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#1 08-10-2002 18:27:09


shipping calculation

When I place a test order for more than one product, shipping is being calculated on each product individually.  So, if a person orders 2 books, the program is calculating $4.53 UPS shipping for the first book and $5.56 for the second, for a total of $10.09, when the actual UPS shipping for sending the 2 books together would be much less.  How can I correct this?  (They are being shipped to the same address in the test order.)


#2 08-11-2002 07:15:39

From: York, PA
Registered: 04-20-2001
Posts: 19861

Re: shipping calculation

You're going to have to use a custom script that combines all of the costs for that.  The issue is that every product can have it's own shipping method and it's own ship to address, which requires separate queries in the program code.

Nick Hendler



#3 08-11-2002 10:04:28


Re: shipping calculation

So, for any order in CCP5 that has more than one item, the shipping is calculated separately for each item, even if they are all the same shipping method and going to the same address?

In CCP4 (and in most shopping carts), it would add the weight of all the items together and then calculate the UPS charge for the total order.  Are you saying there is no way for CCP5 to do this? (Other than a custom script?)


#4 08-11-2002 10:35:10

From: York, PA
Registered: 04-20-2001
Posts: 19861

Re: shipping calculation

The way to handle this in CCP5 is with a custom script.  You can pick up the last shipping address entered and base your calcs on that one.  We'll probably be releasing a script on the forum within the next couple of weeks as as example for both USPS and UPS.

Nick Hendler



#5 08-11-2002 10:39:12


Re: shipping calculation

Oh, good.  Thank you.  I hope to see that script REALLY soon.  I would think that shipping charges of $4-5 or more per item would drive lots of customers away.


#6 08-11-2002 11:33:19


Re: shipping calculation

>The way to handle this in
>CCP5 is with a custom
>script.  You can pick
>up the last shipping address
>entered and base your calcs
>on that one.  We'll
>probably be releasing a script
>on the forum within the
>next couple of weeks as
>as example for both USPS
>and UPS.

Am I to understnad that shipping calculations will be grossly over charged for a customer who orders multiple items? 

Does that mean if I have a customer order a full array of parts they will be charged several times actual shipping?

That sounds like a serious bug.  My particular application will definitely fall in that category as a I sell thousands of parts for alarm, video, and telephone installations.  A customer will almost always order multiple parts in different subcategories to fill out their needs.  In fact, historically I have rarely had orders for just one type of part. 

It may even fall on the verge of criminal fraud if I implement a system like that knowing about the problem.  I have been doing setup and testing for a couple days now, but that is a bug I hadn't noticed.  I won't be able to implement your cart until it is fixed. 

Or, is that bug fixed in the I just received?


#7 08-11-2002 12:00:12


Re: shipping calculation

Nope, it is definitely not fixed. 

Ouch.  Shipping charges of 30+ dollars for total weight of less than a pound.  NOT GOOD.


#8 08-11-2002 12:37:11

From: York, PA
Registered: 04-20-2001
Posts: 19861

Re: shipping calculation

It's not a bug.  Perhaps a design flaw.  The program was intended to work that way.  If you guys are saying it shouldn't be this way, we'll work on an updated methodology early this week.

Nick Hendler



#9 08-11-2002 12:52:07


Re: shipping calculation

Yes, it's a serious flaw.  Yes, shipping should be calculated separately on items being shipped to different addresses, because these are separate shipments.  But for items being shipped to the same address in the same shipment, shipping definitely needs to be calculated together.  I don't see how the program is usable unless this is fixed.  As Bob said, people will be charged several times the correct amount for shipping the way it is set up now.


#10 08-11-2002 12:59:00

Registered: 04-30-2002
Posts: 32

Re: shipping calculation

Absolutely, I agree, it shouldn't work this way for most of us as DEFAULT,
the default method should be adding shipping to entire 'bundled' orded instead of every item,
it seems to be just necessary,
BUT there is the other side too, we have a customers who waited a COUPLE OF MONTHS
for this release of CCP, because they need exactly this:
possibility to add DIFFERENT shipping charges to EVERY item, no matter if it is ordered
as 'bundle' at their store because their items are sent to their cutomers from different
cities and often via different carriers
CCP5 works in this case excellent, but again, it shouldn't be the default




#11 08-11-2002 13:04:08

From: York, PA
Registered: 04-20-2001
Posts: 19861

Re: shipping calculation

In that case we'll release something this week that combines the shipping charges for items that (1) are being shipped to the same address and (2) have identical shipping methods.

