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I'm not sure if this is a problem with CCP7 or how it could have happen. Just thought I would share the info so it could be looked into as a possible bug. What happened was I could not do any updates, deletes, or change permissions on several files. When I contacted my server provider (AVAHost) they found serveral files that they said CCP7 had cerated that did not have an owner. they fixed it and all worked.
CCP can only ever create files with the authority of the web server unless you've FTPed to your site and created something manually. I'd be curious to know exactly what files they found without an owner. It's actually not possible for something running under the web server process to create a file without an owner AFAIK unless there's a configuration issue with the provider.
I also have a similar problem. I have a folder in my CCP7 install that I can not delete or change. I contacted the host to have it removed and they told me that a program was using it and to wait a few days and try again. That did not work either. I am pretty sure, my issue resulted to a .htaccess error I created when password protecting the downloads folder. But I corrected the problem with the .htaccess file, but I still can not delete the files. "ohsynder' does this have anything to do with your issue perhaps?
Bryan: I don't have a clue. My host fixed that problem but now I am trying to figure out a problem with image files. I finally worked through one product that worked fine (the problems were my doing, or not doing, the right things.) Once I got it working (looking) like I wanted it to I thought I was on my way to real production. The next product I loaded only wrote the image file to the 'cat' area. It did not write it to the prodsm; prodlg; and prodxl areas. I copied the same file to those areas and it worked except the rendering of the XL version of the image is smaller than the other 3. I changed the permissions on the three folders; deleted the item and then reloaded it using a clone of the one that was working - viola - I'm still reading to try to find find a way to fix the rendering of the XL as TINY ???? Not sure if the two issues could be related.