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#1 09-23-2009 23:23:56

Registered: 07-22-2009
Posts: 46

Activate Joomla! Skin Importer issues


I have added Joomla to my webserver. I added the 11 modules into Joomla and activated them. I added in the URL and Connector Password to CCP and Joomla.

I am running this on IIS/PHP/MySQL -  Its on Vista Business.

My issue is, when I enable the Activate Joomla! Skin Importer (true) the page gets all messed up, almost looks like a text version only at the top of the page. When I turn the Activate Joomla! Skin Importer off, the pages go back to normal.

Feeds and Wrappers are off in Joomla.

I will leave the site up for you all to look at:

Any suggestions?



#2 09-23-2009 23:30:30

Registered: 07-22-2009
Posts: 46

Re: Activate Joomla! Skin Importer issues

This is strange. I tried the other Templates, and the JA_Purity template seems to work better BUT all my product menus are GONE ! LOL
I am going to leave the standard template up which is what I would like to use.



#3 09-24-2009 12:19:20

Registered: 07-22-2009
Posts: 46

Re: Activate Joomla! Skin Importer issues

Still no joy on correcting the issue. Any ideas?! I dont want to keep the site up as it is for much longer....

Gary K



#4 09-24-2009 19:21:37

Registered: 07-22-2009
Posts: 46

Re: Activate Joomla! Skin Importer issues

I am going to put the site back to normal.  I will provide screenshots instead.

Gary K



#5 09-24-2009 19:24:12

Registered: 07-22-2009
Posts: 46

Re: Activate Joomla! Skin Importer issues



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<a href=";ns=prodshow&amp;ref=DC2012" title="Buffalo Bills Gifts - Spinning Desk Clock"><img src="media/ecom/prodsm/Buffalo-Bills-Spinning-Desk-Clock.jpg" width="100" alt="Buffalo Bills Gifts - Spinning Desk Clock" /></a>

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<p><a href=";ns=prodshow&amp;ref=DC2012" title="Buffalo Bills Gifts - Spinning Desk Clock">Buffalo Bills Gifts - Spinning Desk Clock</a></p>

<p>Buffalo Bills Gifts - Spinning Desk Clock. This Officially Licensed flask is decorated in the team colors and proudly displays hand-crafted metal emblem featuring the Team Logo.  Personalized Engraving Available on this item.</p>

<div class="pricediv"><p class="inline">Price: </p><p class="price">$24.95</p></div>



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<a href=";ns=prodshow&amp;ref=CSWS2021" title="Arizona Cardinals Gifts - Cork Screw and Wine Bottle Topper Set"><img src="media/ecom/prodsm/Arizona-Cardinals-Cork-Screw-and-Wine-Bottle-Topper-Set.jpg" width="100" alt="Arizona Cardinals Gifts - Cork Screw and Wine Bottle Topper Set" /></a>

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<p><a href=";ns=prodshow&amp;ref=CSWS2021" title="Arizona Cardinals Gifts - Cork Screw and Wine Bottle Topper Set">Arizona Cardinals Gifts - Cork Screw and Wine Bottle Topper Set</a></p>

<p>Arizona Cardinals Gifts - Cork Screw and Wine Bottle Topper Set. An Officially Licensed Stainless Steel Wine Set featuring a cork screw and bottle topper decorated with hand-crafted metal Team Logos.  The perfect compliment to your Bar or Game Room décor.</p>

<div class="pricediv"><p class="inline">Price: </p><p class="price">$19.95</p></div>



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<a href=";ns=prodshow&amp;ref=TPMB2028" title="Tennessee Titans Gifts - 25 foot Black Tape Measure"><img src="media/ecom/prodsm/Tennessee-Titans-25-foot-Black-Tape-Measure.jpg" width="100" alt="Tennessee Titans Gifts - 25 foot Black Tape Measure" /></a>

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<p><a href=";ns=prodshow&amp;ref=TPMB2028" title="Tennessee Titans Gifts - 25 foot Black Tape Measure">Tennessee Titans Gifts - 25 foot Black Tape Measure</a></p>

<p>Tennessee Titans Gifts - 25 foot Black Tape Measure. Officially Licensed 25' Tape Measure decorated with hand-crafted metal Team Logo.</p>

<div class="pricediv"><p class="inline">Price: </p><p class="price">$17.95</p></div>



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<a href=";ns=prodshow&amp;ref=TT2005-7" title="Washington Redskins Gifts - 16oz Stainless Steel Travel Tumbler Primary Logo"><img src="media/ecom/prodsm/Washington-Redskins-16oz-Stainless-Steel-Travel-Tumbler-Primary-Logo.jpg" width="100" alt="Washington Redskins Gifts - 16oz Stainless Steel Travel Tumbler Primary Logo" /></a>

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<p><a href=";ns=prodshow&amp;ref=TT2005-7" title="Washington Redskins Gifts - 16oz Stainless Steel Travel Tumbler Primary Logo">Washington Redskins Gifts - 16oz Stainless Steel Travel Tumbler Primary Logo</a></p>

<p>Washington Redskins Gifts - 16oz Stainless Steel Travel Tumbler Primary Logo. Show off your pride by drinking from this Officially Licensed Stainless Steel Travel Mug with hand-crafted metal team logo.  Fits in your vehicle cup holder, keeps drinks hot or cold and features a no spill lid.</p>

<div class="pricediv"><p class="inline">Price: </p><p class="price">$24.95</p></div>



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<a href=";ns=prodshow&amp;ref=GJB2008-7" title="Dallas Cowboys Gifts - 31oz Glass Candy Jar Primary Logo"><img src="media/ecom/prodsm/Dallas-Cowboys-31oz-Glass-Candy-Jar-Primary-Logo.jpg" width="100" alt="Dallas Cowboys Gifts - 31oz Glass Candy Jar Primary Logo" /></a>

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<p><a href=";ns=prodshow&amp;ref=GJB2008-7" title="Dallas Cowboys Gifts - 31oz Glass Candy Jar Primary Logo">Dallas Cowboys Gifts - 31oz Glass Candy Jar Primary Logo</a></p>

<p>Dallas Cowboys Gifts - 31oz Glass Candy Jar Primary Logo. An Officially Licensed Candy Jar decorated with a hand-crafted metal Team Logo.  Just add candy and you'll have the perfect gift for the Sports Fan with a 'Sweet Tooth'.</p>

<div class="pricediv"><p class="inline">Price: </p><p class="price">$17.95</p></div>




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#6 10-01-2009 11:37:08

From: York, PA
Registered: 04-20-2001
Posts: 19861

Re: Activate Joomla! Skin Importer issues

CCP 7.1 solves this issue.  Please update your Joomla! extensions and CCP to the latest version.

More info:

Nick Hendler



#7 03-10-2014 03:47:06

Registered: 03-10-2014
Posts: 1

Re: Activate Joomla! Skin Importer issues

As per the word moves, "Change seriously isn't generally progress". A number of computer users still manage to solidly rely on this affirmation even though choosing WindowsXP, as the default operating-system for their Personal computers, in front of their upgraded versions, Glass windows Landscape as well as Glass windows 7. Actually, Or windows 7 Support Group only two still is constantly on the leadership more than their far inferior predecessors, and in addition, their thus called upgraded & exceptional successors, regarding reputation amongst popular LAPTOP OR COMPUTER users. The actual reputation of WindowsXP owes in order to their steadiness as well as user friendly user interface.



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