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Whilst doing a false purchase for a customer, I actually took notice of my "Progress Through Checkout" headers, having implemented this mod quite some time ago (and never noticed anything wrong!).
It seems that what is happening on each stage/page of Checkout doesn't tally with what the Checkout Header says, e.g. when the customer is at the first Checkout stage, entitled "Billing and Shipping Info", they are actually being asked to give their address AND select a payment method, but the next step, entitled "Step 2 of 3 - Payment Method, actually asks them to select their shipping (or postage, as we Brits say!) method.
And there are obviously more steps in MY Checkout process than the "Step 1 of 3" that it should be!
I would be really grateful if someone could do some test purchases ( … i?pg=store) and then set out step-by-step exactly what I need to do to bring this mod back into line. I'm just surprised that none of my customers have ever commented on it...I really wish they HAD!
Here's hoping
I'd love to help, Dolly, but that's a UK version only thing and I have no idea how it works. I'd suggest maybe having a look under HTML Pages & Elements -> Manage Site Elements to see if there are some elements there that contain that text. Otherwise, perhaps Charlie (celdirect) can jump in here an help, since he works with the UK version all the time.
Thanks for coming back to me anyway, Rachael.
Charlie? Fancy bailing a girl out?! Please?
I really would appreciate it!
I put some test orders through - and it looks find to me
step 1 - address
I add my address and select a payment method
step 2 -shipping info
I select how i want the order shipped
step 3 review
i review products and info i have entered
step 4 payment -
use your payment gateway ie cheque
step 5
order complete
I am not sure if there is a problem??
you can change what the headers say in these files
ste_chkout_pay3.txt etc
which are in .../store/data/elements
You can only access these via FTP
I will look more into this, but this is my findings so far.
Hi Charlie,
I believe the issue was with the text above the step 1, step 2 bit, where it says "Step 1 of 3 - Billing and Shipping Info". That line doesn't seem to jibe with the step 1 part below (there are 5 steps total, so x of 3 definitely does not make sense). Are the elements you mentioned above where that text is located?
I am so blind - sometimes,
I missed that bit above - why i don't know - its in a big font.
That part as i can remember is not part of ccp - the smaller checkout should be text in the files i mentioned - the larger font could be hard coded in the chkout file - (like mined is)
I would look in for chkout_pay and it might show the info for the larger heading around that item
Hi Charlie
Thanks for helping out. I've now managed to amend the ste_chkout_pay1.txt (plus 2&3) files, as you suggested, and to delete the defunct ste- etc 4 & 5 files, to refine the Checkout process down to just the three steps it should have with this mod, instead of the original five.
All I need to do now, is to amend the headers "Step 1 of 3 - Billing and Shipping Info" to "Step 1 of 3 - Billing and Payment Method", and change "Step 2 of 3 - Payment Method" to "Step 2 of 3 - Postage Method" and I'm there.
But I am still unable to locate where to amend this larger (heading) text. I have looked for for chkout_pay (via FTP) to see if it would show the info for the larger headings like you suggested, but I can't even find the file! Surely I must have got one, or Checkout wouldn't run at all? I don't know...!
Even though I'm more or less an amateur when it comes to backend coding, I can usually suss it out after a while, it's like a huge cryptic puzzle. But this has me stumped and it's SO frustrating!
Any more ideas?
Offline is located in either cgi-bin/ccp51/library/modules/ or ccp51/cgi-bin/library/modules/. Don't know what's in your, since the UK version is different, but that's where the file should be located, anyway.
Hi Rachael
Thanks, located the appropriate files quite easily. However, I have only amended the header wording, like I said I wanted to, and I am getting this message on trying to complete checkout:
"Script Execution Error
The following error was just encountered:
Final @ should be \@ or @name at /home/nas01l/l/ line 3047, at end of line syntax error at /home/nas01l/l/ line 3047, at EOF Missing right curly or square bracket at /home/nas01l/l/ line 3047, at end of line Compilation failed in require at /home/nas01l/l/ line 292. "
Any idea what I might have done wrong?
PS - I changed the headings in Ste Chkout Intro and Ste Chkout Meth. I didn't touch any of the coding! I am unwilling to try what the Script Ex Error says to try, as there is an "or" in there, and I wouldn't know which to do, plus I have no idea where to find lines 3047 or 292! Help!
Really panicking now!
I've been looking at the whole of the coding in to try to find the coding for Step 3 heading, to compare to the Steps 1 and 2 that I changed the wording of, and the routine coding seems to end too abruptly, like this:
# Ste ChkOut Meth Realtime Proc #
sub ste_chkout_meth_realtime_proc {
######### This routine returns selection items for realtime shipping.
my ($localint,$shiptype,$orig_country,$orig_stateprov,$orig_postalzip,$dest_country,$dest_stateprov,$dest_postalzip,$dest_rescom,@items) = @
I really can't see how I could have chopped this off, just by editing in Word/Notepad! How do I go about getting it back?!
It sounds like you erased a block in there, unfortunately. I've emailed you, so you can attach a copy of your to me and let me have a look. But I don't have the UK original, nor do I know anyone who does (Charlie's is way modified), so if a chunk is missing, we might have a real problem here. Did you keep a backup before you started making changes? I sure hope you did. If not, it's probably time to email your host to see if they keep any backups of your site.
Whew, panic over!
I don't know how I managed to wipe out half of the coding just by editing some headers, but I did!
Luckily, my husband remembered that we do have back up files of CCP51, so we were able to restore the coding. Checkout seems to be okay now, but I will certainly be doing some more test purchases - and no more mods! Lol