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#1 08-07-2018 05:08:18

From: UK
Registered: 10-17-2006
Posts: 51

Enabling SSL


I am trying to get my site up and running with an SSL cert. I have the cert installed on the server correctly and I know that bit is correct. I have re-ran the installer and updated the SSL URL, I have NOT changed the cookie paths, both set to '/'.

Despite the above, still no joy. Here's whats happening:

1. The standard URL of the site with https:// re-directs to the NON Http:// address. There is no .htaccess file in the root folder.
2. The Admin URL goes into a cyclical loop and errors with 'Too many redirects'.

Where are the re-directs setup in the system, as I said no .htaccess in the root of my server, no Apache redirects setup etc...

Thanks in advance.


PS. Cert is Lets Encrypt, DNS is on Cloudflare BUT all SSL options already turned off.



#2 08-07-2018 08:09:16

From: York, PA
Registered: 04-20-2001
Posts: 19861

Re: Enabling SSL

You are attempting to switch the site to full SSL.  To accomplish this, two updates are needed:

1. Run your installer.php script and change your Non-SSL URL and related cookie domain and path to match your SSL URL and cookie domain and path values.  Run the installer up to and including the registration step, but there's no need to run it further.  No need to update any software either.  If both your URLs are similar (ie, vary only by http-vs-https or www-vs-nonwww) then there will be no need to contact Kryptronic regarding a URL change when you submit the new registered URL for the site.

2. Access your management interface using the new URL and then navigate to System / Database / Raw Database Admin, choose to Submit a Raw SQL Statement, and submit the following SQL statement:

UPDATE core_namespaces SET hreftype='SSL' WHERE hreftype='Non-SSL'

You can also do a http->https rewrite at the top of your .htaccess file if you wish, but be aware this is generally unnecessary on V8 as it will rewrite all those cases automatically.

Nick Hendler



#3 08-09-2018 04:51:02

From: UK
Registered: 10-17-2006
Posts: 51

Re: Enabling SSL

Thanks Nic,

I have completed that and it has worked... or almost. My Admin interface is showing as Secured in Chrome but the main site is still not showing secured. I get the exclamation in a circle, when I click it I get "Your connection is not fully secure" despite a valid certificate etc.

Any thoughts?


PS. I will PM you the URL



#4 08-09-2018 07:43:42

From: York, PA
Registered: 04-20-2001
Posts: 19861

Re: Enabling SSL

All your issues are in your footer in your skin. Edit your skin.php file for your active skin and look a the Worldpay and credit card images in the footer.  They all reference http URLs, and need to be changed to https URLs.

Nick Hendler



#5 08-09-2018 10:49:25

From: UK
Registered: 10-17-2006
Posts: 51

Re: Enabling SSL

Thanks Nick, sorted now smile




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