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Uncletim - Splash page is
the home page is
the feature slots are shown on the spalsh page. i.e your root directory , i dont know how to edit the Store page. Nick can you help please?
Aircut wrote:
Uncletim - Splash page is
the home page is
the feature slots are shown on the spalsh page. i.e your root directory , i dont know how to edit the Store page. Nick can you help please?
You can edit the store home here-
Cart > Component > Settings > Display Controls: Store Splash Page Lists
Select the product list and category list you want. If you need to create additional they can be created here-
Cart > Store Displays > Category Displays
Cart > Store Displays > Product List Displays
I can see you turn on the slider at this location
Cart > Component > Settings > Display Controls: Store Splash Page Lists
But I do not see how to change out the images that are in the slider. Am I missing something?
are showing different content. the first is showing the features products in the various slots
the former is shoing the categories and featured products as it used to be in CCP7
how to i edit to show the content.
The store splash page doesn't use the featured products slots - it shows one set of products which are controlled by the 'Display on Store Splash Page' setting under Store > Catalog > Products. It's name and settings are managed under Store > Component > Settings > Display Controls: Store Splash Page Lists.
Here is what I was missing.
These are linked images in the slider.
The slide display on the splash page is a series of images that are controlled at
System Dashboard > Website > Content > Banner Advertisements
You also control the side banners there too.
I noticed the size of your banners in the slider are 650 x 250 px. Can you give me any recommendations for improving the image quality? My images seem to render squashed or misfit. The text is less than optimal. Are the images being rendered at 650 x 250?
Hey Nick:
Is there a reason some of my slider jpgs are dropping out. I can only get one that I created to run, the rest just drop out.
The size is 665 x 250. I am creating the jpg in Photoshop 5.5 Mac using save for web and devices.
Is there are trick to getting these to work?
Here is a little more info.
I can get all three of your images to rotate on the slider on the splash page.
I can get one of mine to do it. If I put my images A and B up, only A renders. If I just put up image B, it renders. I cannot get images A and B to render one after another, like your do. They are about 23 kb in size.
Does that tell you anything?
Interesting I got it to work.
I had to clone your images and then replace it with my data and image.
Then everything works fine except once every few cycles, it drops off for a second. I wonder if there is something wrong with the Create a new slide routine?
If you are having trouble with this routine, trying cloning a known good image.
I am seeing a difference in behavior with the slider on the splash page when viewed using Safari 6 on a Mac Lion system.
Firefox 14 renders it fine but Safari has a moment where everything seems to disappear and then continue normally. I only have three images in it and I had to clone the existing files to get it to work.
I am not sure but I don';t think this is something I am doing.
Here it is if you want to look.
It turns out it is only a isolated case within one browser instance.
Everything seems to be working fine. I like this cart.
Jeez, I got a headache trying to get my mind around that. I I get it now, and have products back on my home page. Thanks to Aircut for the useful tips.
Change the titles of the blocks in
System Dashboard > Store > Component > Settings > Display Controls: Featured Product Lists - I had a load of stuff about Guitars which has now thankfully gone away.
Yea I am good
Hello. I am having a similar problem in getting the the five "Featured Product Lists" to display. I've activated the sliders under "Store > Component > Settings > Display Controls: Featured Product Lists" and I have assigned a slot to my products but I still get nothing.
Last edited by Casimiro (09-26-2012 10:16:16)
Another question: Let's say I want to display only one of the featured slots on a specific page. What would be the code to limit the display to slot 1, for example?
Last edited by Casimiro (10-01-2012 19:00:19)
You can't really just display one of the slots. You can display all of them using:
<?php $this->include_namespace('ecom','prodfeature'); ?>
Thanks Nick. As a follow up question, are the codes provided in this wiki ( ) still valid for version 8?
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