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#1 01-17-2018 09:28:19

Registered: 04-18-2008
Posts: 10

Not able to charge sales tax

The issue I'm having is that sales tax is not being generated for my given state. At one time it was working but not now.

When I go to System- Locations- States and Provinces and select my State and then go to Tax Information I see the entries for Item and Shipping Tax Rate Percentage which show the correct percentage but no option to turn Sales Tax on or off.

When I go to System- Component- Settings- Tax Settings all I get is a blank page.

So I guess to start I was wondering where the script for taxes is located and its file name to look and see if it even is on the server in case I accidently moved it to another folder. Unless anyone has a better idea.



#2 01-18-2018 09:27:51

From: York, PA
Registered: 04-20-2001
Posts: 19861

Re: Not able to charge sales tax

I've done some digging on this and based on the help desk ticket you had open and this forum post, I think you may be running V8 and updated the software from 8.0.0 or 8.0.1 to a more current version (depends on when you ran the update), but failed to do all necessary update steps. 

To correct your immediate issue, the blank settings page, I believe executing the following SQL statement using System / Database / Raw DB Admin will fix it:


UPDATE core_namespaces SET groupallow='superuser, admin' WHERE id='core.dbrelatejs' OR id='core.dbrelate'

Knowing that you were at 8.0.0 or 8.0.1, I recommend you verify the version you're running by viewing the version number for the system base module (CORE) using System / Software / Installed Software.  Then access: … 2015A.html

- If you are running version 8.0.9, all you need to do is follow ***ALL*** the instructions in the 'Post-Update Database Changes' and 'Post-Update Manual Changes' sections.

- If you are running a version less than 8.0.9, run an update to get to that version.  Make sure you follow ***ALL*** the instructions in the 'Post-Update Database Changes' and 'Post-Update Manual Changes' sections.

That will make sure you're updated properly and won't experience any other issues.

Nick Hendler



#3 01-19-2018 09:22:36

Registered: 04-18-2008
Posts: 10

Re: Not able to charge sales tax

Hi Nick,

Thanks for the response. I ran the SQL statement as directed which did not correct the blank screen I'm getting in the Tax Settings. Also reviewed the article on the updates and redid those.

Right now am running 8.0.9 and if I remember right either 8.0.6 or 8.0.7 before that. It was late before I transitioned from 6.0 to 8.0

So any other possible suggestions?





#4 01-22-2018 07:43:51

From: York, PA
Registered: 04-20-2001
Posts: 19861

Re: Not able to charge sales tax

Check your webserver error logs.  In the event of a blank page, a 500 error should have been encountered and logged.  What is the error that gets logged when you load that page?

Nick Hendler



#5 01-23-2018 09:47:50

Registered: 04-18-2008
Posts: 10

Re: Not able to charge sales tax

I checked the server logs and I am not seeing anything being logged when the Tax Settings is being pulled up as a blank page. In fact not seeing any errors with CCP just WP.



#6 01-24-2018 09:06:07

From: York, PA
Registered: 04-20-2001
Posts: 19861

Re: Not able to charge sales tax

Can you try to enable debugging (set debug=1 in {private}/core/CORE/CORE.php) and see if a debug file is generated when you load that page in admin?  I doubt it will be, but maybe.  Remember to turn debugging on right before you click the link to load the problem page, and turn it off right afterwards.  That way you'll be able to easily find your debug file in the {private}/temp directory.  And leaving debugging on for extended periods is bad.

Nick Hendler



#7 01-29-2018 09:06:28

Registered: 04-18-2008
Posts: 10

Re: Not able to charge sales tax

I ran debug and the only error that showed up is this:

CORE_Error::error: Non-fatal error encountered: mysql_connect(): The mysql extension is deprecated and will be removed in the future: use mysqli or PDO instead File: /core/CORE_DB/ext/mysql.php Line: 798

Otherwise I got this when I loaded the Tax Settings page. I did get an invalid form check for the "check_field_def"

CORE_BackEnd_settings::load_object: Cached object created: CORE_Crypt Class: CORE_Crypt

CORE_App::load_object: Cached object created: CORE_BackEnd_settings Class: CORE_BackEnd_settings

CORE_App::exec_namespace: Loaded namespace extension module CORE_BackEnd_settings.

CORE_App::namespace_change: Changed namespace to 'settingsform' for component 'core'.

CORE_App::exec_namespace: Executing namespace function 'settings_form' in the CORE_BackEnd_settings class without parameters.

CORE_DB_mysql::xsql_do: The MySQL extension executed statement: SELECT id, name, description, nspost, outputtype FROM core_forms WHERE id='core.settingsform' ORDER BY id ASC

CORE_DB_mysql::xsql_do: The MySQL extension executed statement: SELECT id, section, name, description, required, type, typeparam, defaultvalue, maxlength, custominclude FROM core_formfields WHERE form='core.settingsform' ORDER BY fieldorder ASC

CORE_Form::def_form: No form fields available for the form 'core.settingsform'.

CORE_DB_mysql::xsql_do: The MySQL extension executed statement: SELECT id, name, displaytype, displaydata, displayinclude, required, value, description FROM core_settings WHERE app='core' AND section='Tax Settings' ORDER BY name ASC

CORE_DB_mysql::xsql_do: The MySQL extension executed statement: SELECT selectid, selectname, selectvalue FROM core_selectcustom WHERE selectid='core.taxcountrysys' OR selectid='core.taxcountryeuentry' OR selectid='core.taxcountryeudisp' ORDER BY selectorder ASC

CORE_Form::def_form: Obtained custom selection items for the 'core.settingsform' form.

