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I know this post is way old, yes I am using 5.1 because I purchased it, and feel it is working ok on my server except for linkpoinit. I have read through these post for days and did the test and this is my results and hope you can tell me what it means. Thanks
time =
subtotal =
tax =
neworderID =
AVSCode =
total =
statusCode = 1
trackingID =
r_approved =
statusMessage = SGS-020005: Error (Merchant config file is missing, empty or cannot be read).
errornum =
shipping =
code =
Content-type: text/html
Never Mind on my post. I got my linkpoint to work. To anyone reading this make sure you put the .pem file from linkpoint in the key folder, put your store number in the value, and leave the password blank.
You should have no problem.