Kryptronic Software Support Forum

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#1 11-08-2020 13:56:35

Registered: 11-15-2004
Posts: 293

Amazon MWS Developer Registration and Assessment

Each time we log into our Amazon Seller account we are receiving the following notice....

Developer Registration and Assessment

Developer Registration and Assessment evaluates the extend to which you are adhering to Amazon’s Acceptable Use Policy and Data Protection Policy. These policies help ensure that you keep Amazon MWS data safe
Please complete all of the fields on this form truthfully and completely. Depending on the type of data access you require and the volume of data you use, you might be required to provide documentation of your data security practices. In addition, we might request an audit of your data security practices.
Once you complete your Registration and Assessment, Amazon will evaluate your information and assign you a case with next steps, if any.
Please select the option that best describes your organization's development on MWS.
Note that your answers represent your organization.
I represent a seller organization integrating with Amazon MWS for its own selling account only.
Are you having someone outside your company build your application?
No, my application is being built internally
This application is being built by someone outside of my company
Developer name
Developer website
Developer contact email
Developer contact country code
Developer contact phone
Developer contact information
Company name
Contact email
Primary contact name
United States
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
Zip/postal code
Country/region Code
Contact phone
Business use information
In which regions do your users need API access to operate?
Americas (includes Canada, US, Mexico, Brazil)
Europe (includes Spain, UK, France, Germany, Italy, Turkey)
If you are currently a developer, please provide your developer ID(s)
Please note: to confirm your developer IDs, submit this form for all of your associated developer IDs, separated by a comma (example: 112233445566,998877665544)
How many employees are in your organization?
5 or fewer
6 - 25
26 - 50
51 - 100
101 - 500
My application(s) performs the following functions (please select all that apply):
From the following list, select the types of functionality that are included in your application.
Note: ''Restricted'' functionality requires Personally Identifiable Information (PII). You will be required to provide additional information about your use of the data and security controls
Create and manage Amazon product listings
Determine list prices and automate product pricing based on business rules
Inventory and order tracking
Track orders and keep inventory levels in sync across systems (does not include shipping functionality)
Fulfillment by Amazon
Manage inbound and outbound shipments and submit fulfillment orders
Optimize pay-per-click advertising budgets and strategies
Create targeted promotions such as coupons or Lightning Deals
Product research and scouting
Screen prospective products to inform sourcing decisions
Feedback and reviews
Get verified reviews and feedback from customers
Buyer/seller messaging
Respond to customer questions to provide high quality customer service
Analytics and reporting
Analyze sales, costs, profit, and other business or operations metrics
Produce accounting and financial statements
Ecommerce solution connector
Integrate ecommerce sites with Amazon
Tax Remittance (Restricted)
Calculate and file sales tax to comply with tax regulations
Tax Invoicing (Restricted)
Generate tax invoices to complete with regional tax requirements (e.g., EU VAT).
Merchant Fulfilled Shipping (Restricted)
General shipping labels and confirm shipments for seller-fulfilled orders
Any functionality not described in the previous options
If Other, please describe
Please describe the features of your application
Data Protection Policy
Tell us how you keep Amazon MWS data safe, in accordance with the Data Protection Policy.
Do you use network controls to prevent unauthorized access to Amazon MWS data?
If Yes, please select your network controls:
Network segmentation
Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
Network Access Control List (ACL)
If Other, please describe
Do you restrict access to Amazon MWS data based on users’ job duties or business functions?
If Yes, please select your access management practices:
Role Based Access Control (RBAC)
User access registration, to assign access rights for all user types
Restrictions on sharing user accounts, IDs, and inactive accounts
Periodic review of all users’ access privileges
If Yes, do you use Identity and Access Management (IAM) to manage user access?
Yes, AWS IAM service
Yes, other IAM service or tool
Do you encrypt Amazon MWS data in transit?
If Yes, please select your encryption method:
AWS-provided encryption
AES 256 encryption
If Other, please describe
Do you have an incident management policy that covers monitoring, detection, and response for potential threats and incidents?
If yes, does your policy require you to report the incident(s) to Amazon as required by Amazon's Acceptable Use Policy and Data Protection Policy?
Restricted data access
Because you plan to use APIs for tax or merchant fulfilled shipping purposes, you are expected to comply with the Restricted Data Access portion of the Data Protection Policy. After completing the Developer Registration and Assessment form, please be ready to provide documentation of your data security practices.
How long do you retain Personally Identifiable Information (PII) data?
Less than 30 days
31 to 90 days
91 to 180 days
More than 180 days
Do you have a privacy policy that includes data handling?
Do you encrypt Amazon MWS data at rest?
If Yes, what data do you encrypt at rest?
All Amazon MWS data
Amazon MWS data containing PII only
If Other, please describe
Do you use access controls for PII, so that access to PII is available only to those who need it?
Do you gather logs to detect security-related events?
If Yes, which security events do you log?
Failed/unauthorized log in attempts
Unexpected request rates and retrieval volume
User permission/configuration changes
If Other, please describe
Describe all functionalities in your application where Personally Identifiable Information (e.g. customer name, street address, billing address) is required.
List all outside parties with whom your organization shares Amazon Information (e.g. information exposed by Amazon through Amazon MWS, Seller Central, or Amazon's public-facing websites) and describe how your organization shares this information.
List all non-Amazon MWS sources where you retrieve Amazon Information.
Describe how your organization restricts public access to databases, file servers, and desktop/developer endpoints.
Describe how your organization uniquely identifies employees and restricts access to Amazon information on a need-to-know basis.
Describe how your organization prevents Amazon Information from being accessed from employee personal devices.
Provide details on your organization's privacy and data handling policies (a link to your policy is also acceptable).
Describe where your organization stores Amazon Information and provide details on how you encrypt this information (e.g., algorithm).
Describe how your organization backups or archives Amazon Information and provide details on how you encrypt this information (e.g., algorithm).
Describe how your organization monitors and detects malicious activity in your application(s).
Describe how your organization's incident response plan addresses database hacks, unauthorized access, and data leaks (a link to your policy is also acceptable).
I have read and agree to the Amazon Marketplace Developer Agreement, the Acceptable Use Policy, and the Data Protection Policy

The only fully integrated software we use is from Kryptronic integrating into K9.  We are not sure how to answer the questions being asked by Amazon or how to respond to developer related questions.

Using Kryptronic K9! smile
Previous Versions:
ClickCartPro 8
ClickCartPro 7
ClickCartPro 6
ClickCartPro 5.1



#2 11-09-2020 08:52:43

From: York, PA
Registered: 04-20-2001
Posts: 19798

Re: Amazon MWS Developer Registration and Assessment

Please submit a support ticket for this.  We have documents pre-completed that you can submit.  This is regarding Amazon safeguarding PII (personal identifiable information).  Your developer key needs to maintain access to that info so you get the shipping address with orders.

Nick Hendler



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