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#1 01-31-2017 11:16:30

From: bedford
Registered: 04-02-2008
Posts: 1706

Product Offer >> Product Sort/Search Price

Is this the expected behaviour.............

Set Product Offer Product Sort/Search Price as 15,

Go To Inventory Items. Select Inv Item ID and Set Reg Each / Vol Sch* as £1.00

Save Product.

Click to Update same product, and the Product Sort/Search Price has changed to 1 as it has been overwritten by the Reg Each / Vol Sch* value.

This will happen for any product you set the Reg Each / Vol Sch* as 1.00 or over.

If you set the Reg Each / Vol Sch* as 0.99 or under, it will not overwrite the Product Sort/Search Price value.

I don't think it should be overwriting the Product Sort/Search Price value, as it is pretty pointless having this field if it is just going to be overwritten.




#2 01-31-2017 11:27:03

From: bedford
Registered: 04-02-2008
Posts: 1706

Re: Product Offer >> Product Sort/Search Price

It seems this is intentional.
I have modified ECOM_Prod so that the sort price is no longer overwritten by the regprice value.




#3 01-31-2017 13:26:29

From: York, PA
Registered: 04-20-2001
Posts: 19798

Re: Product Offer >> Product Sort/Search Price

This is intentional.  Most users would want the sort price updated automatically as they make pricing changes.

Nick Hendler



#4 02-01-2017 05:06:31

From: bedford
Registered: 04-02-2008
Posts: 1706

Re: Product Offer >> Product Sort/Search Price

or you could have...

Leave Product Sort/Search Price as 0.00 to use Reg Price value in sort price order, or Enter a Integer here to use in sort price order.

As my prices are all dynamic, I need a Sort price to be used as the Reg Price is set to £1.00 for every product(it is set to £1 for a good reason and can't be changed)

but I do understand why you have done it this way.




#5 02-01-2017 08:56:32

From: York, PA
Registered: 04-20-2001
Posts: 19798

Re: Product Offer >> Product Sort/Search Price

I considered your suggestion, however the pricing for the product offer is stored in a different table, which would require mucho resources when doing searches and sorts to use as the sort price field.  That's why sort price is in there, to avoid all that, and it's updated automatically so as to avoid having to maintain it. 

In your case I'd recommend disabling the sort controls on the product offer listings and ignoring this, unless the functionality is crucial to you.  Typically sorting by price is only an effective tool on category pages with many offers, perhaps pages upon pages of offers.  Note that this does not address advanced searches which use price parameters - those use sort price as well.

Nick Hendler



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