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Does CCP7 support reporting transactions to Google Analytics? The method can be found at … swer=55528
Last edited by (07-30-2009 14:22:43)
That link results in a page not found so I can't really answer the question without finding out exactly what it is you're looking for. In version 7 there is a setting where your Goggle Analytics account number may be entered. The description of what it's used for is:
Enter your Google Analytics account number to automatically track all URLs generated by this software through Google Analytics. Leave this field blank to disable Google Analytics usage.
Ah. Fixed the link. Sorry!
My answer in post 2 should be all that you need to do to get the analyzing you need.
So you're saying it does not register transactions with GA when a sale is completed. Only that it will track the URLs visited.
It does that and more. The tracking provided by CCP should give you more GA data than you can shake a stick at.
Oh, good! Thanks for the clarification Dave.