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Can anyone recommend a hosting and support company for Click Cart 5.1(tiki). Looking to upgrade too.
Business website so needs to be reliable and well supported. Lots of mods.
Currently hosted in the USA.
Thanks in advance.
Quite a few of our clients host with them and we've had great experience with their servers and support.
OK thanks.
Are they just hosting or can they take care of the transition and upgrade too? Also future mods/problems?
Or perhaps yourselves?
Last edited by redcow (05-20-2009 10:51:10)
Since you're still using CCP 5.1 you'll want to be very careful about a providers level of Perl that is available as well as any additions to it that may be required for your installation of CCP 5.1.
I don't have any especially in the UK. Nowadays it really shouldn't matter where your provider is located.
With virtually any hosting provider unless you have a dedicated server package support will likely only be available through e-mail or support forums. The additional money for a dedicated server will usually (depending on the provider of course) also get you telephone support. You are the only one that can weigh the cost/benefit of those trade-offs.
I know of many with telephone support for all levels of hosting but in the US.
Dave wrote:
I don't have any especially in the UK. Nowadays it really shouldn't matter where your provider is located.
Hi Dave
Don't the SE's give added weight to sites hosted on "local" servers? i.e. if I host a UK business site on a U.S. server, the info I have read in various places on the net suggests that the site suffers in the rankings. Host it on a UK server and it does better in the eyes of Google UK. Is that no longer the case?
I have a reseller account on a U.S. server and it would save money to move a few sites from the UK hosting to the reseller account, but I fear the loss in rankings.
I have no idea whether they do or not and I doubt that anyone does know for sure unless they work for the SE itself. It really shouldn't matter IMO. I said it shouldn't not that it doesn't I don't know for sure any more than the next person.
If it DOES make a difference it would be interesting to know how they determine where a site is being hosted.
It would be easy for Google to determine where a site is hosted simply from the IP (not 100% reliable but pretty close). I'll bet they already do that.
I agree that it *shouldn't* matter. The hosting location should be a decision for the site owner based on service levels, reliability and cost, and I don't see why Google should be interested in that aspect because it's a commercial decision for the site owner. I'm pretty sure thay do weight it though.
I know I can use Google Webmaster Tools to tell Google where (geographically) my site operates, as opposed to where my site is hosted. Maybe that's the answer.
Anyone any ideas?
(looking forward to Monday's release )
Last edited by NicheDev (06-20-2009 12:00:31)
Well, my website is hosted by GoDaddy (US) but their shared server is in Spain... The virtual dedicated server offered by GoDaddy is also in Spain... I never even thought this is important until now.