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#1 07-04-2024 22:46:51

From: Surrey, UK
Registered: 02-08-2005
Posts: 623

Checkout Custom Shipping - Change default checked radio button

Currently the shipping display pre-checks the radio button with FREE DELIVERY

I need this changed to my 1st Class delivery which is chargeable

What the best way to do this.

Please note we still need the Free 2nd class delivery, but want the 1st class radio button pre-checked

Anthony - Manufacturers of Personalised and Celebrity Face Masks



#2 07-08-2024 08:05:12

From: York, PA
Registered: 04-20-2001
Posts: 19858

Re: Checkout Custom Shipping - Change default checked radio button

I'm not sure you want to do this.  It is customary and expected that the lowest cost shipping option be pre-selected and first in the list.  Doing something else here will likely confuse customers and cost orders.  With that said, you'd need to modify the coship() function in the file:


At the very end of that function, there is a comment block with the text 'Set up the first option as selected.'.  Mod that section.  Set your selection as you wish.

For version 9.3+, isolate your mods to make future updates quick and easy using these instructions:

Nick Hendler



#3 07-08-2024 22:59:06

From: Surrey, UK
Registered: 02-08-2005
Posts: 623

Re: Checkout Custom Shipping - Change default checked radio button

I totally understand what you are saying, I had it before that way and it seemed to work well...

Thanks again for the pointers

Anthony - Manufacturers of Personalised and Celebrity Face Masks



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