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#1 07-19-2009 10:05:11

Registered: 03-24-2008
Posts: 18

PayPal Standard payments - working in USD not GBP

Finally got everything together, ready to go live with the site again.  The last check was to see that payments were working.  PayPal is used as the only processing gateway.  It works fine when paying by credit/debit card.  The problem arises when trying to pay via PayPal standard payments. 

For example an item costing £10 is charged at $10.

The base currency is set at GBP in system settings.

When looking at the "form display code" for PayPal standard payments in version 6 it references the basecurrency - the code in CCP7 doesn't have this.  I've tested it by added that line (changing khxc to core. etc) but that doesn't work either.  This is beyond my limited knowledge!

I can disable this payment option for the time being, but it would be useful to include it.

Many thanks, Denise



#2 07-20-2009 06:53:49

From: York, PA
Registered: 04-20-2001
Posts: 19859

Re: PayPal Standard payments - working in USD not GBP

In order to add the currency into PayPal Standard, go to:

System Dashboard > Store > Commerce > Processing Gateways

And select to update the 'PayPal Standard' method.  In the 'Form Display Code field, locate:


// +--
// | Create the HIDDEN fields for the form.
// +--

And add the following right below it:


$olpform['fields']['HIDDEN'][] = array('name'  => 'currency_code',
                                       'value' => 'GBP');

Nick Hendler



#3 07-20-2009 07:55:01

Registered: 03-24-2008
Posts: 18

Re: PayPal Standard payments - working in USD not GBP

Hi Nick, thank you, thank you, thank you!  All working now!   

I was soooo close to putting something very similar in the same place - I must try harder!




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