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Some time ago I removed the email a friend feature, as I was getting tons of spam - mostly trying to sell me Viagra! -which at the time I thought might be due to the email a friend feature. So I downloaded the files/deleted the script and now I can't remember what the components were. (I do have all of my back up files, though.)
I have turned Email a Friend on in admin (Global Settings), and have uploaded ste_emailfriend, but all I am getting on my website is the email a friend message, so I think I must still be missing the actual form components. There is no Email a Friend form in my Dynamic Forms section of admin.
If it's too complex to restore, then I'll probably give it a miss, as I've had a few heart-stopping moments with perl lately (see my very recent threads Lol) but if not, I'd quite like to have it back. Does anyone know which files I need to upload, or what scripting I need to add to retrieve this feature?
Last edited by dollyseller (03-02-2009 14:55:35)
Please provide a link to a product page where you are trying to display the email a friend form.
Hi vbsaltydog
Here is an example product page: … mp;catstr=
Like I said, if I enable the Email a Friend function in Admin (via Global-Manage Store Settings), I can get the EMAF message displayed just below the Add to Cart button, but not the form for the customer to fill in and send.
I think Stephen's goal was to see the malfunctioning page, with the message and no form. Often we can view the source code of such a page and glean a clue. I realize you probably don't what a malfunctioning page displayed to the public, but I don't see how we can do much from here if we can't even view the problem.
To be honest I would not bother with it - I have had it and its not used - apart from spam - I have a mod on mine that makes a txt file on the server to see who emails who - and people really don't use it. All you end up with is spam. and its wastes space on your product page.