CORE_Form::build_values_custom: Built custom selection values the form field 'core.taxcountrysys'.

CORE_Form::build_values_custom: Built custom selection values the form field 'core.taxcountryeuentry'.

CORE_Form::build_values_custom: Built custom selection values the form field 'core.taxcountryeudisp'.

CORE_Form::build_values_custom: Built boolean selection values the form field 'core.taxeusummarydisp'.

CORE_Form::build_values_custom: Built boolean selection values the form field 'core.taxcountryeuzero'.

CORE_DB_mysql::xsql_do: The MySQL extension executed statement: SELECT tdisplay, tprimkey, torderby FROM core_tabledefs WHERE tid='core_country' ORDER BY tid ASC

CORE_DB_mysql::xsql_do: The MySQL extension executed statement: SELECT id FROM core_country WHERE iseu='1' ORDER BY sortorder ASC, id ASC

CORE_Form::build_values_custom: Built boolean selection values the form field 'core.taxvalidateeunum'.

CORE_Form::def_form: Obtained values for all custom and regular selection items for the 'core.settingsform' form.

CORE_Form::spec_form: Modified definition for the 'core.settingsform' form for the 'core' component.

CORE_Form::print_form: Parameter 'sid' added to form as '6e53h33hu1jcpvu79u801edsq7x0uuz4'.

CORE_Form::print_form: Determined destination URL.

CORE_Form::print_form: Parameter 'app' added to form as 'core'.

CORE_Form::print_form: Parameter 'ns' added to form as 'settingsformproc'.

CORE_Form::check_field_def: Validated the form field 'core.taxcountrysys'.

CORE_Form::check_field_def: Validated the form field 'core.taxcountryeuentry'.

CORE_Form::check_field_def: Validated the form field 'core.taxcompanyeuaff'.

CORE_Form::check_field_def: Validated the form field 'core.taxcompanyeunumber'.

CORE_Form::check_field_def: Validated the form field 'core.taxcountryeudisp'.

CORE_Form::check_field_def: Validated the form field 'core.taxeusummarydisp'.

CORE_Form::check_field_def: Validated the form field 'core.taxcountryeuzero'.

CORE_Form::check_field_def: An invalid request to validate a form field was received. The form field 'core.taxcountryeuhome', a 'SELECT-TABLE' type field requires an array of values. An array of values was not specified.

CORE_BackEnd_settings::settings_form: Displayed settings form for the 'core' component.

CORE_App::exec_namespace: Executed namespace function 'settings_form' in the CORE_BackEnd_settings class without parameters.

CORE_App::exec: Completed executing component namespace 'settingsform'.

CORE::exec: Component phase completed.

CORE::shutdown: Beginning clean shutdown.

CORE::load_object: Cached object returned: CORE_Display Class: CORE_Display

CORE_Display::buffer: Output buffering completed. Output stored (FLUSH).

CORE_Display::flush_output: Buffer flushed. Display content stored.

CORE_Display::flush_output: Skin determined:



#8 01-30-2018 07:55:36

From: York, PA
Registered: 04-20-2001
Posts: 19861

Re: Not able to charge sales tax

This is the issue:


CORE_Form::check_field_def: An invalid request to validate a form field was received. The form field 'core.taxcountryeuhome', a 'SELECT-TABLE' type field requires an array of values. An array of values was not specified.

Execute this SQL, return CSV formatting, please post the result here:


SELECT * FROM core_settings WHERE id='core.taxcountryeuhome'

Nick Hendler



#9 01-31-2018 09:05:16

Registered: 04-18-2008
Posts: 10

Re: Not able to charge sales tax

Here is what I got for output.

"core.taxcountryeuhome","Country Tax: European Union VAT Rules - Home Country","core","Tax Settings","SELECT-TABLE","SELECT {COLS} FROM core_country WHERE iseu='1'","","1","United Kingdom","For European Union VAT Country Tax Rules, select the home country for calculating tax."



#10 02-01-2018 08:47:07

From: York, PA
Registered: 04-20-2001
Posts: 19861

Re: Not able to charge sales tax

Hmmm.  Nothing wrong there.  Check your country table and see if there are any countries listed as in the EU:


SELECT id FROM core_country WHERE iseu=1

If you get no output (which I expect), use System / Locations / Countries to swtich the 'European Union Status' to true for EU-based countries.  I suspect you're using a version of the software and don't have the default UK/EU countries and UK counties loaded.

Nick Hendler



#11 02-01-2018 10:09:01

Registered: 04-18-2008
Posts: 10

Re: Not able to charge sales tax

Ok so that was a little confusing.

Ran the statement and got no return as expected. Went in to Locations/Countries and set the VAT to true and now the Tax Settings page is loading. Set the parameters and did some testing and it appears that the Sales Tax is working now.

Enabling VAT to get things working was not what I was expecting.

Thanks for all the time and your input Nick I really appreciate it.




#12 02-02-2018 09:04:43

From: York, PA
Registered: 04-20-2001
Posts: 19861

Re: Not able to charge sales tax

Glad it's working for you.

Nick Hendler



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