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#1 07-09-2024 06:44:30

Registered: 07-11-2009
Posts: 76

Next Update to Ver 9.4 Google Adwords

Has there been any work done on Google in the new version 9.4 due next month as our Adwords Campaign have never been able to show conversions (purchases) even after Google s own specialists checked all our settings and said every thing was working correctly between Google and K9 - GA4 (web) purchase
Website (Google Analytics (GA4))
No recent conversions

Last edited by ElectroSpares (07-09-2024 14:20:55)



#2 07-12-2024 06:20:59

From: bedford
Registered: 04-02-2008
Posts: 1716

Re: Next Update to Ver 9.4 Google Adwords

Not an expert, but have managed to get mine set up which took a while. I will try and help if I can.

In GA4, do you get any conversions from Paid Search, Organic, Direct, etc
I think you can type "WHICH CHANNELS DRIVE KEY EVENT PERFORMANCE?" in GA4 search




#3 07-12-2024 10:58:49

Registered: 07-11-2009
Posts: 76

Re: Next Update to Ver 9.4 Google Adwords

Hi Rob
In GA4 we get loads of data but no breakdown of conversions

Kind regards



#4 07-12-2024 12:08:05

From: bedford
Registered: 04-02-2008
Posts: 1716

Re: Next Update to Ver 9.4 Google Adwords

What channel is shown for all the conversions? If there is no breakdown of channels, they must all be listed as from one channel.

If the channel is shown as your payment provider, you need to set up the unwanted referral domain.
Admin - Data Collection - Data Streams. You should see your google tag receiving data.
Click the Tag - Click Configure Tag Setting then Click Show More.
Under List unwanted referrals you need to add any payment provider domains such as

This should mean your conversions are associated with the channel before redirects to the payment confirmation page.




#5 07-12-2024 13:36:37

Registered: 07-11-2009
Posts: 76

Re: Next Update to Ver 9.4 Google Adwords

Hi Rob
Does look correct as this was already set up under unwanted referrals

Ignore referrals that match ANY of the following conditions as traffic sources

Match type

Referral domain contains

Referral domain contains

Referral domain contains

Referral domain contains



#6 07-12-2024 14:13:08

From: bedford
Registered: 04-02-2008
Posts: 1716

Re: Next Update to Ver 9.4 Google Adwords

What does your Acquisition > Traffic Acquisitions list as the primary channels?
It should show where your traffic comes from
Paid Search
Organic Search
Cross-network, etc, etc




#7 07-12-2024 14:24:24

From: bedford
Registered: 04-02-2008
Posts: 1716

Re: Next Update to Ver 9.4 Google Adwords

Looking at your set up, you appear to be using GTM and Gtag. I only use Gtag so don't know too much about GTM.
However, a quick search on google suggests:

Should dataLayer come before or after GTM? Answer: It's very important that the Data Layer snippet is placed above Google Tag Manager's container code in your website's code. If the snippet is placed after the GTM container code, the data won't be fetched by Google Tag Manager.

Your Gtag code is after the GTM code, so this answer suggest the data won't be fetched by analytics.

I would try removing your GTM code for a while and make sure your streams in adwords/analytics are connected to the gtag id.




#8 07-13-2024 01:13:45

Registered: 07-11-2009
Posts: 76

Re: Next Update to Ver 9.4 Google Adwords

Thanks Rob for all your support on this one.



#9 07-29-2024 07:58:41

From: York, PA
Registered: 04-20-2001
Posts: 19861

Re: Next Update to Ver 9.4 Google Adwords

To get GA4 and AW working properly via GTM using the newer 9.4 event-based GA module (which was pre-installed on the site we're talking about), configure GTM as follows.  Please note using a GTM->GA4+AW configuration requires a bit more config than just GA4+AW.  Here are the GTM instructions:

## Initial GTM Setup

Sign in to Google Tag Manager at  Create a new Google Tag Manager account for your domain if you don't have one.

Access Variables and choose to create new User Defined variables.  For each of the three variables listed below, name the variable 'DataLayer Ecom variable_name', and for the  Data Layer Variable Name enter 'ecommerce.variable_name' (use the following variable names in place of 'variable_name'):

transaction_id, currency, value 

Access Triggers in the menu and choose to create new Triggers.  For each of the ten events listed below, select Custom Event for the trigger type, enter 'Event event_name' for the trigger name, and enter 'event_name' for the event name (use the following event names in place of 'event_name'):

add_to_cart, begin_checkout, login, purchase, remove_from_cart, search, sign_up, view_cart, view_item, view_item_list

## To configure GTM to fire GA4

Access Tags in the menu and choose to add a new Tag.  Select Tag Configuration, and choose Google Analytics from the list.  Select the Google Tag option, and enter your Google Tag ID (starts with G-) for Google Analytics.  Leave all other options/settings at their default values.  Set up a trigger for your Google Tag to occur on All Pages.  Save your tag using the name 'GA4 Google Tag'.

