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Want to set up a percentage shipping with a minimum charge.
Can you tell me how to do this? I have the info for the percentage shipping but how do I include the minimum charge?
Thank you
What I am looking for is how to include the minimum shipping charge with the percent shipping charge. We charge 10% s&h with a $6.00 minimum.
Thank you,
How about 0 to $60.00 shipping is $6.00. And $60.00 to $XX.XX shipping is 10%?
# Sub Site Store Shipping Custom #
sub site_store_shipping_custom {
$custom_shipping_method_name = "Standard";
$ship_calc_total = "$final_form_display_order_subtotal";
$ship_total_quantity = "$form_display_total_quantity";
$ship_total_weight = "$form_display_total_weight";
if ($ship_calc_total >= "0" && $ship_calc_total <= "60.00") {
$temp_shipping_total = "6.00";
} elsif ($ship_calc_total > "60.00") {
$temp_shipping_total = ($ship_calc_total * .10);
} ######### End of if statement.
$shipping_total = sprintf("%.2f", $temp_shipping_total);
print <<ENDOFTEXT;
<INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="trship" VALUE="$custom_shipping_method_name::$shipping_total">
There is currently one available shipping option. The cost to ship your order is $currency_symbol$shipping_total.<BR><BR>
# Return True Value For End Of File #