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Are you sure it's about it ?
Joke, really long request but sounds like a great MOD.
scoutch,01/20/2004 01:57:00 PM wrote:
Are you sure it's about it ?
Joke, really long request but sounds like a great MOD.
Unfortunately I didn't have my list handy... I was just working from memory..
Keep up the Great work guys!...
Rich Morgan
DB Innovations
Suggestion? OK, I have a few from the way I use CCP..... :-)
If I want to sent a customer an email from the order page I have to type the whole thing or cut and paste it from somewhere else. How about a set of selectable email templates you can set up for the way you do business? Click on send message, choose template finish it and go.
How about the email list? How hard would it be to set it up so you can sort your customers into different categories so you don't have to send everyone the same mesage? Some customers are individuals, some are companies, others are retailers and others are whatever. It would be great to send the different classes of customers different emails.
I'm sure I will come up with more.
Yyyesss that's it, that's an outstanding suggestion !!!!
That should be considered a suggestion (after the auth one of course ).
More like that, it's going great.
i would like to see a coupons module.
- where you set the coupon id # or name
- how many times you can use the coupon
- set active or not active
- the discount type $ or %
(this is great for monthly specials and you don't have to stay up to midnight on the 31st to turn it off )
- how to apply the coupon:
(order total, specific products, categories)
just a really overal intense coupon / discount module.
this should be linked to a GIFT CERTIFICATE MODULE
where the store would come with a gift cert. when it is ordered the customer selects mail deliver or email deliver. and it would work off of the coupons module and share data back and forth when needed.
I don't know if this was mentioned or is in the works . but i feel that there should be a backup module.
- where you can back up your product database / categories
- coupons etc...
- the entire store etc...
basicly an overal backup module where you select what you backup and option to download it or just save it on the server for ftp backup.
also it would be nice to see a log rotation on the store. Where you can option to just tgz. the log databse. this is great for fraud and claims that we find out later after we deleted the logs. again you can set a whole bunch of options in the admin panel for this.
The backup process for the v6.0 was mentionned by Nick himself from January 8, 2004 article. It has been already suggested but thanks for reminding.
I'd like to have an easy way to modify the order e-mail we get from ccp51. It would be nice to be able to customize the e-mail to have everything you need for order fulfillment, such as invoice, shipping label, etc. The email could be printed out and sliced up to make the parts needed in shipping without any further typing or processing.
I've gotten a quote on a custom mod on this from Nick, but I think it might be a nice feature that others could use.
Here is another feature that I haven't heard anyone request. How about making the search feature more powerful and flexible. I would like to see the ability to search by categories, sub-categories and other different variables which can be set by the adminstrator. Perhaps a drop-down menu that is dynamically populated to list categories and sub-categories.
I have recently just finished working on a fairly large site which included many,many categories and subcategories and it is just way to time-consuming and fustrating for the customer to wade through different categories just to get to where they want to be.
A couple of other suggestions to back the check a little better.
1. On the first page of the checkout have a button that would automatically copy the address for the billing to the shipping address which could than be typed over if for a example just the street address is different for the shipping the customer doesn't have to enter all the information all over again for the shipping fields but can just type over the information that is different. If you have access to an account if you see the way the virtual terminal is set up and think that is really good when it comes to the address.
2. Further in the check out when a customer is supposed to review their billing and shipping address and shipping options there should be an edit link beside each section that can easily be edited. Currently if I customer entered something wrong and they have any trouble going back with their browser (and they are checking out using the entire secure checkout) the customer will have to start the checkout process again and will have to enter their address all over again. What a pain! It's happened to me more than one time. The worst is when you see that you have put the wrong amount of a product into the shopping cart and you have to go out to change it. If you are not signed into an account and you are using the secure checkout you will have to enter all your address information all over again. So let's add a way to update the cart too with out losing the customers information. (I realize that if you don't use the secure checkout that this information will be stored and remember but then you don't have the added security either)
Thanks for your time! Can't wait for the new product!
This suggestion is going to snap people's head for not thinking about this earlier.
I have implemented an invoice graphicly into CCP but not yet ready to officialy say that it is ready for use publicly yet.
