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I have my cart up and am beginning to populate it. My question is can I remove the hyperlinked category and sub category names from under their images? my images ARE their names.
then go to SHOPPING
I read in an earlier post to go to to remove product numbers and figured this would be the same location to remove the text name links.
I tried by removing what I pasted below and of course it didnt work. Anyone have any suggestions?
<A HREF="$common_url&pg=store&sub_pg=main_cat&ref=$category_main_ref_no">$category_main_name</A>
<A HREF="$common_url&pg=store&sub_pg=sub_cat&ref=$category_sub_parent::$category_sub_ref_no">$category_sub_name</A>
Below is where I deleted from and it didnt work. This is the only place in the script that there is a link to text names.
# Sub Site Store Small Display Cell #
sub site_store_small_display_cell {
if ($display_type eq "category_main") {
print <<ENDOFTEXT;
<TD WIDTH="$cell_width" ALIGN="CENTER" VALIGN="TOP"><FONT FACE="$html_small_font_face" SIZE="$html_small_font_size" COLOR="$html_small_font_color">
<A HREF="$common_url&pg=store&sub_pg=main_cat&ref=$category_main_ref_no"><IMG SRC="$images_path/$product_small_image_name" WIDTH="$store_small_image_width" HEIGHT="$store_small_image_height" BORDER="0" ALT="$category_main_name"></A><BR>
<A HREF="$common_url&pg=store&sub_pg=main_cat&ref=$category_main_ref_no">$category_main_name</A>
} elsif ($display_type eq "category_sub") {
print <<ENDOFTEXT;
<TD WIDTH="$cell_width" ALIGN="CENTER" VALIGN="TOP"><FONT FACE="$html_small_font_face" SIZE="$html_small_font_size" COLOR="$html_small_font_color">
<A HREF="$common_url&pg=store&sub_pg=sub_cat&ref=$category_sub_parent::$category_sub_ref_no"><IMG SRC="$images_path/$product_small_image_name" WIDTH="$store_small_image_width" HEIGHT="$store_small_image_height" BORDER="0" ALT="$category_sub_name"></A><BR>
<A HREF="$common_url&pg=store&sub_pg=sub_cat&ref=$category_sub_parent::$category_sub_ref_no">$category_sub_name</A>
in additon to deleting the link tags do I need to remove anything else?
thanks for your help. I know you guys are working real hard on the new version. Can't wait
You'd be deleting:
<A HREF="$common_url&pg=store&sub_pg=main_cat&ref=$category_main_ref_no">$category_main_name</A>
<A HREF="$common_url&pg=store&sub_pg=sub_cat&ref=$category_sub_parent::$category_sub_ref_no">$category_sub_name</A>
That didn't work?!?
Nope. That's why I am so confused!
deleted both lines.
this is no emergency. I know there are MUCH bigger things goin on.
But thank you for confirming I am not loosing my mind
You're making the right edits. Check to be sure that you're not editing a backup file (did you even make a backup) and that your changes are actually being written back out to the server.
I'm assuming you're downloading the perl file, making the changes, then uploading it. You're doing it right, so the mechanics of how you're actually doing the edit must be wrong, somehow.
Wouldnt even know HOW to explain it, but I fixed it. Thanks so much for your help