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Where in CCP6 can I tell linkpoint to make the payment pending and not authorized when the buyer completes the transaction?
In admin under Home > ClickCartPro > Commerce: Orders and Checkout > Manage Processing Gateways changing the "Perform Post-Order Updates" field to false should do that for you but note that that means you will have to manually update every order and perform all of the post order update processes.
That will only change the CCP side of things though, right? As far as Linkpoint is concerned, it will still be a completed transaction. Unless I am mistaken, the OP was asking how to make the transaction authorize but not capture... am I correct in that understanding and can that be done with a modification to the payment method?
Yes that was my question rachaelseven. I do not want linkpoint to charge the customer until I have shipped the item. When I ship the order I can go into linkpoint and tell it the item was shipped. Can I do the same thing in CCP or do I just have to turn it off as Dave said?
Does LinkPoint provide a setting for how things are handled by default? I just checked the gateway code and it doesn't look like we send anything over that specifically says it's a sale. Some gateways provide an option to specify sale or auth only. Sounds like what you're looking for is an authorize only transaction that you'll convert to a sale after the fact.
If that's what you want/need to do then you will want to change CCP unless you DO want the order to go into a completed status in CCP when the authorization works. You'll also need to find out what LinkPoint needs to do a authorization only instead of a sale and adding that option, if there is one, would be done through CCP admin by updating the code in the "Form Display Code" field for the LinkPoint gateway you're using.
Thanks Dave for your quick response, which is always appreciated more than anything!
Sorry for so many vague questions but I am new to CCP and there is a lot I don't understand yet.