Access Tags in the menu and choose to add a new Tag.  Select Tag Configuration, and choose Google Analytics from the list.  Select the Google Analytics: GA4 Event option, and enter your Google Tag ID for Google Analytics.  Enter 'GA4 Event' for the tag name, and enter '{{Event}}' for the event name.   Under More Settings, choose to send Ecommerce Data and select DataLayer for the data source.  Leave all other options/settings at their default values.  Select all ten triggers you set up for events for this tag.  Save your tag using the name 'GA4 Events'.

## To configure GTM to fire AW

Access your Google Ads account.  In the menu, select Goals then Conversions Summary.  Add a conversion goal, select 'Website' for the type, and name it 'Purchase'.  Once you have added your conversion goal, when you view your goal, you will see a Tag Setup option.  Select the Use Google Tag Manager option under Tag Setup and you will be presented with your Google Ads Conversion ID and Conversion Label.

Using Google Tag Manager, access Tags in the menu and choose to add a new Tag.  Select Tag Configuration, and choose Google Ads from the list.  Select the Google Tag option, and enter your Google Tag ID (starts with AW-) for Google Ads.  Leave all other options/settings at their default values.  Set up a trigger for your Google Tag to occur on All Pages.  Save your tag using the name 'AW Google Tag'.

You will be prompted to set up a Google Analytics to Google Ads Conversion Linker tag.  Follow the instructions provided and set up your Google Analytics to Google Ads Conversion Linker tag using the name 'AW Conversion Linker'.

Access Tags in the menu and choose to add a new Tag.  Select Tag Configuration, and choose Google Ads from the list.  Select the Google Ads Conversion Tracking option, and enter your Google Ads Conversion ID and Conversion Label from Google Ads.  Leave all other options/settings at their default values.  For the value, transaction id and currency values, select the appropriate variable you set up earlier when configuring variables in Tag Manager.  Set up a trigger for your tag to fire on the purchase event trigger you set up when configuring triggers in Tag Manager.  Save your tag using the name 'AW Purchase Event'.

Nick Hendler



#10 07-31-2024 11:40:47

Registered: 07-11-2009
Posts: 76

Re: Next Update to Ver 9.4 Google Adwords

Hi Nick
Will follow this up in a new ticket as some of the instructions seem to be not showing in Google Tag Manager



#11 08-01-2024 09:28:30

From: York, PA
Registered: 04-20-2001
Posts: 19861

Re: Next Update to Ver 9.4 Google Adwords

Here's a little more info on getting your conversion id and label from Adwords:

Typically there is an 'Install Tag Using Tag Manager' button there. Click that 'Install the Tag Yourself' button to see the GA-based code. There you will see two code snippets. Look at the second one titled Event Snippet. In there you will see a 'send_to' line that has the conversion id (starting with AW-) followed by a slash followed by the conversion label all wrapped in single quotes. It will look something like this:

'send_to': 'AW-123456789/CoNvLaBeL'

For GTM, enter the conversion id from the send_to line, but leave the 'AW-' off the front of it ('123456789' using the example above). Use the entire conversion id following the slash ('CoNvLaBeL' using the example above).

Nick Hendler



#12 08-13-2024 03:14:13

Registered: 07-11-2009
Posts: 76

Re: Next Update to Ver 9.4 Google Adwords

Finally got this resolved, so easy in the end, received this email from Google and followed the instruction, now getting conversion in Adwords

How to create Google Ads conversions
In your Google Ads account, click the create button  and select Conversion action from the list.
Click Import, select Google Analytics 4 properties, select web or app, then click Continue.
Select each key event that you want to import, then click Import and continue.
Click Done.

Last edited by ElectroSpares (08-15-2024 03:32:25)



#13 08-15-2024 11:08:30

From: York, PA
Registered: 04-20-2001
Posts: 19861

Re: Next Update to Ver 9.4 Google Adwords

Thanks for posting more info back into the thread.

Nick Hendler



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