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Hi, My client has this cart installed and after she updated her prices, her invoices look like this:
Item: Will's Wild Rice - $8.25
Quantity: 1
Dinner Options: Double $7.75
The correct price is $8.25
Where do I go to update or remove the other price area? (I'm thinking it doesn't need the price twice)
I'm not at all farmillar with this shopping cart. Any specific info you can provide would be very helpful!
All the best,
Amber Pratt
Last edited by Amberpr (04-29-2009 09:04:06)
Where should I look -
Here are some screen shots
Last edited by Amberpr (04-28-2009 16:52:46)
This is a ccp5.1 question, you should post in that forum and see if Rachel as any answers, it's been almost three years since I did anything with 5.1. Unless something else is going on the option total doesn't look right as the screen shot of the item's base price was 4.75 and the double option was 3.50 which should have the item total at 8.25, which is what you have in your first post.
Thank you for your help!
If the price of the item is a base price PLUS an option price, then it is set up correctly now. If the item price is based ONLY on the option price, then you should change the "Pricing Type" from "Regular Price" to "Option Based".
That was quick!
She's had this cart for a while (I didn't set it up) and it's been working just fine. She just increased her prices .50 but now her Item number & Price are showing up as two differant amounts. The part that isn't updating is the Dinner Options so the invoice looks like this:
(note: I was incorrect, as to which price wasn't updating, in a previous post, which I have now edited to be correct)
Item: Will's Wild Rice - $8.25 (correct price)
Quantity: 1
Dinner Options: Double $7.75 (incorrect price - how do I either a) make this go away b)change it to reflect the correct price
I'm not sure where to go to update this.
Please visit the user manual regarding the setting up of products. The manual can be found by clicking the Question Mark icon in the upper left of the product management page. If you still have questions, please continue the thread and provide the exact pricing structure (ie, base price is this, this option should add this much, etc) you intend to use.