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#1 07-05-2024 05:14:51

From: Surrey, UK
Registered: 02-08-2005
Posts: 618

Customer uploaded images issue

Customers on our site have the option to upload their own image for us to process.

However, if they make say, 4 different orders all with different images and all with different quantities and upload the images, I cannot tell which image is for which product as the system renames the image.

Is there a way that the original image name that the customer has uploaded stays as that name or at least prefixed on the random generated image name.

Anthony - Manufacturers of Personalised and Celebrity Face Masks



#2 07-08-2024 08:07:31

From: York, PA
Registered: 04-20-2001
Posts: 19850

Re: Customer uploaded images issue

No.  That would be a security risk.  Each image should be tied to each order line item and will have the items's 'randid' field in it's name, with a count indicating which image for that item it is.

Nick Hendler



#3 07-09-2024 00:48:02

From: Surrey, UK
Registered: 02-08-2005
Posts: 618

Re: Customer uploaded images issue

Thanks, yet again Nick.

I have added the field ($item['uploads']) to my internal invoice under the Item Description column, so now the random image name shows up so I can match it all up.

Anthony - Manufacturers of Personalised and Celebrity Face Masks



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