to get back access to admin ?
Do i remove all file ?
I have to some reinstalls but it give me no result sofare.
solving the porblem with sitemap can be done later.
Last edited by Frank2003 (07-25-2009 06:44:52)
Nothing needs to be installed again. Using your FTP client find the {private}/core/CORE/tasks_daily directory ({private} is the CCP private directory that was specified during installation) and in that directory rename 0900_xmodsitemap.php to something like 0900_xmodsitemap.php-notused (do not simply change the name of the file .. you MUST change the extension).
That should stop the sitemap.xml from being generated, or stop it attempting to be created, and allow things to work again once you have corrected the directory/file permissions.
thanks for the support