1. I have noticed that option and the "substitute worker" is missing (in case that the official worker could not work that day or in that contract "during that time").
2. Appartment suite number is typicaly required on invoice since most companies requires this options from their employes if their customers orders a product and lives on an appartment.
3. Work phone number. If the customer cannot be reached at home, it is important for most of companies to reach the customer on his cell phone or at work or workers can encounter problems.
Does that give us a snap behind our heads sometimes ?
Showing a users IP address for security reasons would be a great module for zuma.
Here is the post about this.
One feature I'd like to see is the ability to use elements (product displays in my case) as Server Side Includes in static pages. Nearly had it working in Tiki using an ste_nolay page, but the cookie doesn't get set, etc.
Adding a backup Module that would allow you to do a backup and it will create it and then download to your hard drive or to a folder that is on your site. You can have the option to download your entire site(including mysql, mssql, psql databases) or just download your site with out those databases, or download just your databases. That module would also allow you to restore a backup that you created with it. Kinda like how cPanel does it. This would be a very useful tool allowing you to do it with one interface and not having to log into cpanel to do it.
That has already been mentionned by Nick himself but thanks for reminding.
I would like to see options available on category screens instead of only detail screens.
please, please, PLEEEEAAAAASSSSEEEE. Add a multiple upload option when uploading product images, etc. in the administration area. I know you get this request a lot and maybe it is really difficult to do this, but that is the pretty much the only thing I don't like about CCP.
Also, I second Charles' comment about the back-up module. I've already had to start over with CCP once (due to my hosting company) and I think this would be a great feature.
Thanks for all your hard work.
I . . . already suggested that one actually but thanks for the update anyway.
I don't think this has been mentioned yet, but I would like to suggest that Nick think about using XHTML and CSS in the layout and design of the pages. I beleive both standards are well enough supported now that you shouldn't have any problems with browser incompatibilities, and it would make templates and the like much simpler to code.
Right now I'm working myself to learn as much as possible about XHTML and CSS to replace my HTML 4.x code that exists.
I've been putting in a lot of research lately into web site usability:
Don't Make Me Think (ISBN: 0789723107)
The Art & Science of Web Design (ISBN: 0789723700)
The Design of Sites (ISBN: 020172149X)
I've read all those and recomend them highly
Right now I'm working on reading up on some XHTML and CSS books:
HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide (ISBN: 059600382X)
Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide (ISBN: 1565926226)
Core CSS (ISBN: 0130092789)
Eric Meyers on CSS (ISBN: 073571245X)
Cascading Style Sheets Designing For The Web (ISBN: 0201596253)
In CCP5.1 under Manage Program Settings there are some Time Period fields which dictate how long it should keep records for stuff like store orders, customer accounts, etc... Do you think there could be an option for making that "forever" that way you can always reference old orders, or old customers.
If you operate CCP on a mysql database this shouldn't cause too many problems with old orders in the system.
Yes, that reminds me. The new version shall contain a spell checker similar to google and, of course, relies to our products custom sale products so when a user misspells a word, it give a link to the correct one by importing a similarity from the product routine file and the customer would only need to click on the link.
(shall = should. My bad).
This is coming off my latest issue where catagory discounts are not applied when the product is found via the stores search feature.
i know in agora and some other packages there is a feature that will force the cart to check an item against the database before it's added to the cart. which we could also include to check against catagory discounts and could be applied.
oh yea i am not comparing ccp to agora by no means. It's just a nice little feature .
Also another issue even though is very small may be nice. When i catagory discount is applied the store display will show the "sale" price in red. but when added to the cart it shows it as a normal price. i think it should also show sale price or indicate in some what that this is NOT the noraml price of the item.
I agree, it would be extreamly helpful if any sale prices would show up at the cart. I know it shows up when you go to checkout, but it just lumps them all together, and some people might bail at the cart thinking they aren't going to get the sale price.
Another thing I noticed is that if you add the same item to your shopping cart more then once it just keeps adding a duplicate entry to the cart. If anything this should just increment the quantity of the same item already in the cart instead of adding another entry for it.