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After trying out nearly every shopping cart ever designed, we have decided to go with Clickcartpro 5. However, we need to switch hosting companies to do so. We need an exceedingly reliable, fast and AFFORDABLE hosting solutation that offers Window 2000 servers with sql and Access 2000 database support.
Obviously, we also want them to be perl friendly so we can easily run Clickcartpro.
Thanks in advance for your suggestions.
A couple of comments:
(1) CCP5 supports MS SQL Server, not MS Access. If you're tying into MS SQL Server, they will need the Perl modules DBI and DBD::ODBC installed.
(2) Any Windows server will need ActiveState Perl installed (fairly common - but have to throw that out there).
(3) Why Windows? You'll find Unix/Linux setups much faster, secure and more reliable solutions. Just curious.
Now, anyone know of a good Windows host?
Good Afternoon,
Thank you for such a quick response. The reason we are looking to switch from Readyhosting is that they will not add the perl module to their shared servers, citing security issuies as the the reason. We have too many Microsuck components designed into the site to redesign them all prior to switching hosting companies.
It will be easier simply to find a stable and fast Windowns 2000 web hosting provider. Surely, there must be a cost effective solution out there.
I am sitting on pins and needles waiting the names of prospective hosting companies. Tom
>A couple of comments:
>(1) CCP5 supports MS SQL Server,
>not MS Access. If
>you're tying into MS SQL
>Server, they will need the
>Perl modules DBI and DBD::ODBC
>(2) Any Windows server will need
>ActiveState Perl installed (fairly common
>- but have to throw
>that out there).
>(3) Why Windows? You'll find
>Unix/Linux setups much faster, secure
>and more reliable solutions.
>Just curious.
>Now, anyone know of a good
>Windows host?
I use and they have been great. The Windows Install was flawless with them. Over all experience has been good. prices are good with alot of perks.
test site until live
Thanks... I will take a look at them. Your site looks great!
Hello, I looked over and liked what I saw.
If anyone knows of additional Windows 2000 hosting providers that support Clickcartpro or Perl please let me know. The reason I need the Windows2000 plateform is utilizes asp pages and several Access2000 databases.
Suggestions? Price is importantly, but reliability and speed is a much higher priority.
There's DellHost, the web hosting division of Dell Computers. They were having some problems during a merge, but seem to have it resolved well now. Pricing is a bit higher than some, but they have good support and should have all modules for the CCP5 program already installed, but you may want to talk to their support team to verify.
I checked out and liked what I saw. They were quick to respond to my question as well. The final test concerned speed, which they sailed through far faster than any other server I tested.
Consequently, I signed up. Hopefully, we will have our existing site transfered over and functional within a week. After that, we will begin converting from Cart32 to Clickcartpro - which will not be an easy task given the complexity of our product line.
Thanks again for pointing us in the right direction. Our site has been down more or less since Friday, Thanks to problems at How frustrating!!
As much as I like the service and support of Dellhost, every couple of months without fail my site goes dowm along with lord only knows how many others websites. They always get it fixed within an hour or two, but it has become increasing annoying. I have another website that has been online with verio for 3 years (does not have CCP installed , although I am about to do so in a couple of months) and to my knowlegde this site has never been down. Good luck with your decision.
To Tom and EagleWolfe,
Downtime is sooooooo upsetting! My site was down most of this weekend at, and you can not get after hours support. I managed to get some of the pages working by switching the pages from ASP to HTM, but the databases remain offline.
Hopefully, the existing site will be up and running at early next week. After that, the fun begins as I begin modifying CCP5.
Thanks again for your help.
BTW, is there any fully functional CCP5 sites out there yet? I noticed that several are looking pretty nice, but not quite finished!
Good Luck! Let us know whne the site is ready.
test site until live
I refer hundreds of hosting accounts a year to the owners name is kieth and they are a great company. He offers 2000 servers, MYSQL, everything you need to get going. I just installed a Affiliate program on my site and they spent hours working for free to install all MODS to get this program running for me. I would not ever use anyone else.
Jon Slack
Thank you for the information, I will keep that name handy just in case we run into problems at So far, we have run into a couple of minor problems converting to them, but nothing major.
My site is totally up for almost one month, except couple of bugs, everything works perfectly and Nick provides great support on CCP 5.
For hosting issue, I use and in less than one month, their mySQL is down twice.
I would suggest we keep a indendent topic on hosting server names so that we can share our experience and help each other to find the best server. Maybe webmaster can do something like put a special area so that we all contribute to this special topic.
Does anyone have any experience using with CCP51?
Just a warning, if you use your will get the "Https Protocol Not Supported" issue and they will NOT install the required modules for you.
I am looking for a good "Unlimited" Linux hosting solution and seems to have a great offer for $30/month.
I was just thinking...I run another script on the same servers which CAN connect to AIM method without this error. The script is AMember from
What would be different here?
Also, I assume this error is being generated from the CCP script right?
My hosting company is being very difficult with this issue.
I would recommend this hositng company
They have very fast web servers, have the installed stuff that you need, and they have 24/7 Toll Free Technical Support (866-686-8611). They have a 15-25 Minutes Response Time on technical support tickets. They are Outstanding.
Here is their forum as well.
I was just thinking...I run another script on the same servers which CAN connect to AIM method without this error. The script is AMember from
What would be different here?
Also, I assume this error is being generated from the CCP script right?
This is a CCP generated error resulting from the fact that the LWP module cannot call up a URL via SSL. The other script you have running may not be in Perl, or if it is, it may not be using LWP.