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I need to find out if an order contains one of our new t-shirts or not. If it does, I need to adjust the shipping cost accordingly. I want to use the global "ecom.customship" value of "delitems" to count how many t-shirts (if any) are present in an order. The problem I am having is figuring out how to programatically refer to the elements within the "delitems" array in the context that it is a part of a larger array "ecom.customship".
In pseudocode:
look at the first element's key (product ID) in the delitems array;
is it the t-shirt?
if not, go to the next array element and repeat;
if it IS the t-shirt, read the quantity element;
use that value in the calculation;
I am not very well versed in PHP so I need a little help in turning this pseudocode into proper syntax.
Last edited by dskowron (12-21-2017 16:29:14)
I'm not sure where you are doing this, but I'm assuming it's in a custom shipping script. The code would look something like this assuming you have a list of t-shirt ids.
$info = $this->globals('ecom.customship'); $tshirtids = array('ID1','ID2','ID3'); $tshirtqty = 0; foreach ($info['delitems'] as $id => $qty) {if (in_array($id,$tshirtids)) {$tshirtqty += $qty}} if (!(empty($tshirtqty))) {print 'There are ' . $tshirtqty . ' tshirts in this order.';} else {print 'There are NO tshirts in this order.';}
Thank you Nick. Yes, this is in a custom shipping script.
With help from Nick, I have the perfect shipping script for my purposes. We have a very unique situation and needed custom shipping methods. Here it is - simple and fast.
Custom shipping script which sets different shipping methods and amounts depending on the country and whether or not
the customer has a t-shirt (up to three) in their cart. If so, the t-shirt shipping amount will cover everything else
that could be in the cart along with it. Except in the US, two shirts can ship either priority or first-class. Once three shirts are
ordered, that order has to ship via Priority.
In the US, any shirt quantity trips the shipping amount over into the Priority price.
$info = $this->globals('ecom.customship');
$method = 'First-Class Mail';
$method2 = 'Priority Mail Domestic';
$method3 = 'Priority Mail International';
//==================Thanks to Nick for the code in the following section.==============\\
$tshirtids = array('TSHIRT');
$tshirtqty = 0;
foreach ($info['delitems'] as $id => $qty) {
if (in_array($id,$tshirtids)) $tshirtqty += $qty;
//world shipping
if (($info['country'] != 'United States') and ($info['country'] != 'Canada') and ($info['country'] != 'Mexico')) {
$custom = array($method3 =>'35.00', $method => '14.00');
if ($tshirtqty>0 && $tshirtqty<3) { $custom = array($method3 =>'35.00', $method => '23.00');
}elseif ($tshirtqty==3){ $custom = array($method3 =>'35.00');
//US shipping
} elseif($info['country'] =='United States') {
$custom = array($method2 =>'6.50', $method => '4.00');
if ($tshirtqty>0){$custom = array($method2 =>'7.50');
//Canadian shipping
} elseif($info['country'] =='Canada') {
$custom = array($method3 =>'25.00', $method => '10.00');
if ($tshirtqty>0 && $tshirtqty<3){
$custom = array($method3 =>'25.00', $method => '16.00');
}elseif ($tshirtqty==3){
$custom = array($method3 =>'25.00');
//Mexican shipping
} elseif($info['country'] =='Mexico') {
$custom = array($method3 =>'31.00', $method => '12.00');
if ($tshirtqty>0 && $tshirtqty<3){
$custom = array($method3 =>'31.00', $method => '22.00');
}elseif ($tshirtqty==3){ $custom = array($method3 =>'31.00');
//==================== Put the Shipping Methods and Costs on the checkout form=====================\\
Last edited by dskowron (12-22-2017 17:51:31)