Nick Hendler



#12 08-11-2002 13:12:02


Re: shipping calculation

YES!! Wonderful--thanks.


#13 08-11-2002 13:12:21


Re: shipping calculation

>In that case we'll release something
>this week that combines the
>shipping charges for items that
>(1) are being shipped to
>the same address and (2)
>have identical shipping methods.

Why not set is based on shipper zip code.  We enter shipper zip code for each item.  So have all items shipped from the same zip added together.  Maybe for simplicty sake add a field for default zipcode in the settings somewhere so it doesn't get forgotten.  Then it can be manually changed per item for items that will always be drop shipped.


#14 08-11-2002 13:12:47


Re: shipping calculation

I do agree.  It would be really bad to charge somebody who orders 5 items from my online store, and we charge the seperate charges for each item.  Even though they are shipping from and to the same location.  I'm glad somebody noticed this before I went live.  I've only tested with 1 item in the cart.  sad   Anyhow, please let us know when a patch is available for this. 



#15 08-11-2002 13:17:15

Registered: 04-30-2002
Posts: 32

Re: shipping calculation

(1) are being shipped to the same address and
(2) have identical shipping methods.

there is also another scenario:
(3) are being shipped to the same address but FROM different places with different carriers
(4) are being shipped to the same address but FROM different places with same carriers

hope you will not remove such possibility in the update
of course, flexibility of CCP5 allow to write custom calculations
but it require some Perl expierence or at least 5 posts on this forum



#16 08-11-2002 13:32:22

From: York, PA
Registered: 04-20-2001
Posts: 19861

Re: shipping calculation

Good points, all of them.  The updated code will combine shipping for items where:

(1) The shipping address is the same.
(2) The shipper zip code is the same.
(3) The shipping calc method is the same.

Whew.  That is going to be a nasty bit of code to write.

Nick Hendler



#17 08-11-2002 13:34:27


Re: shipping calculation

Thank you.  We will definitely appreciate it.

Will it work similarly for postal shipping?


#18 08-11-2002 13:42:22

From: York, PA
Registered: 04-20-2001
Posts: 19861

Re: shipping calculation

Yes, both USPS and UPS will work the same way.  The default (product based) method will continue to work as it does now because charges get added for each item in the cart regardless of whether they're shown together or separately.

Nick Hendler



#19 12-16-2002 14:10:49

Registered: 09-09-2002
Posts: 67

Re: shipping calculation

>Good points, all of them. 
>The updated code will combine
>shipping for items where:
>(1) The shipping address is the
>(2) The shipper zip code is
>the same.
>(3) The shipping calc method is
>the same.
>Whew.  That is going to
>be a nasty bit of
>code to write.

Whoo hoo! This is exactly what I need clickcartpro to do. Add all the items weight together and then base the shipping calculation on the total.



#20 08-11-2002 15:32:45


Re: shipping calculation

I just hit this problem also..glad to see I'm not alone. It's a must that the shipping be combined and calculated on the total weights for all products ordered, instead of seperately! Glad to see it's being fixed.


#21 11-14-2002 16:30:49


Re: shipping calculation

I just had CCP5 installed a week ago, and am having the same problem with it adding up shipping charges for each item, totalling way too much.

I can't seem to find if and where a fix is to be found.





#22 11-15-2002 00:54:22

From: York, PA
Registered: 04-20-2001
Posts: 19861

Re: shipping calculation

Your issue is that you want to charge x amount for the first item and y amount for additional items.  That's not what this post is about.  When CCP5 was first released (prior to the 08/17 update) shipping was done per item and like shipping addresses and methods were not grouped together.  What you're trying to do is different.


Nick Hendler
Webmaster, Kryptronic, Inc.

Nick Hendler



#23 12-11-2002 22:51:26


Re: shipping calculation

any further information on this modification?

Do you have an updated ETA?


#24 12-12-2002 07:20:55


Re: shipping calculation

Hi there,

I have followed thru the discussion and agree totally to the new changes or should i add a word that it could be options to the various user of ccp5.

I have posted another message in regards to NON US to maybe US or NON US to NON US.

Will this be handled as well?



#25 12-14-2002 12:29:08

From: York, PA
Registered: 04-20-2001
Posts: 19861

Re: shipping calculation

We plan to address the multiple address issue, but unless the new UPS Online Tools API that we plan to use supports Non-US origins, we won't be supporting that.  We'll see once we get futher into the API.


Nick Hendler
Webmaster, Kryptronic, Inc.

Nick Hendler



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