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Hello all. We have finished updating the Kryptronic Corporate site here:
With information on the new ClickCartPro 7 release. Now you have all the info you need in one place. We've completely overhauled the site (and even upgraded to CCP7 already) and think you'll find a number of resources available that weren't before. Demos, features lists, release notes, etc. are all online. For users familiar with ClickCartPro, I recommend checking out this page:
You can purchase ClickCartPro 7 here:
Full Version:
We have moved ClickCartPro 7 from a RELEASE state to STABLE. No bugs have been reported to date.
dh783 wrote:
Both links lead to the same web page, and you need to fix the header of the first section
About ClickCartPro 6 FULL
*** I figured out the URL ...
Little creative thinking and here is the 7.0 Upgrade URL:
Enjoy all !
*** I am hanging till Monday for my 6.x upgrade to 7.x as I spent some coin on my xmods , SO GLAD to hear they will be converted over. As I never even started working on 6.x , but I bought the xMod for it.
Here is a snip RE: xMod / 6.x
ClickCartPro 6 users with XMODs installed: Please wait until Monday, 07/20/2009 to purchase an upgrade if you would like any XMODs you have installed in ClickCartPro 6 carried over to your ClickCartPro 7 license without paying for them again.
when will vershion 7 be in the UK?
There's only 1 version of 7 and it's available, and suitable for, everyone including those in the UK. Simply purchase it, or upgrade, through the . There is no longer a UK specific version of CCP. Version 7 will work anywhere in the world.
ok so if i bought this on the US site they would install this for me, would the guy in the UK support me still or would i have to phone/contact somone in the US
ps how are you
Yes, no, yes.
Fine thanks. U?
Hi Dave
im fine i had some bad news afew weeks back, the guy who designed the site died so i am stuffed if i need any changies with the design of things
all i know is how to list things and how to process orders, apart from that im not as cleaver as you tech guys :-)
will the guy (Howard )? every be able to give support as i dont think i like the idea on phoneing somone in the US all the time
Sorry to hear that. Howard is still available for support but neither he nor Kryptronic offer phone support and the fora is the best resource available for questions.
ok i did not relise that they stoped offering phone support????
it has been a while since i have needed to phone him.
is vershion 7 much better, will it make google crall my items better?
I didn't say Howard had stopped offering phone support. I don't know if he still does or doesn't. Look at the features of version 7 to see what's new and changed. Nothing can say with certainty that something will make Google see your site in a more favorable light.
ok dave as always you are a great help
hope things stays all ok with you
god bless
Pages: 1