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Can I update my server to php 5.6 and mysql to MariaDB without issues?
What versions do I need to be running?
I am running Europacart (Component Base 8.0.4)
Component Base 8.0.4 The component base module provides a generic base class for modules to extend. All modules installed with this software extend this base class. Application 8.0.1 The application module provides a generic interface for components launched by the core. It handles component startup, execution and shutdown. Management Interface 8.0.3 The management interface module provides an interface for all administrative tasks. Management Interface Icons 8.0.0 The management interface icons module provides icons. Cron 8.0.0 The cron module provides functionality for running automated daily and weekly cron-based tasks which include database and filesystem cleanup. Encryption 8.0.0 The encryption module provides an interface for encrypting and decrypting ASCII data using a HCE cipher. The encrypted strings are MD5 encoded for portability. Database 8.0.0 The database module provides a generic interface for database interaction with a variety of database backends including MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite. Database Tools 8.0.0 The database tools module provides various database table and data interfaces that allow the software to easily manipulate database table structures and data. Display 8.0.1 The display module provides interfaces for display skin inclusion, display include file execution and output buffering. Error 8.0.0 The error module provides functions for printing system errors to the display. It is used internally by components and modules and externally by the PHP trigger_error() function. File 8.0.0 The file module provides filesystem interfaces for working with files and directories. This includes create, update and delete functions. Form Handler 8.0.0 The form handler module provides interfaces for creating and validating XHTML forms. FrontEnd Interface 8.0.3 The frontend interface module provides an interface for end-user frontend tasks. Installer 8.0.0 The installer module provides installation functions for components and modules. Joomla! 8.0.0 The Joomla! module provides functions that provide a bridge between this software and Joomla!. JavaScript Library 8.0.4 The javascript library module provides JavaScript library functions for the software. Mail 8.0.1 The mail module provides interfaces for sending email messages. It is capable of sending messages in HTML format as well as text format (or both). Remote 8.0.0 The remote module provides functions that work with the PHP cURL extension to provide remote access to files and programs on the Internet. Session 8.0.0 The session module provides session management and cookie functionality. SiteMap 8.0.0 The SiteMap module provides a user viewable map of the site, and provides a SiteMap in XML format for search engines. XML 8.0.0 The core XML module provides a standalone XML parser. The parser does not require expat or any other C-based PHP extension modules. Extension Module: EuropaCart 8.0.0 The EuropaCart extension module provides features for EuropaCart. Website Component Name Version Description Component Base 8.0.4 The component base module provides a generic base class for modules to extend. Banner Advertisements 8.0.0 The banner advertisements module prodvides advertisement banner functionality. Management Interface Icons 8.0.0 The management interface icons module provides icons. Content Management 8.0.0 The content management module prodvides content management functions for user defined XHTML pages. Demo Site 8.0.0 The demo site module provides no logic or code. What is does provide is data for the demo site installed initially with the program. This module may be updated but it's version number will not change so as to prevent demo data from being downloaded into previously installed sites. Dynamic Forms 8.0.0 The dynamic forms module prodvides content management functions for user created forms. Extension Module: NewsRSS 8.0.1 The NewsRSS extension module provides an advanced news service and syndication using RSS. Shop Component Name Version Description Component Base 8.0.4 The component base module provides a generic base class for modules to extend. Management Interface Icons 8.0.0 The management interface icons module provides icons. Shopping Cart 8.0.1 The shopping cart module provides shopping cart functionality and pre-checkout order functions. Categories 8.0.0 The categories module provides category display functionality. Checkout 8.0.2 The checkout module provides order creation and payment setup functions. Demo Store 8.0.0 The demo store module provides no logic or code. What is does provide is data for the demo store installed initially with the program. This module may be updated but it's version number will not change so as to prevent demo data from being downloaded into previously installed stores. Data Exporter 8.0.0 The data exporter module exports a variety of data in a variety of formats. Google Checkout 8.0.0 The Google Checkout module provides an alternate checkout system using Google Checkout. Online Processing 8.0.3 The online processing module provides online processing functions. Order 8.0.2 The order module provides functions for looking up, printing and processing orders. PayPal Integration 8.0.1 The PayPal module provides an integration with advanced PayPal systems. Products 8.0.2 The products module provides product display functionality. Reviews 8.0.1 The Reviews module provides reviews for products. Shipping 8.0.0 The shipping module provides facilities to quote shipping rates as well as retrieve tracking information. ShipEstimator 8.0.1 The ShipEstimator module provides shipping estimates. Extension Module: Batch Order Management (BOM) 8.0.3 The Batch Order Management (BOM) extension module provides a quick way to manage orders, enter package tracking numbers, print invoices and email customer updates. Extension Module: Google Rich Snippets 8.0.5 The Google Rich Snippets extension module integrates the software with Google Rich Snippets. Common Software Modules Name Version Description PEAR Archive_Tar 1.3.1 The PEAR Archive_Tar class. PEAR Auth_SASL 1.0.2 The PEAR Auth_SASL class. PEAR Console_Getopt 1.2.0 The PEAR Console_Getopt class. PEAR File_Find 1.3.0 The PEAR File_Find class. PEAR Mail 1.1.14 The PEAR Mail class. PEAR Mail_mime 1.4.0 The PEAR Mail_mime class. PEAR Net_SMTP 1.2.8 The PEAR Net_SMTP class. PEAR Net_Socket 1.0.6 The PEAR Net_Socket class. PEAR Base 1.4.9 The PEAR base class. PEAR Services_JSON 1.31.0 The PEAR Services_JSON class. Management Interface Skin 8.0.0 The default management interface skin. Desktop Skin 8.0.0 The desktop skin seen by end users. Joomla! Skin 8.0.0 This skin is used to import a skin from a Joomla! installation. MailMessage Skin 8.0.0 The default MailMessage skin. Used as a wrapper for all mail messages. Mobile Skin 8.0.0 The mobile skin seen by end users. Print Skin 8.0.0 The print skin seen by end users.
Will this run without changes?
I'd recommend upgrading to version 8.0.9 to get all the updates you'll need to run on PHP5.6. When you run that update using your installer.php script, ensure you reinstall PEAR modules as new ones will be needed to function on PHP5.6. Here are the instructions you'll want to follow: … 2015A.html